Reply 300 of 437, by sndwv

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Oetker wrote on 2024-05-06, 20:31:
sndwv wrote on 2024-05-06, 16:51:

Just to make sure: the supposed SC-55 'mk I' set I might have found (the file names match and file sizes seem to make sense but extensions are .ic23, .ic30 etc., maybe a MAME thing?) is not usable and cannot be converted? In that case I'll toss it.

These can be renamed, but the set you have is probably short a file.

[removed as to not violate any warez policies]

Last edited by sndwv on 2024-05-06, 21:28. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 301 of 437, by DosFreak

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Everyone please take the ROM talk elsewhere (not vogons). Hashes, filenames, mame, talking around it, raging against the machine, etc
If you are legally backing up your ROM then discuss it here: https://github.com/nukeykt/Nuked-SC55
If you are not then do not take your methods of how you operate on other sites as how you will operate here, it will not work out well for you.
Those thinking they are clever are really not. Lawyers do not care about your supposed cleverness.

Re: Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55mkII emulator announcement

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
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Reply 302 of 437, by sndwv

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Ok, no worries- removing my question.

Reply 303 of 437, by kode54

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The MAME SC-55 mk I set does not contain the "extra code" ROM dump.

Reply 304 of 437, by AppleSauce

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Rank Oldbie
kode54 wrote on 2024-05-06, 21:31:

The MAME SC-55 mk I set does not contain the "extra code" ROM dump.

Yeah I believe the rom contained within the cpu needs to be dumped still? Which requires a dumping rom containing a line of code and a logic analyser hooked up to to D0-D7 and WR as the trigger at least thats what I've gathered from what I've read.

Reply 305 of 437, by Karmeck

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AppleSauce wrote on 2024-05-06, 22:58:
kode54 wrote on 2024-05-06, 21:31:

The MAME SC-55 mk I set does not contain the "extra code" ROM dump.

Yeah I believe the rom contained within the cpu needs to be dumped still? Which requires a dumping rom containing a line of code and a logic analyser hooked up to to D0-D7 and WR as the trigger at least thats what I've gathered from what I've read.

All is dumped, as seen here

Kinda hard to have the sha-1 otherwise.

Reply 306 of 437, by AppleSauce

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Karmeck wrote on 2024-05-07, 06:55:
All is dumped, as seen here https://github.com/nukeykt/Nuked-SC55/issues/34 […]
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AppleSauce wrote on 2024-05-06, 22:58:
kode54 wrote on 2024-05-06, 21:31:

The MAME SC-55 mk I set does not contain the "extra code" ROM dump.

Yeah I believe the rom contained within the cpu needs to be dumped still? Which requires a dumping rom containing a line of code and a logic analyser hooked up to to D0-D7 and WR as the trigger at least thats what I've gathered from what I've read.

All is dumped, as seen here

Kinda hard to have the sha-1 otherwise.

Oh yeah of course nuked has it , I just mean MAME doesn't for some reason they have the other ones except that one.

Reply 307 of 437, by Rincewind42

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Actually, I'm pretty excited for the JV-880 emulation. Anyone musician here who used the hardware before? It sounds pretty good in this video. '90s good 😀


It just *begs* to be converted into a CLAP plugin 😁

My understanding is it's totally useless for GM/GS DOS games, though (it's only 8-part multitimbral vs the 24-voice GM requirement, plus it doesn't have the 128 GM compatible instruments).

But for general music production, it just sounds so lovely:

DOS: Soyo SY-5TF, MMX 200, 128MB, S3 Virge DX, ESS 1868F, AWE32, QWave, S2, McFly, SC-55, MU80, MP32L
Win98: Gigabyte K8VM800M, Athlon64 3200+, 512MB, Matrox G400, SB Live
WinXP: Gigabyte P31-DS3L, C2D 2.33 GHz, 2GB, GT 430, Audigy 4

Reply 308 of 437, by Karmeck

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Rank Newbie
Rincewind42 wrote on 2024-05-10, 11:08:

Actually, I'm pretty excited for the JV-880 emulation. Anyone musician here who used the hardware before? It sounds pretty good in this video. '90s good 😀


It just *begs* to be converted into a CLAP plugin 😁

Regarding the jv880, there is an ongoing discussion on github regarding the cards that could be bought for it.


