First post, by guest

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I am trying to run a game through dosbox and I can’t get the game to load. Please can anyone help me? I would be so grateful!

I am able to mount the drive just fine (mount c c:\dosgames) but when I go to run the program (c:\>sq6dos) I get these messages

Unable to change to: \dosgames\sq6dos.
Illegal Command CheckCD.
Illegal Command vesatest.
Illegal Command C:\dosgames\sq6dos\sierra.


What I am doing wrong? The bat file is in the directory of c:\. Normally through dos I could just go to the directory and type in the bat file to get it running, but I don’t know why now it is giving me these messages. I downladed dosbox because even though I was able to play it in dos it had a lot of problems. I am on winME, if it makes any difference. Please please help…Thanks!

Reply 1 of 7, by Magamo

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Looks as though you're trying to mount c:\dosgames as c:\ in dos box, yet the batch file is still looking for things under the c:\dosgames tree, try simply mounting c:\ as the C drive in Dos Box and give that a whirl.

Reply 2 of 7, by Guest

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Wow that was fast! But....no luck

I just mounted the c drive like you said went to the directory and get this:

this batch file is used automatically by the Space Quest 6 program. please do not run it from the dos command line.

Vesa found

Were sorry you have encoutered an internal game error. Please restart your game and restore a saved game...
error 99: error loading resource 999.pal


I don't get it 😖

This game is listed as being supported. What else can I do???

Reply 3 of 7, by Magamo

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Make sure the CD is mounted
(mount d d:\ -t cdrom -aspi)

That should hopefully clear up that issue.

(I'm only assuming that it's not mounted 'cause you haven't mentioned it previously, and this sounds like it's not finding the CD)

Reply 4 of 7, by mirekluza

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DOSBox Moderator

When you post next time:
a) State clearly the name of the game at the beginning.


Reply 5 of 7, by dougdahl

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I remember on an older version (about 0.58 I believe) I couldn't get the sq6dos.bat to work so I had to use the command "sierra -o resource.cfg" (As well I seem to recall some problem with getting the movies to play with sound).

I just tried it with 0.63 and the .bat worked properly as well as the movies. Though strangely now when I exit the game it crashes with the message
"Exit to error: CPU:GRP5:Illegal Call 7"

Are you using 0.63 or is it an older version of dosbox?

If an earlier version you could try getting a newer version or running "sierra -o resource.cfg" from the sq6dos directory. Getting 0.63 would be your best bet.

If it's 0.63, my suggestion would be to make sure to mount the cdrom properly and make sure the paths are set up right. Specifically that the checkcd in the SQ6DOS.bat is pointing to where you have the cd mounted at and that the paths in the RESOURCE.CFG also point correctly.

Reply 6 of 7, by Magamo

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dougdahl: Hmmm... On a lark, try allocating some memory out to the ether with 'loadfix' before running the game? I suppose I could install my copy of it, I think it's sitting in the other room. 😀 Some games cause similar messages in Dos Box when it has memory errors due to the high amount of memory that Dos Box has available by default. (Wing Commander II for example)

If that doesn't work, then this may be an error in DB.

Reply 7 of 7, by Magamo

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Going back to the resource 999.pal issue, I think I figured that one out too.

It appears that in DOS Box internal Batch programming language there are a few case sensitivity issues.

Open up SQ6DOS\CHECKCD.BAT and delete line 2:

if not "%0"=="CheckCD" goto Abort

Then run SQ6DOS.BAT

It worked for me, YMMV

Quick edit:

The game is a lot more stable with the Normal core than with dynamic.

Also, on my copy of dos box (0.62) during any FMV sequences I've seen so far (of which there are two during the intro) the video is played quite nicely, but no sound is played in my case. All other places in the game so far, the sound seems perfect. (General MIDI music/ Soundblaster digital Audio)

I too am seeing the Illegal Call error upon exit under the normal core. even loadfixed out.