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Any Germans Here?

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Reply 21 of 24, by IIGS_User

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Rank Oldbie
Carrera wrote:

Wusste gar nicht, dass es so viele hier gibt, die der deutschen Sprache mächtig sind!
Lass das mal durch Bablefish "lofen".

Better not do so. Even if I mix english sentences through Bablefish i must laugh about the result... 😁


Reply 22 of 24, by SysGOD

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Carrera wrote:

Wusste gar nicht, dass es so viele hier gibt, die der deutschen Sprache mächtig sind!
Lass das mal durch Bablefish "lofen".

BabelFish wrote:

It did not know at all that there are so many here, which are powerful the German language! Leave times "lofen" by Bablefish.

🤣 naja höhrt sich doch nicht schlecht an oder...?^^

hey ich bin auch kein englisch experte, gerade was groß- und kleinschreibung betrifft. schlage aber öfters mal ein paar wörter bei dict.cc nach, damit wenigstens die rechtschreibung stimmt und ich mich nicht völlig blamiere... 😁


Reply 23 of 24, by pixelatedscraps

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This is quite the necro bump but my new thread would be called exactly this anyway.

I just unpacked my container into an apartment in Frankfurt. Are there currently any (more) Germans (or users based in Germany) on Vogons?

Curious to see who is around for a beer, up for sharing of advice and / or may have spare soldering abilities to resurrect old hardware.

My ultimate dual 440LX / Voodoo2 SLI build

Reply 24 of 24, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

Nethertheless it is an *off topic* necro bump, hence I‘m closing this topic.
Please start a new thread but please not in the DOSBox forums 😉

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