Reply 309 of 437, by Spikey

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On SR-JV80-07, I recently did a comparison of what's missing (from the SO-PCM1 cards). And there's quite a lot, 3MB as Python Blue says. Although, 1MB of this was added to the JV-90/1000 and beyond (the piano card, which obviously is NOT in the 80/880). Plus, Roland itself mentions something like that the waves may not all be the same.

You can see in the Excel file (attached) what patches are named the same and what's missing fairly easily.

Reply 310 of 437, by Spikey

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Rank Oldbie
Rincewind42 wrote on 2024-05-10, 11:08:
Actually, I'm pretty excited for the JV-880 emulation. Anyone musician here who used the hardware before? It sounds pretty good […]
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Actually, I'm pretty excited for the JV-880 emulation. Anyone musician here who used the hardware before? It sounds pretty good in this video. '90s good 😀


It just *begs* to be converted into a CLAP plugin 😁

My understanding is it's totally useless for GM/GS DOS games, though (it's only 8-part multitimbral vs the 24-voice GM requirement, plus it doesn't have the 128 GM compatible instruments).

But for general music production, it just sounds so lovely:

I have a JV-90 sitting right next to me (80/880 with extra patches and piano sounds, slightly upgraded OS). I would call it, unironically, one of the greatest sounding synths I've ever heard. Although I'm not sure how well this project emulates analog DAC's and the like which is part of the JV sound.

You can actually make the synth GM compatible, or at least the later versions anyway - the 90/1000. I don't think the 880 has both card and internal memory to be able to take 128 patches (only 64).

But anyway, it's an amazing synth. The hardware JV-90/1000 can be expanded with a SC-50 synth engine on a card as well (and vice versa, the JV-50 can be expanded with the JV-90/1000 on a card).
Not GM compatible unfortunately, and the OS/logic is fundamentally different from the 90/1000 (and even the 80 I think) so I don't think it would be any sort of quick fix to make it a "980" or whatever.

But yes, as Rincewind says, hugely helpful for music production. Many default and card sounds are outstanding. Presumably the SysEx PN-JV80 sounds can already be used, the ones that don't require extra cards, anyway (4,5,7?).

Reply 311 of 437, by Xenon 2

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There's something else that I wanted to talk about, and share, for a very long time, being related to Reverb, so I think that the release of Nuked-SC55 is a good opportunity to finally do it.

Back in 2002, when I had discovered the https://www.doomworld.com/classicdoom/info/music.php web page, containing the MP2 files, of the Doom and Doom 2 recordings made with a Roland Sound Canvas SCC-1, I just couldn't believe that it could sound that much better, compared to my Sound Blaster AWE32.

But, despite of the much better instruments' quality, I suspected that there was also some tweaking/tuning done to these recordings, which seemed like a lot of Reverb applied to them, but these recordings had made me take the decision of buying a Roland Sound Canvas SC-55mkII.

However, once I had been able to listen to the Doom musics, for the first time with my SC-55mkII, despite that I was pleased by the much better instruments' quality, compared to my Sound Blaster AWE32, I was a bit disapointed by the lack of Reverb, by default, and it felt rather "soft", compared to the MP2 recordings.

So, I've first increased the Reverb level, for all of the MIDI channels, from the default value of 40, up to the maximum value of 127 : this sounded much better, but still, it wasn't as "powerful" as the MP2 recordings.

Then, I've also increased the overall/master Reverb level, from the default value of 64, up to the maximum value of 127 too, and finally, it sounded exactly like the MP2 recordings that I liked so much.

