First post, by Roland User

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Hi )
I can not find answer on my question , that's why asked question here )
Why for drums was be selected 10 channel and not any other ?
Me interesting history and cause this select )

Reply 1 of 5, by Roland User

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No one not knowning why this so created ?

Reply 3 of 5, by Roland User

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But question not as set drum chanel , question in to learn why in first MIDI specifications drum channel was be selected on 10 chanel )
I mean what why was be select for drums exactly 10-th channel and not any other

Reply 4 of 5, by Falcosoft

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I do not think you will get better explanations than you can get from the discussion linked by DerBaum. Have you really read that discussion?
Especially the posts by thebluewolf and muzines ?
The point is "in first MIDI specification" (that is in Midi specification 1.0) channel 10 was NOT defined as drum channel. Actually none of the channels was. It was first defined in General Midi specification in 1991. By the time GM specification was released there were already Roland made drum machines and MT-32 that used channel 10 as drum channel. In case of MT-32 that used only 9 channels at once channel 10 was the last channel and it was dedicated for drums.
Although in pre-GM times some synths/sequencers/standards used different channels as default drum channel.
Most notably channel 1 and channel 16 were also used as drum channels. You can still find in the wild many Microsoft standard dual authored Midi files that also use channel 16 for drums (for the basic setup that used only channels 13-16).
So by the time General Midi specification was created it was obvious that a dedicated drum channel was necessary. And most likely because of compatibility with existing Roland gears the choice was made that channel 10 would be the best.

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Reply 5 of 5, by Roland User

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Thank you )
This means what I correctly understand initially , because I initially thinked what all cause in layout Roland MT-32 ) but read what gived DerBaum I understand why in MIDI accepted write all sysex messages on channel 1 ) Although I and before think what first channel on MT-32 absent for any system messages or as SFX channel for playing specific sounds type car engine or dog or breaking glass in games ) but now I known cause )
However still not understand , why in MT-32 was be only 9 channels and this was be only on MT-32 or this was be and on other synthesizers those years