First post, by jmk
I didn't know this existed, but Mobygames says it does... very hard to find any information on it. Sure enough, my old KQ5 EGA supports it.
According to this:
The Audio card, which fits into the system unit, includes the following:
· 3 voice synthesizer plus noise generator
Hmm... sounds a bit familiar, yes? 🙄
Sure enough, I did a bit of poking around and set port 0x0205 to write to the SN76496 The result: some PCJr/Tandy-like sounds! Yet another change where I can't be sure of finding any original content! 😊
Works fine on KQ5 EGA. I tried it on Prince Of Persia 2, but it requires some rather strict checks:
Then checks:
CMP [BX+2],0BFC (OK - PS/1 LW-Type 44 and Model 2011 (286-10))
CMP [BX+2],30F8 (OK - PS/1 Model 2121 (386SX-16))
OUT 70,2F (CMOS Reg 2F, usually the low byte of the checksum).
IN AL,71
If bit 4 high, then OK.
If all that passes, then it will play the sound in the intro, although it does get stuck in the game itself.
POP2 allows the PS/1 card to be used as a "sound device" as well as a "music synth". It does some reading/writing to 0x0200-0x0204 (excluding the joystick at 0x0201). Possibly some sort of sample-playing facility? The mystery deepens...