After having listened to many of my favorite games' MIDI musics with these maximum Reverb settings, I've become addicted to it, and I couldn't enjoy listening to them with the default Reverb level values anymore.

And so, I had taken the decision to use these maximum Reverb settings permanently, for absolutely everything I would listen with my SC-55mkII, along with also using permanently, the custom Voice Reserve configuration, of 2 voices for the channels 1-12, and 1 voice for the channels 13-16, like I've explained in my previous post in this forum thread ( Re: Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55mkII emulator announcement ).

However, in order to prevent all of these custom settings from being reset back to their default values, if playing a game or MIDI music/file sending either a "GS Reset" or "GM System On" SysEx message, a solution is to set both the "Rx GS Reset" and "Rx GM On" settings to "off", using the front panel buttons.

I've created a MIDI file, attached to this post, allowing to quickly and easily set your real Roland Sound Canvas synth, or Nuked-SC55, to the maximum Reverb level, and also to customize the Voice Reserve configuration.

For the Reverb, it will set each of the 16 MIDI channels' Reverb level to the maximum value of 127, which is useful for games or MIDI musics/files which don't set any channel Reverb value (like Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Raptor and Rise of the Triad), and also set the overall/master Reverb level to the maximum value of 127, using the "F0 41 10 42 12 40 01 33 7F 0D F7" SysEx message, which will benefit and boost the Reverb for every games or MIDI musics/files.

As for the custom Voice Reserve configuration, since I also wanted to provide a better configuration for the original SC-55 users, in addition to the SC-55mkII users, then instead of creating 2 different MIDI files, I had the idea of doing it with one single MIDI file, by first sending a SysEx message to set the Voice Reserve number, to 2 voices for the channels 1-12, and to 0 voice for the channels 13-16, which will work on both the original SC-55 and the SC-55mkII, and then sending another SysEx message to set the Voice Reserve number, to 2 voices for the channels 1-12, and to 1 voice for the channels 13-16, which will obviously be ignored/discarded by the original SC-55, but will work on the SC-55mkII.

At least, this additional custom Voice Reserve configuration for the original SC-55, will prevent notes being cut off too early, for the games using the channels 11 and/or 12, in addition to the channels 1-10, like Heretic, for example.

Also, since there are games and MIDI musics/files sending either a "GS Reset" or "GM System On" SysEx message, which would reset all of the settings changed by my "Max Reverb" MIDI file, like the original DOS version of Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen and Raptor, sending one "GM System On" SysEx message when launching/starting them, I also wanted to provide a convenient solution/way to set both the "Rx GS Reset" and "Rx GM On" settings to "off", but it seems that there's no SysEx message, allowing to do that, unless there are such SysEx messages being hidden/undocumented ?

This would have been particularly useful for the Roland Sound Canvas synth models without a LCD display and front panel buttons, like the SC-55ST, CM-300 or CM-500, which don't have a way to set the "Rx GS Reset" or "Rx GM On" settings to "off" then.

However, in this case, instead of using the original DOS version of Doom, Doom 2, Heretic or Hexen, a solution could be to rather use a source port instead, which doesn't send any "GS Reset" or "GM System On" SysEx message.

Finally, when the "Rx GS Reset" or "Rx GM On" settings have been turned "off" by using the front panel buttons on a SC-55 or SC-55mkII, then performing a manual "Init GS" or "Init GM" by using the front panel buttons, won't set these 2 settings back to "on" : only performing a manual "Init All" by using the front panel buttons will do it.

Actually, this is a good thing, since that, if you need to reset your synth, then you won't have to set the "Rx GS Reset" or "Rx GM On" settings back to "off", everytime you perform a manual "Init GS" or "Init GM" by using the front panel buttons.

