DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1540 of 1987, by _Rob

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Another (smaller) feature request.

On the Audio Experimental Options tab, could you add a browse button next to the FluidSynth soundfont, similar to the Roland MT-32 ROM directory?

Reply 1541 of 1987, by Epsilon

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Rank Newbie

I'm getting a lot of crashes on beta 12. Just clicking titles in list can crash the program. Error looks like this.

Launching DBGL using 64-Bit VM 1.8.0_252 on Linux v5.7.4-8-tkg-pdsamd64, HSQL Database Engine 2.5.0, SWT v4932gtk

(SWT:11044): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:49:09.873: Negative content width -2 (allocation 4, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node separator, owner GtkSeparatorToolItem)

(SWT:11044): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:49:09.873: Negative content width -2 (allocation 4, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node separator, owner GtkSeparatorToolItem)

(SWT:11044): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 03:49:10.026: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkScrollbar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.dbgl.service.ImageService.getCachedHeightLimitedImage(ImageService.java:169)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.displayScreenshots(MainWindow.java:1048)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.displayProfileInformation(MainWindow.java:994)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.access$100(MainWindow.java:133)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow$42.widgetSelected(MainWindow.java:862)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:252)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:89)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent(Display.java:5687)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:1423)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:4955)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:4448)
at org.dbgl.gui.abstractdialog.BaseDialog.open(BaseDialog.java:111)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:52)

Further investigation reveals that crashes happen when image files in ID's capture folder are of a certain size.

Reply 1542 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the heads-up Epsilon. Apparently, some images (probably .gif) fail to load which crash DBGL. I've made a few changes to prevent this from happening and log a failed load, to hopefully find out what's going on. Can you please update to this new build and check which images fail to load? If possible, please share a few images that exhibit the problem for me to analyse.

_Rob wrote on 2020-06-19, 09:27:

On the Audio Experimental Options tab, could you add a browse button next to the FluidSynth soundfont, similar to the Roland MT-32 ROM directory?

Added! Also updated the Dutch and Spanish translation (thanks Neville).

All the latest files To upgrade, get dbgl.jar as usual.


Reply 1543 of 1987, by Epsilon

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote on 2020-06-24, 09:03:

Thanks for the heads-up Epsilon. Apparently, some images (probably .gif) fail to load which crash DBGL. I've made a few changes to prevent this from happening and log a failed load, to hopefully find out what's going on. Can you please update to this new build and check which images fail to load? If possible, please share a few images that exhibit the problem for me to analyse.

You are right!, and it looks like it's fixed now. The gifs simply do not load, and don't crash the program. Regardless heres a sample of the files that previously caused crashing. https://anonymousfiles.io/qMqC3ZFK/

Reply 1544 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

It seems like there may be a slight sizing issue with the screenshot viewer - it displays images just slightly smaller than full size, resulting in artefacts that makes text quite hard to read. See an example here: https://i.imgur.com/kEJb93K.jpg

I'm using DBGL 0.92beta10.

Reply 1545 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Now this is weird... latest DBGL beta nehaves strangely if I delete pictures from a profile.


Reply 1546 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
Epsilon wrote on 2020-06-27, 12:45:

You are right!, and it looks like it's fixed now. The gifs simply do not load, and don't crash the program. Regardless heres a sample of the files that previously caused crashing. https://anonymousfiles.io/qMqC3ZFK/

Strange, I've tried multiple systems (Windows, Fedora, Linux Mint) but I'm unable to reproduce the problem. For me, these gifs load just fine?!

dosdog wrote on 2020-06-28, 17:02:

It seems like there may be a slight sizing issue with the screenshot viewer - it displays images just slightly smaller than full size, resulting in artefacts that makes text quite hard to read. See an example here: https://i.imgur.com/kEJb93K.jpg

In the latest beta builds, the image viewer has configurable restrictions for the displayed image size. By default, these limits are max 300%, and max 1024x768. I'll enlarge the default to be 1920x1440, and implement proper anti-aliasing. In the meantime, you can open up settings.conf with your favourite text editor and change "screenshotsmaxwidth" to 1920 and "screenshotsmaxheight" to 1440 (or even larger if you want).

Neville wrote on 2020-06-28, 18:02:
Now this is weird... latest DBGL beta behaves strangely if I delete pictures from a profile. https://i.imgur.com/bOHkLDJ.png […]
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Now this is weird... latest DBGL beta behaves strangely if I delete pictures from a profile.

How do you delete them, Neville? I've never seen that before, and I'm yet unable to reproduce this issue.

Reply 1547 of 1987, by Epsilon

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote on 2020-06-28, 20:09:
Epsilon wrote on 2020-06-27, 12:45:

You are right!, and it looks like it's fixed now. The gifs simply do not load, and don't crash the program. Regardless heres a sample of the files that previously caused crashing. https://anonymousfiles.io/qMqC3ZFK/

Strange, I've tried multiple systems (Windows, Fedora, Linux Mint) but I'm unable to reproduce the problem. For me, these gifs load just fine?!

Odd indeed. Here's what it looks like in program

Reply 1548 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Epsilon, what OS are you on, and what Java version are you using?

Reply 1549 of 1987, by Epsilon

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote on 2020-06-28, 21:45:

Epsilon, what OS are you on, and what Java version are you using?

