mt32-pi Current Status?

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First post, by InTheStudy

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I decided to read up on the mt32-pi project this weekend, discovered the "USB Gadget" issue, discovered that Circle now natively supports USB Gadget Midi on Pi 02,3,4, went to update the Issue to mention this and discovered that the entire repo is locked (issues, discussions, everything) and Dale hasn't touched Github in a year. Understandable, I can only imagine the workload he's under for a PhD.

Still, I'm curious if there's anybody else working on this, forking it, etc while Dale is otherwise busy? Asking here because; with the Github locked there's not really anywhere official to discuss it!

Last edited by InTheStudy on 2024-04-03, 06:55. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 2, by InTheStudy

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The attachment mt32-lupi.jpg is no longer available

Popped round to the local computer store and picked up a Pi 02W. Unfortunately they had no 02WH's, ironic since I've never wanted one before today.

Then dug in my parts bin and found a DDC. So now I'm just a USB cable and a couple of dodgy hacks to the code from having an MT-32. That's nice!