Also, since Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Raptor and Rise of the Triad, don't set any Reverb or Chorus value for the MIDI channels, remember to not switch back to any of these games, without resetting your synth (and replaying my "Max Reverb" MIDI file), after having played another game or MIDI music/file which sets Reverb and/or Chorus values for the MIDI channels, like Duke Nukem 3D, for example.

Reply 312 of 437, by Falcosoft

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Xenon 2 wrote on 2024-05-12, 07:56:
There's something else that I wanted to talk about, and share, for a very long time, being related to Reverb, so I think that th […]
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There's something else that I wanted to talk about, and share, for a very long time, being related to Reverb, so I think that the release of Nuked-SC55 is a good opportunity to finally do it.

Back in 2002, when I had discovered the https://www.doomworld.com/classicdoom/info/music.php web page, containing the MP2 files, of the Doom and Doom 2 recordings made with a Roland Sound Canvas SCC-1, I just couldn't believe that it could sound that much better, compared to my Sound Blaster AWE32.

But, despite of the much better instruments' quality, I suspected that there was also some tweaking/tuning done to these recordings, which seemed like a lot of Reverb applied to them, but these recordings had made me take the decision of buying a Roland Sound Canvas SC-55mkII.

However, once I had been able to listen to the Doom musics, for the first time with my SC-55mkII, despite that I was pleased by the much better instruments' quality, compared to my Sound Blaster AWE32, I was a bit disapointed by the lack of Reverb, by default, and it felt rather "soft", compared to the MP2 recordings.

So, I've first increased the Reverb level, for all of the MIDI channels, from the default value of 40, up to the maximum value of 127 : this sounded much better, but still, it wasn't as "powerful" as the MP2 recordings.

Then, I've also increased the overall/master Reverb level, from the default value of 64, up to the maximum value of 127 too, and finally, it sounded exactly like the MP2 recordings that I liked so much.

After having listened to many of my favorite games' MIDI musics with these maximum Reverb settings, I've become addicted to it, and I couldn't enjoy listening to them with the default Reverb level values anymore.

And so, I had taken the decision to use these maximum Reverb settings permanently, for absolutely everything I would listen with my SC-55mkII, along with also using permanently, the custom Voice Reserve configuration, of 2 voices for the channels 1-12, and 1 voice for the channels 13-16, like I've explained in my previous post in this forum thread ( Re: Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55mkII emulator announcement ).

However, in order to prevent all of these custom settings from being reset back to their default values, if playing a game or MIDI music/file sending either a "GS Reset" or "GM System On" SysEx message, a solution is to set both the "Rx GS Reset" and "Rx GM On" settings to "off", using the front panel buttons.

I've created a MIDI file, attached to this post, allowing to quickly and easily set your real Roland Sound Canvas synth, or Nuked-SC55, to the maximum Reverb level, and also to customize the Voice Reserve configuration.

For the Reverb, it will set each of the 16 MIDI channels' Reverb level to the maximum value of 127, which is useful for games or MIDI musics/files which don't set any channel Reverb value (like Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Raptor and Rise of the Triad), and also set the overall/master Reverb level to the maximum value of 127, using the "F0 41 10 42 12 40 01 33 7F 0D F7" SysEx message, which will benefit and boost the Reverb for every games or MIDI musics/files.

As for the custom Voice Reserve configuration, since I also wanted to provide a better configuration for the original SC-55 users, in addition to the SC-55mkII users, then instead of creating 2 different MIDI files, I had the idea of doing it with one single MIDI file, by first sending a SysEx message to set the Voice Reserve number, to 2 voices for the channels 1-12, and to 0 voice for the channels 13-16, which will work on both the original SC-55 and the SC-55mkII, and then sending another SysEx message to set the Voice Reserve number, to 2 voices for the channels 1-12, and to 1 voice for the channels 13-16, which will obviously be ignored/discarded by the original SC-55, but will work on the SC-55mkII.

At least, this additional custom Voice Reserve configuration for the original SC-55, will prevent notes being cut off too early, for the games using the channels 11 and/or 12, in addition to the channels 1-10, like Heretic, for example.

