D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 320 of 2280, by sst

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Hi, ...

For French translator, = The user that have the name "Curieux"


In your "French.ini" file = Selectionner to Sélectionner


Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 321 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

For French translator, = The user that have the name "Curieux"


In your "French.ini" file = line 84 and line 93

"Voulez-vous" ou/or "Vouslez-vous"


I am checking the French.ini translation text.

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 322 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

For French translator, = The user that have the name "Curieux"


In your "French.ini" file = line 95 and line 96

NoFileName=Aucun nom de fichier n'a été fourni.
NoFolderName=Auncun nom de répertoire fourni.

= Auncun must be the translation "Aucun"


In your "French.ini" file = line 114

Voulez-vous continuer continuer et utiliser ce modèle ?

= What do you mean by two word "Continuer"


In your "French.ini" file = line 133

fichiers de profil (*.prof)|*.prof|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*

= That First letter must me Upper case, then = Fichiers

Too much change to report it in messages, ...

I will upload the file language "French.ini"


I am checking the French.ini translation text.

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 323 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie
sst wrote:

Error download link, ...

Sorry, seems like I have forgotten the "Files/" path in the download link. Should work now.

Reply 324 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

To Alexander, ... or the French translators, ...

The "French.ini" line 409 missing some text, after Sound.Misc.

This mean that = i whant the text [after the Misc.] and [before the =]

= In the line 409 the French translation that i have downloaded, is =

Sound.Misc.=Vitesse d'échantillonage du haut-parleur Tandy

Then what is missing text after sound.Misc. ?

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 325 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

Please respond me if this is a bug =


Why you use ".=" instead of "="

The thing is "Sound.Misc="

or it make no bug the ".="

"Sound.Misc.=Tandy speaker sample rate"

"Sound.Misc.=Vitesse d'échantillonage du haut-parleur Tandy"

Reply 326 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

French.ini Fixed and compatible v5.0

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 327 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi sst,

thank you for fine tuning the French translation. The "Sound.Misc.=" ini key is a copy&paste error made by me. I've renamed it (in the program and in all language files) to "Sound.Misc.TandyRate=". Because the program and all language files used the same (wrong) key name also everything was ok before correcting this. But it should be better understandable (for translators) now.

I've also just fixed a since-version-0.1 bug: Right after running the first run wizard the grey text in the search box "Search" was always in English. (After restarting DFR the right language was loaded.) Now the box will immediately show the right translation for "Search".

So if there do not arise new bugs, I will release D-Fend Reloaded 0.5.0 within the next few days. I have also already updated the homepage (still hidden from the normal homepage):
(Mostly some CSS improvements; HTML Tidy says 0 errors, 0 warnings.)


Reply 328 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I dont see major bug, in the last 5.x version.

Only, a not translated error message. It remain in english.

I will search further translation not made = that is only in english, in D-Fend Reloaded, ...

Good work 😀 For the 5.x version.


A request for the 6.x version, ...

I need a smart game detector and auto-configuration = It seem like intelligent automatic game detector.

I explain =

VirtualHD contain games.

In general i need an automatic games detector ( when D-Fend start ), and automatic batch game configurator, in D-Fend Reloaded. (It will be more easy, for the user that D-Fend auto-detect games, than to users that the only mean to add games is from the scratch or select the game configuration imself, and enter each game that the users have )

Not only one "game, profile, configuration" detected, but that directory and sub-directory(s).

Even further = If i have a game directory named = OldDosGames.

I whant import from a single file in a directory, or batch files import in a directory = severals games or severals configurations ".conf", ".profile", at the same time.


Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 329 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

Where is the download link, for your fixed latest (final or near final), version 5.x, not the 5.x RC1 ?

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 330 of 2280, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

the font is pretty hard to read on Linux,
The font in the news section is fine, but the text under TODO is very uninviting. Perhaps you selected a windows only font ?

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 331 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

I need to test your latest D-Fend. (Before it get final).

http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net/Test/ = The download link at this website dont work ?

I need the latest download D-Fend version, with yours latest version, ... not the rc1.

It seem that i have to enter 48000 hz myself, your max hz is 44100 for sound.

Please send me the latest version direct download link, = a working download link.

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 332 of 2280, by Lord_Rius

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Rank Newbie

The Screenshots/Sound/Videos/Data folder pane don't store the size at exiting opening program.
I think adding a Grid look for games list will do better looking D-Fend (for future version) what you think about?

Reply 333 of 2280, by Lord_Rius

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Rank Newbie

Hi again.

I've for all my windows games a .bat file that do a game launcher...
I installed the RC and now executing a .BAT appears a message box saying "The File..... is a DOS executable. You should use DOSBox for running this file instead of starting it directly." after start the bat. Is boring click any time in "OK" button for this bat files.

The exploration of the games (that have many screenshots, largest screenshots or simply having many games added) becomes heavy and slow.

Reply 334 of 2280, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander!
After checking 5RC1:
1. dos/windows mix
Add new profile as for dos game, but specify windows exe. Press OK.
On two computers I see warning message WindowsExe.EditWarning. If I select YES, I see error message WindowsExe.ExecuteWarning. And after pressing OK profile is saved (as it should to be). Check this, please.

