DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 980 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

In response to this post, I've started writing an importer for D-Fend Reloaded profile-data. Unfortunately, I lack the data to test this thoroughly. If anybody is willing to share (parts) of his/hers D-Fend Reloaded game meta-data to get me started, please send me an PM. Please note that I will not be needing any actual game files, just the DFR directories containing your DOSBox configuration, captures, etc (everything in %USERPROFILE%\D-Fend Reloaded\ except for the VirtualHD folder). Thanks in advance!

Reply 981 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Yet another update, test build 0.76c:

* Implemented (rather basic) D-Fend Reloaded DOSBox profiles import. Currently, profile meta-data, links and captures are imported. If there is user interest, I might extend this feature a bit more. You can find the feature in the main menu (Profiles -> Import D-Fend (Reloaded) profiles); Please note that after importing the data, I would strongly recommend to also migrate the imported profiles (Profiles-> Migrate profiles). This action will adjust all absolute file and link locations to use relative locations instead. After the migration, you can simply move all game data to DBGL's [dosroot] folder, and you're done. (thanks Dark_Oppressor)
* Fixed pouet.net and hotud.org information querying (as both sites were altered recently, DBGL was unable to parse their results).

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual.


Reply 982 of 1987, by SKARDAVNELNATE

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Rank Oldbie

Did you change the way the that the conf file is opened for editing? I no longer see the button in Edit Version.

Reply 983 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Yes, that was changed in 0.76a to make the interface more uniform; simply right-click the dosbox version and select View->Configuration file (like with profiles and templates)

Reply 984 of 1987, by Dark_Oppressor

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Rank Newbie

Does the profile meta-data include the DosBox settings like display settings and the like? If so, I've found a few things that are not the same on the imported conf I'm comparing.

The basics all seem to be working great, and I can play my games (which are located on a server in my house) immediately after importing everything.

Reply 985 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
Dark_Oppressor wrote:

Does the profile meta-data include the DosBox settings like display settings and the like? If so, I've found a few things that are not the same on the imported conf I'm comparing.

The basics all seem to be working great, and I can play my games (which are located on a server in my house) immediately after importing everything.

Nice to hear that your games work correctly!

As for the 'display settings and the like', my guess is that you had the 'Clean up' checkbox ticked when you performed the import?! This will reset the [sdl] and [joystick] settings to DOSBox' defaults. For some reason - when creating new profiles in D-Fend Reloaded - it will use non-default values for some settings; for example 'fullscreen=true' and 'joysticktype=none'. DBGL will thus try to restore DOSBox' default settings. Please retry the import with the checkbox un-ticked.

Reply 986 of 1987, by Dark_Oppressor

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote:

Nice to hear that your games work correctly!

As for the 'display settings and the like', my guess is that you had the 'Clean up' checkbox ticked when you performed the import?! This will reset the [sdl] and [joystick] settings to DOSBox' defaults. For some reason - when creating new profiles in D-Fend Reloaded - it will use non-default values for some settings; for example 'fullscreen=true' and 'joysticktype=none'. DBGL will thus try to restore DOSBox' default settings. Please retry the import with the checkbox un-ticked.

Yep, that was it! I unchecked that and everything looks correct. Cool beans!

Reply 987 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I have a suggestion for a new feature... let's call it "Create portable version of the game". It's something I've done a couple of times for people with zero knowledge of DOSBox. All it would take would be:

1) Copy game files to an user specified folder.

2) Copy in the same folder whatever version of DOSBox the game is using.

3) Copy the game CONF file and rename it as DOSBox.conf.

The result would be a DOS game ready to use in any system using the same SO.

BTW, when was it decided to move the import / export options to the "Profiles" menu? I'm getting a hard time getting used to that, my first move is always to click on "File".

Reply 988 of 1987, by SirForPresident

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Rank Newbie

Hello, I'm relatively new to DOSBox and DBGL, so I'm hoping this is the place to get the help that I will need.

I recently purchased a Samsung Chromebook with the hopes of it becoming an easy note-taking mobile computer and possible DOS gaming machine. I have since realized that this may not have been the best idea due to the NaCl and ARM dependencies. However, I have gotten a few games to run in DOSBox through Crouton, which is a chroot environment to dual-run Ubuntu and ChromeOS.

All I want to do is get Daggerfall to run on my chroot environment. I have tried everything from DBGL to standalone DOSBox troubleshooting. Yet I have been unable to get DBGL to launch in this chroot environment. I've tried running the dbgl.sh through the terminal, standard execution, and even typing the commands into the root terminal to no avail. Nothing launches or runs. I have the correct java packages installed as well as the other two items noted on the website. My hopes are to get DBGL to launch and then use the pre-packaged version of Daggerfall that is available online, as well as to organize all of my DOS games.

Could I possibly get some help in troubleshooting this or some information on whether I should just drop the idea and give up? If this is the wrong location, my apologies. As far as I can tell, this is the general DBGL help and information thread, so I thought this would be the best area. Please halp.