Also, since there are games and MIDI musics/files sending either a "GS Reset" or "GM System On" SysEx message, which would reset all of the settings changed by my "Max Reverb" MIDI file, like the original DOS version of Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen and Raptor, sending one "GM System On" SysEx message when launching/starting them, I also wanted to provide a convenient solution/way to set both the "Rx GS Reset" and "Rx GM On" settings to "off", but it seems that there's no SysEx message, allowing to do that, unless there are such SysEx messages being hidden/undocumented ?

This would have been particularly useful for the Roland Sound Canvas synth models without a LCD display and front panel buttons, like the SC-55ST, CM-300 or CM-500, which don't have a way to set the "Rx GS Reset" or "Rx GM On" settings to "off" then.

However, in this case, instead of using the original DOS version of Doom, Doom 2, Heretic or Hexen, a solution could be to rather use a source port instead, which doesn't send any "GS Reset" or "GM System On" SysEx message.

Finally, when the "Rx GS Reset" or "Rx GM On" settings have been turned "off" by using the front panel buttons on a SC-55 or SC-55mkII, then performing a manual "Init GS" or "Init GM" by using the front panel buttons, won't set these 2 settings back to "on" : only performing a manual "Init All" by using the front panel buttons will do it.

Actually, this is a good thing, since that, if you need to reset your synth, then you won't have to set the "Rx GS Reset" or "Rx GM On" settings back to "off", everytime you perform a manual "Init GS" or "Init GM" by using the front panel buttons.

Also, since Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Raptor and Rise of the Triad, don't set any Reverb or Chorus value for the MIDI channels, remember to not switch back to any of these games, without resetting your synth (and replaying my "Max Reverb" MIDI file), after having played another game or MIDI music/file which sets Reverb and/or Chorus values for the MIDI channels, like Duke Nukem 3D, for example.

Just a side note, you can do both with FSMP both for Midi files and for games when FSMP is used as a Midi router.
1. Reverb:
You can change only the SysEx reverb level and leave the reverb type on default but you can also change the reverb type/preset.

The attachment reverb.png is no longer available

2. Disable receiving SysEx messages:
You can disable receiving SysEx messages both from played Midi files and from Midi input.
Moreover you can also set the Midi reset to 'No SysEx' that disables sending SysEx resets but at least sets default instruments and contoller values.
BTW, you can also set default Custom SysEx type as reset type where the modified voice reserve SysEx can be set.

The attachment sysex.png is no longer available

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Reply 313 of 437, by Karmeck

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So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again.

So I have my Sc-55 MK1, finally plugged in, so switching between um-one and nuked is easy.

I guess I could just increase the windows audio volume and lower game sound in the games settings.

Or is emulating the volume knob an option?

Reply 314 of 437, by Falcosoft

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Karmeck wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:19:
So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again. […]
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So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again.

So I have my Sc-55 MK1, finally plugged in, so switching between um-one and nuked is easy.

I guess I could just increase the windows audio volume and lower game sound in the games settings.

Or is emulating the volume knob an option?

Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement

Until FP32 output PR is accepted you can try the floating point test version that has non-halved volume output:
https://github.com/Falcosoft/Nuked-SC55/relea … _float_test.zip

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 315 of 437, by Karmeck

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Falcosoft wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:49:
Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement […]
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Karmeck wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:19:
So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again. […]
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So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again.

So I have my Sc-55 MK1, finally plugged in, so switching between um-one and nuked is easy.

I guess I could just increase the windows audio volume and lower game sound in the games settings.

Or is emulating the volume knob an option?

Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement

Until FP32 output PR is accepted you can try the floating point test version that has non-halved volume output:
https://github.com/Falcosoft/Nuked-SC55/relea … _float_test.zip

Thank you, id say the volume is still quit low tho. No matter, recording using audacity and then using the built in volume normalization..... gad daaam, they are the same.

