First post, by Ricimer

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I've been assembling and working with OS installs over the last year for this build. I missed the original PIII era, going from a PII to AMD Duron at the time. I'm mostly covering late DOS games to around 2000, for me this is DS9 harbinger to Homeworld 1.

The CPUs and GPU are fanless, so I have a number of case fans to keep everything cool.

Tyan Tiger 100 motherboard (Rev F)
2 x Pentium III 750MHz CPUs (SL3XP)
4 x 256MB PC133 RAM
MSI Geforce3 Ti 200
3Com 3C905C-TX-M network card
HighPoint RocketRAID 1520 SATA controller
Creative AWE64 Gold CT4390 sound card
Panasonic UJ-850 DVD-RW (works mostly with CDBeQuiet in DOS!)
GoTek Floppy Emulator
Corsair HX850i PSU (from my previous computer, it has 150w available for the older voltages).
1TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD

For the case I wanted something modern with 5.25 drive bays on a budget. I have no love for old PC cases, I still have a scar on one finger from a computer case!

Be Quiet! Silent Base 600 case
4 x 140mm Pure Wings 2 fans (these are the OEM version, only £4 each!)
1 x 120mm Pure Wings 2 fan
Dell caddy (an excellent suggestion from the "All Things Dual" thread about another Tiger build).

The Tiger has issues with drives larger than 32GB, so I recently moved away from a pair of 32GB CF cards to the HighPoint and a 1TB SSD.

OS Installed (all on their own 120GB partitions):
Windows NT4
Windows 2000

Boot-US: For boot menu and partition hiding. I really like this software and purchased it many years ago. It allows me to keep all installs separate, only having their relevant C: drive visible to each OS, and also stops Windows 2000 from silently upgrading my NT4 install to NTFS 3.0 without asking!
Ghost solution suite: Combined with the above it makes patching and preparing OS partitions much easier (version 1.1 still supports NTFS 1.2).

The HighPoint drivers and bios allowed me to work around any LBA issues for everything which was nice.



Reply 1 of 8, by H3nrik V!

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Rank Oldbie

Oh, the beauty of dual-slots ... 😀

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀

Reply 2 of 8, by ubiq

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Rank Member

Wow, I have a very similar build that I'm working on!

I really like what you've done with the boot partitioning. I've been mostly been getting along with using SD cards as boot drives and swapping them out, but that's getting old. I haven't messed with dual booting in an eon, but I might have to check out Boot-US.

Reply 3 of 8, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

I like old cases but for dual CPU builds I also prefer modern case with decent airflow. My dual slot 1 is in an Antec 300 but wish it had a window. Cartridge CPU's are uncommon (time frame wise) and 2 of them even more so.

I was going to say the AWE is bit low end for 9x/2k but I like card/space/card/space paten and adding another card would mess this up.

Now all you need is loads of RGB lighting to ruin that clean looking build 😜

Reply 4 of 8, by Ricimer

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Rank Newbie

I've been testing running Trim on the SSD.

So far I've found I can boot a CD of Slax Linux and run fstrim on all my partitions. It appears to work via the controller ok and I get a report of the amount of free space trimmed on the partition.

I've also tried a little overclocking to 112 fsb (around 840MHz), this brings my 3dmark 2001SE to 4500 from 4150.

Disk performance is pretty good on the SSD


Reply 5 of 8, by ubiq

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Rank Member
Ricimer wrote on 2023-06-05, 20:36:
I've been testing running Trim on the SSD. […]
Show full quote

I've been testing running Trim on the SSD.

So far I've found I can boot a CD of Slax Linux and run fstrim on all my partitions. It appears to work via the controller ok and I get a report of the amount of free space trimmed on the partition.

I've also tried a little overclocking to 112 fsb (around 840MHz), this brings my 3dmark 2001SE to 4500 from 4150.

Disk performance is pretty good on the SSD


I've just been ignoring the Trim problem for now on my Win2K system. I figure I'm not doing enough big file i/o for it to be a problem on a system I'm just farting around on. Good to know a fairly easy bootable solution exists though.

As for speeds, woof:

The attachment SSD.jpg is no longer available

Mind you, I'm using quite an old Corsair 256GB SSD (partitioned for 128GB) - my first SSD actually, so hopefully that explains most of the speed difference. I'm using a Promise S150 SX4.

Reply 6 of 8, by AngryByDefault

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Very nice build!
The clean layout in modern cases really makes vintage hardware look good.
It's great that the case is not just elegant and modern, but it also sports front bays behind a door.

Reply 7 of 8, by boggsman

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Very cool build! 440BX Forever!

Reply 8 of 8, by Irinikus

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Rank Oldbie

Very cool build! 😀

Off topic, but that case would suit one of these boards perfectly:

