Java Port

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Reply 40 of 203, by lil_stenly

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Rank Newbie

You mention that you booting up preinstalled windows 3.1, maybe it's a silly question and still, how you doing that when boot command missing? I'm trying some old programs and stuff and I want to try windows 95 also. Well how you booting an bootable hard disk image? Thats my question! 😀
P.S. By the way, performance is good and its getting better. Most of the stuff runs totally smooth in the browser with 100MB amount of ram, well I cannot complain, like i said before, it's awesome! And just to note that checking the SVN every day, just to see what changes you make.

Reply 41 of 203, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

Win3.x doesn't need to be booted.
Don't expect much from Windows 95 once booting works. Except for the l33tness factor you won't be able to do much if anything at all...

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 42 of 203, by lil_stenly

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Rank Newbie

Oh right, i forgot that 3.1 is just and extender, dos "fork" well. 😀
About 95, even if its useless by that factor, it still deserve some attention in the name of the neat experiments.

Reply 43 of 203, by felixcatx

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Rank Newbie

Hi Danoon!

I inadvertently found a bug in the gui after you use the " REBOOT "

When you boot the jdos, it goes to the root of Z: \, running the command " DIR " it shows 12 files. (including the reboot.com )
When you run the command reboot.com again, after booting, and running the command " dir " again, he now displays 24 files. It doubles the display.
Every time I run the "reboot " 12 more files are added to the root console.
I think that there is nothing dangerous to run any program or game, and I only discovery this bug after modifying and test my "dosbox.conf".

I will test win3, I can configure video display to 256 colors? 😁



Reply 44 of 203, by danoon

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Rank Member

felixcatx: That's a good bug find, should be easy to fix. Thanks. As for Win 3.11, I followed a DosBox guide to install it using DosBox. I tested it with SB16 drivers and the S3 driver set to 256 colors at 800x600. I'm sure there are some bugs, so far I already found two since build 16. SimTower would crash when accessing SB16. The second one involved launching Freecell while SimTower was running. I will probably release build 17 later this week with those fixes.


Reply 45 of 203, by koun

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Rank Newbie

I have to agree, that the progress, this port has made, is awesome. Win3.11 working is really another impressive step. However, I have found an issue when trying to open files in Win3.11: When I double click a file in an open dialog, or single click it and then click OK, it is not opened, but instead displayed as a directory in the dialog. This makes opening files impossible. I have attached 2 screen shots in case my description is not exact enough. Let me know if you need more detailed steps to reproduce.

Reply 46 of 203, by danoon

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Rank Member

Thanks koun, I love easy to reproduce bugs like that. Its fixed and will be in the next build, #17


Reply 47 of 203, by koun

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Confirmed. Running Civilization II in Windows 3.11 @1024x768x256 I can now load premade worlds.

Reply 48 of 203, by danoon

User metadata
Rank Member

* Fixed middle and right mouse buttons, they were reversed
* Added the boot command, PcJr support for this missing.
* Win98 can be installed, but fails to fully start
* Added the config command
* Windows 3.11 will now installs without warnings
* First pass at the aspect flag. It will use bicubic.
* Applet can now pass command line arguments to dosbox
* Signed applets can specify a config file by passing a param like:
<param name="param1" value="-conf ~/.jdosbox/<GAME>/dosbox.conf">

When Win98 starts it gives a page fault and a failed to find UDI32.DLL.

MSGSRV32 caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 0167:bff7b9a6
EAX=00000000 CS=0167 EIP=bff7b9a6 EFLGS=00000246
EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=801a77cc EBP=801a7834
ECX=00000000 DS=016f ESI=00000000 FS=lf47
EDX=821e503c ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0000

But I'm still amazed it installed.

Reply 49 of 203, by lil_stenly

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Is there a way to load conf without playing around with signing the applet first,
<param name="param1" value="-conf jar://dosbox.conf">
from the jar file with jar:// still cannot grant a permission to read?
Correct me if I'm wrong (probably I am), as long as the file is in the jar container/archive i thought that theres no need of singing since it reads the file directly, without accessing the drives or other storage there, right?

Reply 50 of 203, by danoon

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Rank Member

lil_stenly: That's a good idea and an oversight on my part. The code has been checked in and will show up in build #18. Just remember that "-conf jar://dosbox.conf" refers to dosbox.conf inside the jdos folder in the jar.


Reply 51 of 203, by lil_stenly

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Rank Newbie

Mmmm not sure about if i should report this, i was playing around with it.
I got Tower Of Darkness CD that usually works with dosbox.
Heretic Hexen and Beyond (The collection)
Installing Heretic v1.03 out of the box, works, to play somehow is not possible, it stays on the screen with heretic logo and no matter what i press it still stays there, no menu appears, no sound.

Hexen... install bat closes the installation if you don't specify path.
Normally works like "install C:\Hexen [ENTER]" and if you don't specify path it echos an example in dosbox... jdosbox closes. If you specify path the game copies the files and then closes again instead of start the setup exe from the had to configure the game.

Still... hexen runs after installs if you specify the path, still it happens the same when i ran hexen, loads and stays in the screen just like waiting to hit enter before menu appears, just when i hit enter or no matter what key menu doesn't appear.

I'm running the jar directly without using and applet in the browser, usually works a little faster in this way.

I got warcraft II and TES daggerfall and inherit the earth quest for the orb.
I test ITE and it works, kind of a slow and still works, just theres no point of using jdosbox for ITE since scummvm runs it much better for very known reason.
Still ITE works, choppy sound.
Wolf works, with that flickering menu bug and the lightnings sprite bug.
Heretic Hexen ?
Will try warcraft II and daggerfall later.
If you need some other info, tell me what exactly to provide you as information to help you improve the port! 😉

Warcraft 2 tides of darknes retails v1.0
Installation fails with message "assertation failed (231:MAIN.C)

In dosbox installs fine and runs good.
In jdosbox after using installed version with dosbox it runs, still when you get to the menu everything works till you click single player, then no mouse click or keyboard keys responding and you can move the mouse and music still plays, the game works, just clicks and keys not responding for unknown reason.

Thats everything so far by now.

Reply 52 of 203, by felixcatx

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Hi Danoon!

I take a fast look on last version "0.74.18". About a bug of "reboot" a think you very near to fix, now only file "autoexec.bat" apear in double, after run command "reboot". I include in my dosbox.conf file, to execute command to clear screen "cls", I think jdos read my custom .conf like a another autoexec.bat ?!?



Reply 53 of 203, by lil_stenly

User metadata
Rank Newbie


wolf.ima in jdos jar directory
modified dosbox.conf in jdos jar directory

autoexec lines in the conf

@echo off
imgmount E jar://wolf.ima -size 512,63,16,44
echo Wolf
echo Sanctuary Woods
echo Press any key to continue...
pause >nul
jdosboxtest.jar -conf jar://dosbox.conf

that command line works when its passed directly to the jar thru normal windows shortcut

<param name="param1" value="-conf jar://dosbox.conf">

that applet command thru html still says permission denied even if this time tries to load up a custom conf

CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file jar://dosbox.conf
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir read)
at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.System.getProperty(Unknown Source)
at java.io.Win32FileSystem.getUserPath(Unknown Source)
at java.io.Win32FileSystem.resolve(Unknown Source)
at java.io.File.getAbsolutePath(Unknown Source)
at jdos.misc.setup.Prop_path.SetValue(Prop_path.java:25)
at jdos.misc.setup.Section_prop.HandleInputline(Section_prop.java:140)
at jdos.misc.setup.Config.ParseConfigFile(Config.java:209)
at jdos.gui.Main.main(Main.java:839)
at jdos.gui.MainApplet.run(MainApplet.java:205)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
About to allocate memory 22536kb: 32792kb free
HARDWARE_Init not finished yet: NO SCREEN SHOTS
Using Soundbank: soundbank-min.gm
Read from port 378
Read from port 379
Read from port 3bc
Read from port 3be
Read from port 278
Read from port 279
Invalid type for serial1
Invalid type for serial2
Parsing command line: AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Parsing command line: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Startup time: 250ms

Runs without load up a conf file.

Also when I try manually to set the cycle up and down when I'm using an applet it hangs.
First typed cycleup and echo returns cycleup 10, then I typed cycleup 1000 and just jdosbox stop responding.

Parsing command line: cycleup
Parsing command line: cycleup 1000
Execute z:\config.COM 0
at jdos.hardware.Keyboard$8.call(Keyboard.java:478)
at jdos.hardware.Timer.TIMER_AddTick(Timer.java:62)
at jdos.Dosbox$1.call(Dosbox.java:71)
at jdos.Dosbox.DOSBOX_RunMachine(Dosbox.java:175)
at jdos.cpu.Callback.CALLBACK_RunRealInt(Callback.java:156)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.Execute(Dos_shell.java:732)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.DoCommand(Dos_shell.java:610)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.CheckConfig(Dos_shell.java:753)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.DoCommand(Dos_shell.java:611)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.ParseLine(Dos_shell.java:170)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.Run(Dos_shell.java:95)
at jdos.shell.Shell$5.call(Shell.java:376)
at jdos.misc.setup.Config.StartUp(Config.java:94)
at jdos.gui.Main.main(Main.java:871)
at jdos.gui.MainApplet.run(MainApplet.java:205)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

When I try to set cycleup value in the jar file running thru java without applet, jdosbox just closes.

P.S. Watching over the revisions just now and YOU WORKING VERY QUICKLY around the fixes... you are amazing! 😉

Last edited by lil_stenly on 2011-04-02, 01:46. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 54 of 203, by danoon

User metadata
Rank Member

felixcatx: I found and fixed the duplicate autoexec.bat bug after a reboot. Thanks.

lil_stenly: Thanks for the stack traces, it really helps. I found both bugs. The dosbox.conf file should now load just fine from a jar and config -set cycleup 1000 will no longer crash. I'm still looking into the game problems you mentioned in an earlier post.

Reply 55 of 203, by lil_stenly

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Yea, I hope that helps, as everyone else around I'm glad to contribute in some way for this project.

About other games... heretic 1.03 from tower of darkness cd.

F:\Games\DOS\java>java -jar jdosbox.jar
DOSBox version 0.74.18
Copyright 2002-2010 DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL.
CONFIG: Generating default configuration.
Writing it to F:\Games\DOS\java\.dosbox\dosbox-0.74.conf
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file F:\Games\DOS\java\.dos
About to allocate memory 22536kb: 32581kb free
HARDWARE_Init not finished yet: NO SCREEN SHOTS
Using Soundbank: soundbank-min.gm
Read from port 378
Read from port 379
Read from port 3bc
Read from port 3be
Read from port 278
Read from port 279
Invalid type for serial1
Invalid type for serial2
Parsing command line: AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Parsing command line: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Startup time: 250ms
Parsing command line: mount C .//C
Execute mount.COM 0
Parsing command line: imgmount D .//TODHHB.iso -t iso -fs iso
Execute imgmount.COM 0
Parsing command line: d:
Parsing command line: dir
Parsing command line: cd heretic
Parsing command line: dir *.bat
Parsing command line: install.bat
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: @echo off
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: DEICE.EXE
Execute DEICE.EXE 0
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: if ERRORLEVEL == 1 GOTO END
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: RESOURCE.EXE
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
Show last 33 lines
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
DOS:57:Set File Date Time Faked
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: if ERRORLEVEL == 1 GOTO ERROR
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: DEL RESOURCE.EXE
Special file open command 80 file D:\HERETIC\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: SETUP
Execute SETUP.EXE 0
INT15:Unknown call bfde
DOS:Multiplex Unhandled call 1687
INT15:Unknown call bfde
DOSBox switched to max cycles, because of the setting: cycles=auto. If the game
runs too fast try a fixed cycles amount in DOSBox's options.
INT15:Unknown call bf01
Function 6f00 not supported
Function 5f00 not supported
Read from port 3cd
Writing 55 to port 3cd
Function 12:Call 80 not handled
Mouse Function 53c1 not implemented!
Buffer full, dropping code

Reply 56 of 203, by lil_stenly

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Okey here is the hexen log.

DOSBox version 0.74.18
Copyright 2002-2010 DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL.
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file F:\Games\DOS\java\.dosbox\dosbox-0.74.conf
About to allocate memory 22536kb: 32586kb free
HARDWARE_Init not finished yet: NO SCREEN SHOTS
Using Soundbank: soundbank-min.gm
Read from port 378
Read from port 379
Read from port 3bc
Read from port 3be
Read from port 278
Read from port 279
Invalid type for serial1
Invalid type for serial2
Parsing command line: AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Parsing command line: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Startup time: 234ms
Parsing command line: mount C .//C
Execute mount.COM 0
Parsing command line: imgmount D .//TODHHB.iso -t iso -fs iso
Execute imgmount.COM 0
Parsing command line: D:
Parsing command line: dir
Parsing command line: cd hexen
Parsing command line: dir *.bat
Parsing command line: install.bat
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: @echo off
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo This batch file will install the DOS version of Hexen
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo to your hard drive.
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: if "a" == "a" goto oops
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT

It closes itself with error message without installing the game!

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
at java.lang.String.charAt(Unknown Source)
at jdos.shell.BatchFile.Goto(BatchFile.java:147)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell$13.call(Dos_shell.java:1604)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.DoCommand(Dos_shell.java:604)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell$12.call(Dos_shell.java:1581)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.DoCommand(Dos_shell.java:604)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.ParseLine(Dos_shell.java:170)
at jdos.shell.Dos_shell.Run(Dos_shell.java:88)
at jdos.shell.Shell$5.call(Shell.java:376)
at jdos.misc.setup.Config.StartUp(Config.java:94)
at jdos.gui.Main.main(Main.java:871)
at jdos.gui.MainFrame.main(MainFrame.java:195)

If i specify path with

Parsing command line: install.bat c:\hexen
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: @echo off
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo This batch file will install the DOS version of Hexen
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo to your hard drive.
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: if "c:\hexena" == "a" goto oops
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: pause
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: md c:\hexen
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy install.bat c:\hexen\test.tmp
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: if NOT EXIST c:\hexen\test.tmp goto ouch
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: del c:\hexen\test.tmp
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: rem start copying files
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy dm.dat c:\hexen\dm.dat
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy dm.doc c:\hexen\dm.doc
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy dm.exe c:\hexen\dm.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy dmod.exe c:\hexen\dmod.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy dosread.txt c:\hexen\readme.txt
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy dossetup.exe c:\hexen\setup.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy hexen.exe c:\hexen\hexen.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy hexen.wad c:\hexen\hexen.wad
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy license.doc c:\hexen\license.doc
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy modem.cfg c:\hexen\modem.cfg
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy modem.num c:\hexen\modem.num
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy modem.str c:\hexen\modem.str
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy sersetup.exe c:\hexen\sersetup.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy ipxsetup.exe c:\hexen\ipxsetup.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: copy hexmod.exe c:\hexen\hexmod.exe
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo Installation is complete.
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo Now change to newly installed HEXEN directory.
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: echo Then type setup.exe to configure your sound card.
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT
Parsing command line: goto ciao
Show last 1 line
Special file open command 80 file D:\HEXEN\INSTALL.BAT

It closes again with exactly the same error message.

And when finally run it again and try to run the installed game it goes the same as heretic.

DOSBox version 0.74.18
Copyright 2002-2010 DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL.
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file F:\Games\DOS\java\.dosbox\dosbox-0.74.conf
About to allocate memory 22536kb: 32586kb free
HARDWARE_Init not finished yet: NO SCREEN SHOTS
Using Soundbank: soundbank-min.gm
Read from port 378
Read from port 379
Read from port 3bc
Read from port 3be
Read from port 278
Read from port 279
Invalid type for serial1
Invalid type for serial2
Parsing command line: AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Parsing command line: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6
Special file open command 80 file Z:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
Startup time: 203ms
Parsing command line: mount C .//C
Execute mount.COM 0
Parsing command line: cd hexen
Parsing command line: C:
Parsing command line: cd hexen
Parsing command line: dir
Parsing command line: setup
Execute setup.EXE 0
File Not Found: .\\C\HEXEN\HEXEN.CFG
Execute HEXEN.EXE 3
File Not Found: .\\C\HEXEN\HEXEN.ETX
INT15:Unknown call bfde
DOS:Multiplex Unhandled call 1687
INT15:Unknown call bfde
DOSBox switched to max cycles, because of the setting: cycles=auto. If the game runs too fast try a fixed cycles amount in DOSBox's options.
INT15:Unknown call bf01

Reply 57 of 203, by danoon

User metadata
Rank Member

* Fixed File Control Block access, this affects older games
* Middle and right mouse buttons should now work correctly
* Many small bug fixes, include batch files with blank lines and goto statement
* Fixed a bug where unsigned applets couldn't load a config file from a jar
* Enhanced the DOS choice command to support /t
* Fixed Alt key handling

lil_stenly: Thanks for the batch file attachment, that was a different installer than the one I had on my hexen cd. I was able to easily fix that bug. But my copies of Hexen and Heretic seem to work just fine for me. Try build #19 and let me know how that works for you.

RGB Classic Games has switch from JPC to jDosBox. You can try at a lot of shareware games in your browser at:


Reply 58 of 203, by wd

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

They claim that the DOSBox port is faster than JPC, is this true?
Last time i checked compatibility the JPC cpu emulation was quite limited
(maybe even paging not implemented) so didn't think any speed comparison
was fair since they could use much simpler memory accessing.

Reply 59 of 203, by danoon

User metadata
Rank Member

Yeah, I know what you mean by the memory accessing, profiling Quake in jbosbox was quite surprising, over 50% of the time spent reading memory.

I haven't done any benchmarks with JPC, but you can see for yourself if you run the doom demo on each site. It was the reason I chose Doom 1 demo, so that there could be a comparison.

I'm still hopeful that the ideas of recompiling x86 instruction directly into java byte code like JPC does might benefit jdosbox, but that will be a big project.