My buddy who understands Linux better than I do told my to run the launcher through the terminal:

(precise)sir@localhost:~/DOSGames/DBGL$ sh ./dbgl
Launching DBGL using 32-Bit VM 1.6.0_27 on Linux v3.4.0arm, HSQL Database Engine, SWT v4236gtk
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:
no swt-gtk-4236 in java.library.path
no swt-gtk in java.library.path
/home/sir/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk-4236.so: /home/sir/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk-4236.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Possible cause: can't load IA 32-bit .so on a ARM-bit platform)
Can't load library: /home/sir/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk.so

at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.C.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Converter.wcsToMbcs(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at org.dbgl.gui.MainWindow.open(MainWindow.java:112)
at org.dbgl.gui.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:47)

Does this mean that ARM isn't supported and I need to throw in the towel?
Will DBGL ever support ARM?

Reply 990 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
SirForPresident wrote:
Could I possibly get some help in troubleshooting this or some information on whether I should just drop the idea and give up? I […]
Show full quote

Could I possibly get some help in troubleshooting this or some information on whether I should just drop the idea and give up? If this is the wrong location, my apologies. As far as I can tell, this is the general DBGL help and information thread, so I thought this would be the best area. Please halp.

	no swt-gtk-4236 in java.library.path
no swt-gtk in java.library.path
/home/sir/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk-4236.so: /home/sir/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk-4236.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Possible cause: can't load IA 32-bit .so on a ARM-bit platform)
Can't load library: /home/sir/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk.so

You've come to the right place 😀 It looks like the GUI library SWT cannot be loaded, as this lib is architecture-dependent. You will need to replace the included x86/64 SWT libs with a lib for ARM (hard float). SWT does not offer a supported build as far as I can tell, but I did find an older version 3.8.2 in a debian repository which you could try out. Maybe someone knows if SWT 4.x is available for ARM, somewhere on the web 😊 .

Simply remove the existing swt*.jar files in the DBGL/lib folder, and replace them with the files in the attached zip file. Please let us know if that works!

Reply 991 of 1987, by jtalbot

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Rank Newbie

I love this App, but is there anyway to change the filters? I would love if there was a way to have them filtered either tree or tabs since this data is downloaded from Mobi it should not that to hard right? It is cumbersome to highlight and create a filter then try to add games to that filter later on...

Other than it is a really great app, fix the filters and i can leave d-fend reloaded finally 😀

Reply 992 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Yeah, yeah..

The attachment filter.png is no longer available

Reply 993 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

.. And here's another update, test build 0.76d:

* Implemented another way to create a profiles filter; by selecting one (or more) category value(s) in the tree on the right side of the filter creation dialog (as shown in the image above). You can use the checkbox in front of a category value to make the value required; non-checked items will be OR-ed together in the filter condition. Adjusting the tree selection(s) will instantly update the filter condition, and consequently the 'Result' text-field. Note that some values can be expanded one more level deeper, in which the individual words that make up the value can be selected. For example, the value 'Action, Adventure' in the category 'Genre' will have the subitems 'Action' and 'Adventure'. Selecting one of these items will create a 'Genre LIKE %' subcondition, as to filter on any genre with the substring 'Action' or 'Adventure' in it.
* Implemented workaround for (rare) crash-bug in Gallery, see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=416476
* Updated Launch4j to 3.1.0-beta2, resulting in a slightly smaller launch.exe
* Fixed possible dead-lock when quitting DBGL on OSX (main DBGL dialog would close but the application remained active in dock)
* Don't 'clean up' D-Fend Reloaded settings, by default (Dark_Oppressor)

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual.


Reply 994 of 1987, by jtalbot

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Rank Newbie

Fantastic, I will test it tonight and see how it works...best morning news I have had in weeks 😀

Looking at the site, where can i download the test builds? I only see the current .76 version. Never looked for the test builds before 😀
Nevermind i found it ...such a newb.

Reply 995 of 1987, by jtalbot

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Rank Newbie

Initial tests in my test enviroment looks very good. Thanks for the update, much appreciated.

Reply 996 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks, always nice to hear that 😊

Reply 997 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

The MobyGames.com website was updated recently, leaving DBGL unable to query it for game information; I will try to resolve this in the near future.

Reply 998 of 1987, by kolano

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Rank Oldbie

There is an issues with the filter generation logic. If multiple options are selected within a group it generates a filter like...

AND YR.YEAR='1985'

...but since a title can't have multiple year values, that filter actually selects nothing. You should be using "OR" instead at least for inner group items (i.e. "AND" groups, but "OR" selections within a group.

Eyecandy: Turn your computer into an expensive lava lamp.

Reply 999 of 1987, by rfc

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Rank Newbie

Using 0.76, can I specify a custom mappingfile with the profile editor dialog somehow? I'm unable to find anything. If I change it directly in the profiles/*.conf file, it works and stays.

In my case I've game specific mapping I don't want to have globally.

Btw, when I run dosbox and enter the mapper with CTRL+F1 and save it, it gets saved into the profiles/ folder, is that deliberate? Does this mean the profiles/ directory for all games it the "execution directory" for Dosbox?