Old fart topic: What was your hardware specs in 1992?

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Reply 160 of 172, by rmay635703

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QLT Futura 100

Innovion IDOS - Chromagraphix system 6.0
w/ video overlays

Motorola 68010 12.5mhz
1mb Ram

120mb Quantum SCSI HD
800kb Sony 3.5 floppy

768kb Targa component video card w/ overlay and capture
RGB in and out Composite in and out
Onboard video saturation, hue, black level and contrast adjustments

Magnavox “Amiga” RGB Monitor (64k colors)
12” Stylus
AT keyboard

Kodak Flashsync ccd4000 RGB Camera
Sony RGB/ targa video scanner

Quad parallel ports w/ FIFO and onboard buffer
Panasonic Omniflex EPL-4018rat fast thermal light photo printer

Reply 161 of 172, by FFXIhealer

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In 1992? Commodore 64. *mic drop*


Reply 162 of 172, by TimWolf

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Household of 6 people, several in collage. We had and still used a Coleco Adam (some of us liked to use it to type) Tandy 1100FD great green screen laptop, Emerson 386SX, and I don't know when, but I want to say 1992 but maybe 1993 a Packard Bell Legend 486/25mhz.

Reply 163 of 172, by Wolfus

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FFXIhealer wrote:

In 1992? Commodore 64. *mic drop*

Same here 😉

Reply 164 of 172, by Remingtonh

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Primarily a 386DX-33 no name pre-built box. One of those built by fly-by-night local shop system builders that were everywhere back then. Its motherboard was soon upgraded to a 486SX-25. 4MB RAM and 40MB hard drive. I probably had my 512KB Racore upgraded PCjr lying around that it replaced.

Reply 165 of 172, by maxtherabbit

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I was rocking some kaypro at the time but I was barely in grade school so idr which model

Reply 167 of 172, by PCBONEZ

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Me too. I wasn't into computers yet in '92.
I was into cars back then.

GRUMPY OLD FART - On Hiatus, sort'a
Mann-Made Global Warming. - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.
You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.

Reply 168 of 172, by Intel486dx33

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Bought my first computer in 1993 ( 486dx2-33 )

Before then i had a calculator like this one.

Reply 169 of 172, by Arctic

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Atari 520ST+ in an IBM5150 case.
1MB, TOS onboard
RAM-Reset switch Mod
2x HD Floppy Drives 3.5"

Atari SM124 Monochrome

Star NL-10

QuikShot Pro

Reply 170 of 172, by pewpewpew

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1992 must have been the Apple IIe. Apple brand display, two Apple brand 5.25 drives. IIRC 110/300 Hayes modem, a CP/M card by Microsoft, ...and what were all those other cards now? Man...

1993 was when things hit the fan. Amiga 1000 (all hail) and the start of all those hardware upgrades to chase teh internets. In hindsight the Apple was gasoline on the floor. Ami was the dropped match.

EDIT: oh my.. Wired, DOOM, Mosaic ... maybe it's time to start a thread asking how your specs changed during 1993/1994.

The attachment IMG_0694.JPG is no longer available

Reply 171 of 172, by AlessandroB

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Before 1993 Summer: Amiga 500
After Summer 1993: 486DX2 + Trident Svga + Sound Blaster Pro (when my passion begin...)

Reply 172 of 172, by OSkar000

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I'm pretty sure we got our first 386 in 1991 or 1992. The keyboard is manufactured in 1991 so its probably not later.

Facit S333, probably manufactured by Mitac

386DX/33 with 64k cache
8mb ram (later upgraded to 20mb)
100mb harddrive, Conner CP3104
Trident 8900c SVGA with 1mb
A really nice desktop case that was thrown away about 10 years ago... 🙁
Dos 5.0 and Windows 3.0, later upgraded to Dos 6.22 and wfw 3.11
A 3com 509 was intalled at some time, I didn't know much about networks until later.
14" SVGA, 640x480 at 60hz, 800x600 at 56hz or 1024x768 at 87hz interlaced...
Cherry keyboard with MX clears, still in use!
Facit-branded Logitech mouse, quite ok if you change the ball to a heavier one.

I had it as my own computer between early 1996 and christmas 1998. Upgraded it to 20mb ram and a 528mb harddrive and a SB 32 AWE. At the end it ran Windows 95... Not fast, not stable but it worked (sometimes). The keyboard is still in use every day, I'm actually typing on it right now. A really nice Cherry keyboard with MX Clear switches. Allmost impossible to kill and it will be my main keyboard for another five or ten years... or more 😀

We had a XT-clone before it, I don't have much information about it but I have some parts from it.