Now with the real hardware right next to me, I can also join in on the praise.

This is an outstanding emulation of the real hardware.

Reply 316 of 437, by EmperorGrieferus

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Falcosoft wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:49:
Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement […]
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Karmeck wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:19:
So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again. […]
Show full quote

So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again.

So I have my Sc-55 MK1, finally plugged in, so switching between um-one and nuked is easy.

I guess I could just increase the windows audio volume and lower game sound in the games settings.

Or is emulating the volume knob an option?

Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement

Until FP32 output PR is accepted you can try the floating point test version that has non-halved volume output:
https://github.com/Falcosoft/Nuked-SC55/relea … _float_test.zip

Maybe it's my fault, but even with 32-bit output there's some audible clipping.

Reply 317 of 437, by Falcosoft

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EmperorGrieferus wrote on 2024-05-14, 17:10:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:49:
Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement […]
Show full quote
Karmeck wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:19:
So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again. […]
Show full quote

So, what's up with the low volume? I remember someone else bringing it up, but I cant for the life of me, find it again.

So I have my Sc-55 MK1, finally plugged in, so switching between um-one and nuked is easy.

I guess I could just increase the windows audio volume and lower game sound in the games settings.

Or is emulating the volume knob an option?

Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement

Until FP32 output PR is accepted you can try the floating point test version that has non-halved volume output:
https://github.com/Falcosoft/Nuked-SC55/relea … _float_test.zip

Maybe it's my fault, but even with 32-bit output there's some audible clipping.

Can you share an example of such clipping?
Actually clipping in the traditional sense should not happen even in the 16-bit integer/master version since version 0.1.1.
https://github.com/nukeykt/Nuked-SC55/commit/ … 4f3447972317948

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 318 of 437, by EmperorGrieferus

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Rank Newbie
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-05-14, 18:41:
Can you share an example of such clipping? Actually clipping in the traditional sense should not happen even in the 16-bit int […]
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EmperorGrieferus wrote on 2024-05-14, 17:10:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-05-14, 14:49:

Re: [RELEASE] Nuked-SC55, low-level Roland SC-55 series emulator announcement

Until FP32 output PR is accepted you can try the floating point test version that has non-halved volume output:
https://github.com/Falcosoft/Nuked-SC55/relea … _float_test.zip

Maybe it's my fault, but even with 32-bit output there's some audible clipping.

Can you share an example of such clipping?
Actually clipping in the traditional sense should not happen even in the 16-bit integer/master version since version 0.1.1.
https://github.com/nukeykt/Nuked-SC55/commit/ … 4f3447972317948

This is small selection from Descent 2 credits theme. I know, I could've mute drums so I wouldn't need to cut this part out, but hey.

Reply 319 of 437, by Falcosoft

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Rank l33t
EmperorGrieferus wrote on 2024-05-14, 19:43:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-05-14, 18:41:
Can you share an example of such clipping? Actually clipping in the traditional sense should not happen even in the 16-bit int […]
Show full quote
EmperorGrieferus wrote on 2024-05-14, 17:10:

Maybe it's my fault, but even with 32-bit output there's some audible clipping.

Can you share an example of such clipping?
Actually clipping in the traditional sense should not happen even in the 16-bit integer/master version since version 0.1.1.
https://github.com/nukeykt/Nuked-SC55/commit/ … 4f3447972317948

This is small selection from Descent 2 credits theme. I know, I could've mute drums so I wouldn't need to cut this part out, but hey.

It does not sound and does not look like clipping. There is a glitch-like problem at the very beginning of the right channel but it's not because of sample overflow/clipping (the amplitude at the glitch is about -5 dBFS). There are louder problem free samples in the recording. Maybe a buffer underrun or another bug?
Just to be clear: You also hear it real-time from the synth not just on the recordings, don't you?

The attachment glitch.png is no longer available

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper