First post, by zbiggy

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Rank Newbie

Recent CPUs have built in Virtualization feature for better performance of OSes executed in parallel:


Will dosbox use such feature to improve emulation performance?

Reply 2 of 4, by Bark

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Rank Newbie

Is this answer still valid? That DOSBox does not benefit from enabling virtualization features in BIOS.

I have been playing Settlers2 GOG version now and then the last month, and it uses DOSBox to launch the game, but it's always been sluggish, especially in the late game when you have alot of workers and goods in play, and this despite running on a 6 core intel i5 CPU with 48GB RAM.
Earlier today I installed VMware Workstation and had to enable Intel VT-x in BIOS for it, and now when I launched Settlers2 it just hit me that how smooth it is running.
I can't think of anything else that could explain why it suddenly works so smooth, so I googled it and this thread was the second hit. 😜

Reply 3 of 4, by elszgensa

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Afaik DOSBox still does not make use of any virtualization extensions whatsoever.

Have you tried disabling VT-x and checking whether that slows S2 back down to make sure? I honestly don't see how the two would be related.