DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1320 of 1987, by _Rob

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rfc wrote:
Hi, I downloaded (updated) from the latest version at http://members.quicknet.nl/blankendaalr/dbgl/ but fetching meta-data via M […]
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Hi, I downloaded (updated) from the latest version at http://members.quicknet.nl/blankendaalr/dbgl/ but fetching meta-data via Moby doesn't work.

No error message, just always get:
> Moby Games returns no results for "Commander Keen"

Tried it with lots of other words, always the same. I noticed that the feedback dialog comes _almost_ instant, like it doesn't even try. Unfortunately I couldn't find any debug log or so to dig into this myself.

Pouet.net seems to work for some I tried.

TheGamesDB.net consistently throws a SAX error:
> Technical information: org.xml.sax.SAXPArseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 50; White spaces are required between publicId and systemId

I don't care much abuot pouet/thegamesDB but Moby would be nice to get working again.


PS: AFICS I made sure to update _all_ files (dbgl.jar, lib folder jars, xsl, launcher exe, etc.)

Known problem, just grab the latest version from here for now: http://members.quicknet.nl/r.blankendaal/090/

Reply 1321 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I'm having Alpha 3 freezes after removing categories from the profile list. Can't reproduce it with a fresh install, so there's that.

Using Java JRE 8 Update 131 as well, I should update it.

Reply 1322 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
Neville wrote:

.. freezes after removing categories from the profile list.

Can you please explain what it is exactly that you're doing, I do not understand?

Reply 1323 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Sorry. After setting up a few test profiles, I went to Preferences and removed several items from the profile list, such as Setup, Publisher or DBID.

Reply 1324 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I''ve updated to Java JRE 8 Update 192 x64. Alpha3 seems more stable, but I'm exiting DBGL after every change, trying to find issues, because two previous installs just stopped working. One froze as explained above, and the second wouldn't show anything after setting up a few profiles.

Of course I'm not using this alpha versions on my regular collection, instead I keep a small install just for testing purposes.


EDIT: I think I found a bug... if there are Internet addresses in your link boxes, DBGL adds the current folder to them. I've imported a few more profiles, and when I click on their MobyGames entries I get error messages, naturally. Editing the profiles doesn't solve it either, it keeps adding the folder name unless you add https:// to MobyGames links. New profiles aren't affected.

Reply 1325 of 1987, by jaygame1

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Rank Newbie

Hey, one thing I think needs adding is when you have multiple box shots of a game, you should be able to select which one should be used for the game in the list. You know, like the "Use screenshot in profiles list" that D-Fend has...

There's another issue with 0.9 alpha 3: The "Edit Profile" box doesn't save my changes when I hit Ok. When I edit the game, in the "Mounting" tab, the executable boxes are blank. After refilling them and hitting OK, it acts as if nothing was entered into the executable boxes, and sure enough, if I edit the profile, the boxes are blank again.

Reply 1326 of 1987, by ANGO

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote:
Neville wrote:

.. freezes after removing categories from the profile list.

Can you please explain what it is exactly that you're doing, I do not understand?

It´s working fine for me, no matter which category I select or deselect


Reply 1327 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I should stress that I have not suffered any unexpected crashes since I updated to Java JRE 8 Update 192 x64.

Reply 1328 of 1987, by dbgl-user

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Rank Newbie

hi there,

i noticed that dbgl 0.90 a3 seems not to be portable anymore under linux.

i needed to move its folder to /home/user and rename it to .dbgl in order to get it working, otherwise it would complain about missing the default.xml template.

quick question: i am very much after a portable usage. dbgl is the only program asking for an installed java runtime (openjdk java 11) here. any chance to include it in the dbgl folder just like dosbox, so to create a 'portable' linux dbgl version? this way, i could finally uninstall java.

Reply 1329 of 1987, by danlucio

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jaygame1 wrote:

Hey, one thing I think needs adding is when you have multiple box shots of a game, you should be able to select which one should be used for the game in the list. You know, like the "Use screenshot in profiles list" that D-Fend has...

It would be very useful, I also wish that! Another nice thing would be a column in the list for the game cover (like that one for screenshot)

Reply 1330 of 1987, by ANGO

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Rank Newbie
danlucio wrote:
jaygame1 wrote:

Hey, one thing I think needs adding is when you have multiple box shots of a game, you should be able to select which one should be used for the game in the list. You know, like the "Use screenshot in profiles list" that D-Fend has...

It would be very useful, I also wish that! Another nice thing would be a column in the list for the game cover (like that one for screenshot)

... also a function to sort the screenshots per drag & drop, would be great 😉

Reply 1331 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the testing, comments and replies people!

0.90 ALPHA 4 is up:

  • Fixed portability for Linux and MacOS, the directory structure was incorrectly created in ~/.dbgl/ (dbgl-user);
  • Fixed internet addresses in link boxes, also when importing profiles (Neville);
  • Fixed link boxes relative paths;
  • Fixed possible crash when removing visible columns from profile table (Neville)

All the latest files
To upgrade from another alpha build, update the dbgl.jar as usual

Reply 1332 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I unzipped it right on top of the earlier release... it seems as stable as the previous alpha. The internet addresses are indeed fixed, but I noticed the links can't display the "&" symbol.


The last link under the description of "Gunship 2000" should read "Manual Islands & Ice", but the & symbol is missing.

EDIT:; Also, now DBGL never remembers window size and position after exit.

Reply 1333 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thank you Neville, both issues should be fixed in ALPHA5.