2.Missing files in preview (audio/video)
I think listview is filled as it should, but first line may be hidden behind gray strip with 'you can save..' message. Ckeck when you show it.

3. Playing ogg:
DFR can not play them. But on both my XP's I may play them with Windows Media Player (through vorbis codec). I try to compile Sagura's player (http://player.sagura.royalmedicalsystems.com/mpdemo.zip) and it can play ogg. I used C++ Builder 5 (it has Delphi5 compiler), only modifications - exclusion of Variants unit (absent in D5) and manually link ComObj. Used dll is the same as in DFR.

Reply 335 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie


Only, a not translated error message. It remain in english.

If you tell me which message this is, perhaps I can fix it. (If the translation is already included to the language file and I just forgot the link it to the message box I could also fix it for 0.5.0.)

Completely automatic batch game detection

I've thought about something like this in the last time but then decided not to try to implement that sort of feature. Some games use more than one directory, in some directories there might be more than one executable etc. Letting D-Fend Reloaded try to create profiles from this automatically would result in a lot of double or not startable profiles.

Importing multiple prof/conf files at once

You can already import multiple prof or conf file at once by just dragging them to the program window or (for prof files) by just copying them to the "Confs" folder. If you copy the files to the "Confs" folder while DFR is running, the new profiles will appear in the list immediately. 0.5.0RC2 will also allow selecting multiple files in the import dialogs.


I'm just using "font-family: sans-serif;" as font for the whole page. I thought this would make least problems. I've changed this to "font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;" now. But for me the old and the new font family both look ok on Linux:
http://browsershots.org/http://dfendreloaded. … forge.net/Test/

Sample rates

As far as I know, the maximum sample rate at good old DOS times was 44.1 kHz, so I'm not offering higher values than 44100 in the dropdown lists but you can add more values to the sample rate dropdown list (and nearly all other dropdown lists offering default values) via the "Default values" page of the program options dialog.

Storing the size of the bottom data pane

Added to my todo for the next version.

"Is DOS exe" warning when running batch files


Long game lists

When building the games list nearly all time is taken by the Windows ListView component. Selecting the profiles, sorting them, getting the additional data (genre, year, etc.) nearly takes no time. So the only thing I could do is using some other not-Windows-default control for displaying the list. But I haven't found any good and open source control for replacing the Windows control yet.

Double Windows exe warning in profile editor


Missing files in sounds list

The info panel is shown / hidden by this line:

SoundInfoPanel.Visible:=(SoundListView.Items.Count=0) and (ListView.Selected<>nil) and (not ScummVMMode(TGame(ListView.Selected.Data))) and (not WindowsExeMode(TGame(ListView.Selected.Data)));

So it should always be invisible if there are items in the SoundListView. When running the program step by step the debugger was also saying the SoundInfoPanel was invisible - but was still visible. So I think of a screen update problem. Does my workaround in RC1 fix the problem for you ?

Playing ogg files

At the moment I'm using mediaplr.dll only for playing the captured videos. Sound is still played via the Delphi media player component. I will change to mediaplr.dll for playing sound in the next version. For 0.5.0 I have disabled opening the play dialog when clicking on a ogg file again.

Release Candiate 2
I have just uploaded the second release candidate of D-Fend Reloaded 0.5.0 to Sourceforge. You can download it via the beta versions download page.

Reply 336 of 2280, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

homepage is fine now. It looked really different at my place before that change

samplerates: please allow 48000 and 50000 as well. (48000 being popular nowadays,50000 being the native opl rate (more or less))

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 337 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

Windows XP SP3

I have try to install, D-Fend Reloaded 5.0 RC2.

1) Without uninstall the old version in my E: drive, I install a fresh copy, in my RamDrive = R:

2) It make some directorys, to C:\Documents and Settings\Sylvain\D-Fend Reloaded

It not anymore portable, if it use for some directory.

= C:\Documents and Settings\ ... User Name ... \D-Fend Reloaded

Please test at your side.

Sylvain St-Amand

Reply 338 of 2280, by sst

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Rank Member

Hi, ...

1) It seem that i have not used, the Portable option at installation. 😕

2) The "D-Fend-Reloaded-0.5.0RC2-Setup.exe" installer, if i change the default installation directory from "C:\Program Files\D-Fend Reloaded\", to an other drive, it dont keep the sub-directory text = "\D-Fend Reloaded\", after the drive letter.

3) I dont remember, where is the not translated text in D-Fend, i will test further to found it.

4) I have change the translation of the French language. (It seem that the word Default is not translated to Défaut.

Reply 339 of 2280, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander!

In profile wizard you display UserGameInfo frame depending on choosed template(autosetup or not). This influence also on Scumm Mode (press next all time and go back to start and change game type). So you may end with gameinfo part skipped, and drives settings dipslayed with disabled OK button.

And tell me please where do you use this new string '[Global]Default'

About missing capture files: still present. I propose another workaround: convert your Add<Something>ToList procedures to functions with added items count as result. And check this value instead of TListView.Items.Count