First post, by twoquickcapri
This is one of the few PC I'm in the middle of building and since it the most complete I feel like I'm ready to show it off.
The Specs:
CPU: Intel 386sx16
MathCO: 80387SX ULSI Systems
M/B: Has no model # on it but it has a SIS 85c206 on it
RAM: 4MB 30 Pin 70ns
HDD: CONNER CFS420A 420MB w/ 2x partition of 200MB
Video: Diamond Video Speedstar Pro (Cirrus Logic 5428) 1MB
Sound: Sound Blaster ViBRA16
O/S: DOS 6.22
I was have problems running HDD with more then 200MB in a partition. The system would stall when starting a new program and would not start the program until I pushed the turbo button. Almost gave up on the M/B but I have an old 210MB HDD with DOS 5.0 on it and the HDD acted normal which lead me to partition my 420MB HDD to two 200MB partitions and everthimg working out alright.
Under the hood
The case
Norton CPU Index
Norton Overall Performance Index