DOSBox Icon

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Reply 321 of 333, by Duendeinexistente

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Was bored enough to give this a twirl before bed. Tried to keep to old toylike aesthetics because let's be serious, this is for games. Maybe could've used less colors to make it easier to recognize at a glance?

The attachment dosbox icon.png is no longer available

EDIT: On further thought, let's get some good glossiness and some black edges.

The attachment dosbox icon2.png is no longer available

Reply 322 of 333, by mkruer

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Its been a long time posting to this Site... 13 Years? Anyway I thought I would post My idea for a newer DOSBOX icon. It is a more refined version of the DOSBOX in the MS-DOS 6.0 Style logo done above. I made the text work for BOX, but its a bit scrunched to get the over/under lapping to look, If you like it I might fidget a bit and see if I can pull it a part to keep the over under. I am also posting the Paint.Net file so others can play. Anyone should be able to squish and stretch and recolor the image. If at some point the icon is updated, I can look into making as SVG version.

The attachment DOSBOX.png is no longer available

Reply 324 of 333, by mkruer

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The issue is that X really doesn't allow it to fit through the O, it will either be fully on top or under the O, to offset this the O and X need to be fudged closer. Using the same source I created an oblate O this give the X more space to go though the O but the O is still offset to the right

The attachment DOSBOX2.png is no longer available

This one has the letters a bit more scrunched together to make the O more centered

The attachment DOSBOX3.png is no longer available
Last edited by mkruer on 2020-04-13, 20:23. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 325 of 333, by Bruninho

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mkruer wrote on 2020-04-13, 20:05:

The issue is that X really doesn't allow it to fit through the O, it will either be fully on top or under the O, to offset this the O and X need to be fudged closer. Using the same source I created an oblate O this give the X more space to go though the O but the O is still offset to the right


I think it would be better the opposite way like it was done by this user:
Re: DOSBox Icon

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
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Reply 326 of 333, by mkruer

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Bruninho wrote on 2020-04-13, 20:21:
mkruer wrote on 2020-04-13, 20:05:

The issue is that X really doesn't allow it to fit through the O, it will either be fully on top or under the O, to offset this the O and X need to be fudged closer. Using the same source I created an oblate O this give the X more space to go though the O but the O is still offset to the right


I think it would be better the opposite way like it was done by this user:
Re: DOSBox Icon

Can you clarify? X behind? X Ontop, Intersecting Fonts?

Reply 327 of 333, by Bruninho

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That's pretty simple: An inverted variation of the original MS-DOS logo, with the grey words ("BOX") below instead of on top. DOS should get the coloured words instead, because it's the main product here, because obviously DOS stands for "Disk Operating System". MS (Micro$oft) is the secondary thing here, the focus is on DOS.

Sometimes the old MS-DOS logo was even used without the MS pairing, just DOS coloured. That's just basic product identity building practices.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 328 of 333, by mkruer

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Bruninho wrote on 2020-04-13, 21:04:

That's pretty simple: An inverted variation of the original MS-DOS logo, with the grey words ("BOX") below instead of on top. DOS should get the coloured words instead, because it's the main product here, because obviously DOS stands for "Disk Operating System". MS (Micro$oft) is the secondary thing here, the focus is on DOS.

Sometimes the old MS-DOS logo was even used without the MS pairing, just DOS coloured. That's just basic product identity building practices.

🤣 I looked the wrong Icon, for some reason I was looking at SieBoi Post. Yeah that icon would work as well, I was just looking at keeping the coloring scheme in the same place... If only this was called BOXDOS.

Reply 329 of 333, by Bruninho

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Doesn't matter, as long as you keep the word BOX below DOS, it's "DOSbox". Just don't put it on top.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 330 of 333, by JoeBlacksilver

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I know it's not very retro or whatever. I was just making a DosBox icon for myself to go with the other sleek modern icons on my OS. Based on the original logo.

Reply 331 of 333, by Bruninho

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Black one does look great, might be even better without the red background or a version with the original MS-DOS colors; the 3D feel looks good.

When I have some time I might try to do a version for macOS Big Sur... the iOS icon look has never got me anyway, they are all the same. Current icons resembling real stuff on both macOS and Windows are better.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 332 of 333, by JoeBlacksilver

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I'm not sure if someone has made a DOSBox Icon like this yet. Can't find something like this on Google Images. Always wanted this icon for myself though. So I made it. Not the most original idea, but a timeless one I hope. (Actually, not sure if it's infringing copyright? Is that why no one has made something like this? Not that I'm going to make any profit from it at all.)

Reply 333 of 333, by Kikko90

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Rank Newbie

Good morning,

On macOS you would have to revise just the DosBox icon, it jars quite a bit on the dock side (from BigSur 2020 to later).