DOSBox Icon

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Reply 220 of 333, by MegaBlast

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eobet wrote:
If you build your object based icons smart, you don't have to do that. Also, you can't do pixel work on an SVG icon anyway. The […]
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If you build your object based icons smart, you don't have to do that. Also, you can't do pixel work on an SVG icon anyway. The picture I posted had pixel work done at 16x16 size, but the one below doesn't. Further, you probably see the large icon first, and can connect the symbol to the small one, and part of my reason for choosing strong colors was to make the different parts stand out at the small size as well.


Also, as several have pointed out, some read ChaosFish' icon as BoxDos. I switched my layout. Why? Because although we in the west read from left to right, we don't start in the middle of a page. We start from the top.

Yes I know you can't to pixel work in .svg format, I meant after exporting to windows .ico format.
I think that in european culture tendency to read from left to right is stronger than from top to bottom, so most would prefer ChaoFix layout. I guess that you rotated your icon a bit so it would be more natural to read (both are kind of left to right now). Also when looking at your very first attempt I noticed that letters had no gradient, just plane colors. I think that simple version was kind of nicer.

Shed wrote:
other icons made in a hurry up... :) […]
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other icons made in a hurry up... 😀



Awesome, especially the first one. Could you post your work as pngs (best if with transparent background) rather than jpgs? Jpg compression kills colors, I think that is why that BoX writing is so faded.

I try to imagine how it would look if you weren't in a hurry... 😀

Reply 222 of 333, by Shed

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retouched a bit...



and this one with box closed:


And my last composition:


eobet...incredible...your logos are very professional work 😉

Megablast: thanks a lot, really "el chino" was the artist that make the cube 😀

Reply 223 of 333, by DosFreak

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heh, for some reason I thought, "Spanish", when I looked at your first two icons....and yep your from Spain! 😁

The green in your last icon reminds me of the XBOX.......

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Reply 224 of 333, by Shed

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me too.,,,it seems like XBox color 😁

yes, i'm spaniard knight X-DD if knigts still exists today 😀

where are you from DosFreak? wich country?

Reply 225 of 333, by Dominus

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DOSBox Moderator

Shed, I think the rotation of the box doesn't go very well with small icons - I think too much valuable space is wasted on this. Can you do a frontal view only? I especially like the closed box.

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 226 of 333, by Shed

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Reply 227 of 333, by MegaBlast

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Rank Newbie
Shed wrote:

Megablast: thanks a lot, really "el chino" was the artist that make the cube 😀

Pass on then my delight to el chino then (spanish chinese?). That cube is a nice artwork.

I was so wondering how it would look as an icon I even made one from that jpg.

PS. Shed what kind of software do you use? That 256 colors pngs look worse than jpgs. Can't you save as 16 milion colors pngs?

Reply 228 of 333, by Shed

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Yes Megablast, i can do it...the thing is....why it's in 256 colors? i usually work with 32k colors.....don't know... i forget it (suppose)

just time to show you, our animation....

http://www.cyberscope-station.com/canal_dibuj … masterpiece.avi

chino is a spanish guy but borned at Tahiland...chino is our joke to him....he's very talented, but still very lazy for work to earn some decent cash...he works, earn a bit, and stay lazy for another months...it's his life-stylish....(really i'm much more worker in this theme, and actually we don't talk us for this reason)

But the Box (master piece) logo, it's made by him also, with light FX, rays,etc

Last edited by Shed on 2006-04-07, 07:25. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 229 of 333, by eobet

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Rank Newbie
Shed wrote:

eobet...incredible...your logos are very professional work 😉

Thanks for the reaffirmation, it's appreciated since I actually am a professional icon designer.

Reply 230 of 333, by Shed

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"chino" usually works with 3DStudio Max and SoftImage XSI software...also with combustion, clothes, hair, forest, skeleton animation, face animations proffesional illumination and cinematic FX, etc etc....very talented as i say...and very young....around 22 years old

i code with c++ Builder environment for applications, and some other things like PaintShoPro for retouch and composing gfx (mostly 2D) really i'm not a 3D guru ...

but i pre-visualize things like this box, (masterpiece logo) and he does for me...it's like my own slave (or he feels that X-DD)

then...our last conversations is something like:

me: "hey chino, i need something like blabla...(explain)"
chino: "yes but i do if i want do it..."

me: "forget it...fuckk you man...bye"

i don't see him since...2 months or so...and we live at 500 mtrs far away

the problem here is....i have ideas for 3D scenes and logos...etc...but i don't have knowledges for make real in 3D ...then i need "chino" for do 3D things....but chino is hasted that i say...do this...and this other...and we earn nothing with it....then...he works with some things like 3D floors for building agencies....and earn by himself....probably if we have a bussiness together, he can "earn" about 4X or more....but he's to lazy...for make the JOB continuously, day after day...

Reply 231 of 333, by red_avatar

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Here's my latest DOSBOX icon I made - I went for style above trying to bring "box" into it. I used the DOS font and blue/white to refer to the theme.

Reply 232 of 333, by eL_PuSHeR

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Rank l33t++

Nice one! 😎

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Reply 233 of 333, by Alkarion

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Yes, that looks really good. I think it could even do without the "dosbox" text.

Reply 234 of 333, by red_avatar

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Rank Oldbie

Like this then?

It looks a lot like my old icon I made - but wasn't too happy with the look.

Reply 235 of 333, by Alkarion

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It's great. Keep Icons simple, and that is what it does. Without looking boring, that is.

Reply 236 of 333, by red_avatar

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I love a shiny icon - it makes it appealing to run the program. My previous icon was a bit more simplistic but while it did its job, it lacked something which this icon seems to make up.

Reply 237 of 333, by avatar_58

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red_avatar wrote:

Like this then?

It looks a lot like my old icon I made - but wasn't too happy with the look.

I like that one, very simple yet nice.

Reply 239 of 333, by ChaosFish

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DosFreak wrote:

uh oh, more competition for ChaosFish!


🤣 (that's still one weirdass smiley...)
I'd love to fight, but I can't make enough time for it at the moment 🙁
So in the meantime it'd be cool if someone could make a better icon. The DOSBox authors would sure appreciate it.

What'd be cool (for me..) to see is someone makes his/her own version of the current (my) icon! 😜 [in Photoshop format here, if it can be helpful to anyone]

red_avatar: That's pretty nifty, kinda like a crystal ball.