First post, by dhruba.bandopadhyay

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Rank Newbie

I am really impressed with DOSBox's IPX tunnelling - able to link multiple DOSBox's across the internet for multiplayer LAN supported DOS games. I had a really good time playing long-lost DOS games Blood, C&C DOS, Carmageddon & Syndicate Wars across the internet.

I just heard that there are many non-main-DOSBox development in terms of patches/enhancements, etc. (ykhwong's CVS build http://ykhwong.x-y.net/ & aabluedragon's CVS build http://duke3d.vachu.com/). Does anyone know whether there's a page which lists all non-main-DOSBox CVS builds or patches?

What would be cool if main-DOSBox or non-main-DOSBox created a GameSpy 3D/Kali similar GUI game browser. Something that lets DOSBox users connect to master-servers and list 'game rooms'. So we can browse for all C&C DOS game rooms, pick one, and await for 2, 3 or 4 players, then start a game. The GUI game browser would then take care of setting up IPX tunnelling using DOSBox's cool:

ipxnet startserver <PORT>
ipxnet connect <SERVER_IP>:<PORT>


Please sign the Blood source code release petition

Reply 2 of 2, by h-a-l-9000

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I'm working on something... don't know when it makes sense to share it though. I'm planning to use IRC servers so only client software is needed.