Reply 1334 of 1987, by pantercat

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Rank Newbie

Hi, I think I found a bug. Same result with alpha3 and alpha5.

When in profile / info properties the "link 1" field is empty, the characters are displayed on top of each other. I'm using Debian testing.




Reply 1335 of 1987, by rotaxt

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Rank Newbie


if i want to use DOSBox ECE inside of the new DBGL 0.90 - is there anything special to take care of or are both programs working together "out of the box"?

thanks and best regards

Reply 1336 of 1987, by arobbo

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Rank Newbie

Hi Ronald - great job with dbgl90 alpha 4 (now 5), many thanks! Working well in Win10pro where I set it up on a fresh install and was able to import a few of my collections from a 32-bit Puppy Linux setup (dbgl82), and finally complete some retrievals from the Moby database etc. Back in the Puppy Linux environment however when I updated with your alpha5 links, I received this error below, and I wonder if it signifies that currently only 64-bit platforms are currently operational? Many Thanks for such great work on DBGL 😀

Launching DBGL using 32-Bit VM 1.8.0_212 on Linux v4.1.48i386, HSQL Database Engine, SWT v4924gtk
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:261)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:241)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(C.java:19)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Callback.<clinit>(Callback.java:41)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.<clinit>(Control.java:100)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.<init>(MainWindow.java:152)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:52)
Script completed hit RETURN to close window.

Reply 1337 of 1987, by dbgl-user

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Rank Newbie

@rcblanke: thanks for alpha5. regarding portability, i moved dbgl to its former location and upgraded it. when starting the new version, the layout returned to default setup. also, a hidden .dbgl folder is now created under home upon every start, still making it not as portable as before.

forgot to mention the .dosbox folder under home, which is also created, btw.

Reply 1338 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
rotaxt wrote:

if i want to use DOSBox ECE inside of the new DBGL 0.90 - is there anything special to take care of or are both programs working together "out of the box"?

Should be the same as for DBGL 0.82, see the website. Let me know if you experience any issues!

jaygame1 wrote:

Hey, one thing I think needs adding is when you have multiple box shots of a game, you should be able to select which one should be used for the game in the list.

Screenshot filenames are sorted alphabetically and the first one is always used in the list. Maybe in the future I'll add support for a manual picture selection.

ANGO wrote:

... also a function to sort the screenshots per drag & drop, would be great 😉

... Would be great 😀

danlucio wrote:

Another nice thing would be a column in the list for the game cover (like that one for screenshot)

Hmm, didn't think of that before, I'll put it on my to-do list...

arobbo wrote:
... a 32-bit Puppy Linux setup (dbgl82), and finally complete some retrievals from the Moby database etc. Back in the Puppy Linu […]
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... a 32-bit Puppy Linux setup (dbgl82), and finally complete some retrievals from the Moby database etc. Back in the Puppy Linux environment however when I updated with your alpha5 links, I received this error below, and I wonder if it signifies that currently only 64-bit platforms are currently operational?

Launching DBGL using 32-Bit VM 1.8.0_212 on Linux v4.1.48i386, HSQL Database Engine, SWT v4924gtk
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:261)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:241)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(C.java:19)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Callback.<clinit>(Callback.java:41)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.<clinit>(Control.java:100)
at org.dbgl.gui.dialog.MainWindow.<init>(MainWindow.java:152)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:52)
Script completed hit RETURN to close window.

Correct, the various DBGL 0.90alphaX packages only contain /lib/swt.jar files for 64-bit operation systems. If you really want to use DBGL 0.90 on a 32-bit system, you'll need to download the appropriate latest SWT release for your OS - in your case you'll need this. Extract the contents of the archive and rename swt.jar to swtlin64.jar and copy it into your dbgl/lib folder, overwriting the existing file there. Then DBGL should work on your Puppy Linux just fine, methinks.

dbgl-user wrote:

regarding portability, i moved dbgl to its former location and upgraded it. when starting the new version, the layout returned to default setup. also, a hidden .dbgl folder is now created under home upon every start, still making it not as portable as before. forgot to mention the .dosbox folder under home, which is also created, btw.

Well, the ~/.dbgl folder is DBGL's default location for user-generated content such as profiles, templates and the like, but if you just want to use the main dbgl directory for this data, simply edit the ./dbgl startup script and set the parameter dbgl.data.userhome=true to false, like so:

export SWT_GTK3=0
symlink=`find "$0" -printf "%l"`
cd "`dirname "${symlink:-$0}"`"
"${JAVA_HOME:-/usr}"/bin/java -Djava.library.path=lib -Ddbgl.data.userhome=false -jar dbgl.jar

If you already have created some content, you will probably want to copy/move the existing data in ~/.dbgl into your main dbgl directory. Regarding the .dosbox folder, I think that is the default location for dosbox.conf, but if you want to make it all portable, put DOSBox' executable and dosbox.conf into a subdirectory of dbgl and configure it as such in DBGL (see attached image).

jaygame1 wrote:

The "Edit Profile" box doesn't save my changes when I hit Ok. When I edit the game, in the "Mounting" tab, the executable boxes are blank. After refilling them and hitting OK, it acts as if nothing was entered into the executable boxes, and sure enough, if I edit the profile, the boxes are blank again.

That sounds pretty bad - is this problem easily reproducible? If so, can you explain exactly what you're doing, maybe with screenshots? PM me directly, if you like.

Reply 1339 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
pantercat wrote:

When in profile / info properties the "link 1" field is empty, the characters are displayed on top of each other.

Thank you, the issue is fixed in ALPHA6.