I'm on Arch Linux. I use openjdk 8.u252-1

Launching DBGL using 64-Bit VM 1.8.0_252 on Linux v5.7.6-12-tkg-pdsamd64, HSQL Database Engine 2.5.0, SWT v4932gtk

(SWT:28469): Gtk-WARNING **: 23:31:28.827: Negative content width -2 (allocation 4, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node separator, owner GtkSeparatorToolItem)

(SWT:28469): Gtk-WARNING **: 23:31:28.828: Negative content width -2 (allocation 4, extents 3x3) while allocating gadget (node separator, owner GtkSeparatorToolItem)

(SWT:28469): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 23:31:28.995: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkScrollbar
Warning: Could not load image /mnt/Dragon/DOSBoxGameLauncher/captures/29/uw_004.gif
java.io.IOException: Could not load image /mnt/Dragon/DOSBoxGameLauncher/captures/29/uw_004.gif
at org.dbgl.service.ImageService.getImage(ImageService.java:131)
at org.dbgl.service.ImageService.getCachedHeightLimitedImage(ImageService.java:174)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.displayScreenshots(MainWindow.java:1048)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.displayProfileInformation(MainWindow.java:994)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.onShellOpened(MainWindow.java:252)
at org.dbgl.gui.abstractdialog.BaseDialog.open(BaseDialog.java:107)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:52)
Warning: Could not load image /mnt/Dragon/DOSBoxGameLauncher/captures/29/uw_005.gif

Reply 1550 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie
rcblanke wrote on 2020-06-28, 20:09:
Neville wrote on 2020-06-28, 18:02:
Now this is weird... latest DBGL beta behaves strangely if I delete pictures from a profile. https://i.imgur.com/bOHkLDJ.png […]
Show full quote

Now this is weird... latest DBGL beta behaves strangely if I delete pictures from a profile.

How do you delete them, Neville? I've never seen that before, and I'm yet unable to reproduce this issue.

I had the captures folder from that profile open at the same time in Windows Explorer. I'm not sure if I got a DBGL quirk or a Windows 10 one. If I see that again I'll try to figure out more details.

Reply 1551 of 1987, by arobbo

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Rank Newbie

Hi Ronald and fellow DBGL aficionados,
I've 'been away' on other matters, and can see that much has been happening since I last lurked by this thread about 6 months ago. Recently I've become intrigued with the "portable" application packaging process for Win10 environments especially, and having noticed "DOSBox Portable" and a couple of java versions (e.g., OpenJDK JRE 14.0.1 Build 7, JPortable64 etc etc). Had a quick squiz to see if anyone else had thought DBGL a good candidate for a portableApp, and saw this earlier response from Ronald :-

rcblanke wrote on 2016-04-11, 15:25:

Maybe take a look at http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/java_portable .. Please don't expect any support for using this in combination with DBGL from me, though.

I was wondering if anyone more capable than I had attempted to package a recent update of DBGL and tested it for compatibility with portable JRE versions? Imagining a USB stick that could plug into any (permissible) Windows10 setup and become an instant surrogate DOS game habitat, with DBGL-level awesomeness. Just a thought...

Reply 1552 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

If you go to this website, you'll find a JRE zip. Unzipping the contents of this zip into the DBGL folder, allows for running DBGL without even installing Java. Just edit dbglcons.cmd and change its contents to:

jdk8u252-b09-jre\bin\java -Djava.library.path=lib -jar dbgl.jar || pause

Seems to work!

Reply 1553 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Mmm... DBGL is it again with new profiles and their pics.


After I delete the ones I don't want, this is what the profile looks like.

I also may have updated the wrong way, by overwriting the whole program (not just dbjl.jar) with the new betas.

Reply 1554 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

This will happen if you delete the files directly from the folder instead of right-click > remove inside of DBGL. Close and reopen DBGL to refresh any changes made outside of DBGL.

Reply 1555 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I wasn't deleting files directly this time, but using DBGL internal options. As I said, I may have made a mistake when upgrading.

Reply 1556 of 1987, by _Rob

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Rank Member
Neville wrote on 2020-07-03, 12:44:

I wasn't deleting files directly this time, but using DBGL internal options. As I said, I may have made a mistake when upgrading.

Out of curiosity I tried this with DBGL 0.92beta13 running on Linux.

I ran a game and made some screenshots. The screenshots do NOT show up in DBGL until there is some kind of focus change, such as closing the game or switching to another application. Then they instantly pop-up.

I open the gnome file manager, or from a terminal, and delete some of the screenshots. No change in the DBGL gui (it keeps showing the screenshots) until once again there is some kind of focus change.
After which the old screenshot will have vanished. I was not able to get the empty frames to show.

So this issue seems to be Windows specific.

Reply 1557 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi people,

A last few minor changes in this beta build:
* German translation update (thanks Marcel)
* Fallback to generic SWT ImageLoader if GifDecoder fails to load .gif file
* Enlarge default max thumb size to 1920x1440, improved thumb scaling (dosdog)

Unless I can somehow reproduce (and consequently fix) the issues mentioned by Epsilon and Neville (which may be related, I don't know), this is most likely the last beta before the next official release.


EDIT: Rob, that is indeed exactly as it is supposed to work -- on DBGL re-focus, it should reload the images in the currently selected profile.

Reply 1558 of 1987, by Epsilon

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote on 2020-07-08, 11:39:

Unless I can somehow reproduce (and consequently fix) the issues mentioned by Epsilon and Neville (which may be related, I don't know), this is most likely the last beta before the next official release.

Looks like my issue is fixed in this build atleast.
Thanks a lot 😁

Reply 1559 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

And I can't reproduce my issue from a fresh install, so you shouldn't hold up the release because of me.
