Well,I got myself a P4i45D+.Uses 845D chipset and supports Celeron D 330.
I'll post back results if it works,a custom BIOS screen(Zone-tan picture posted earlier)and a desktop shot of it (Rammstein Amerika wallpaper 😁)
EDIT:Well,I mounted it in the case,added a RAM stick and it won't POST.With that particular RAM stick (Sycron 256MB DDR400)it turns on for a few seconds,turns off,and as soon as the fans stop it turns on again.
Here's what other RAM sticks did:
Princeton,128MB,DDR266:3 beeps (AMI BIOS,this means there's no RAM,even though there is this RAM stick)
MSM,128MB,DDR266:either does the same as the Sycron,or it resets the PC once and no POST.
Hynix,256MB,DDR400:same as the Princeton stick.I'm going to push this one hard enough to see if it recognizes it,as I had this happen several times with a Gigabyte 7VT880-RZ.
Otherwise,the motherboard is nice,and I didn't even know the 845D supports Prescott CPUs,not to mention this board uses Rubycon caps all around the CPU.
"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB