Need help with Speed Racer

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First post, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

I was trying to get "Speed Racer in The Challenge of Racer X" to work for me on DOSBox (I'm running DOSBox on an iMac - OSX). The games has 3 disks and an installer. I tried running the installer and got through one step in the process, then got a notice saying: "INSTALL STOPPED! COMMAND>COM not found." I then ran the three disk one after the other hoping it would create the missing 'command.com' file. It didn't. I ran the installer again with the very same results. The disks did however, create most of the game files. After running a setup file, the game starts and works when I run the executable (sr.exe). All the controls work, but it will only run in demo mode. When on the menu screen where you choose demo, 1 player, or 2 players . . . I can't get it to switch from selecting demo.

If anybody can help me out here, I'd appreciate it a lot. I know the game will run on DOSBox as they have the game on Classic Reload using DOSBox. (I would just play on their site if I could save my progress there).

I'm pretty sure the game I got is complete too. It does have all 3 game disks after all.

I'm hoping theres something about running multiple disk games that I don't know as I've never tried to run one before.

Thanks a lot!

Reply 1 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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The installer assumes that COMMAND.COM is in the root of the C: drive. That's usually true on real DOS systems, but the correct thing to do is to use the COMSPEC environment variable to locate the command interpreter.

Anyway, copying COMMAND.COM from DOSBox's Z: drive to the root of the *emulated* C: drive should make the installer happy. This situation is another reason why it's a bad idea to mount the root of the real C: drive as the root of the emulated C: drive.

Reply 2 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

Cool! Thanks a lot! I have no idea where DOSBox's Z: drive is, but I'll look for it. By my "emulated" C: drive, I assume you mean the folder I mounted as my C: drive. What do you mean about mounting the "root?" --Sorry, I know how to use computers, but don't know that much about how they work.

Thanks very much for replying!

Reply 3 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

I couldn't figure out where exactly the DOSBox z: drive files are actually located on my iMac, but I ran a search for "command.com" and I found one in another old DOS games. I put a copy of it in my C: drive (folder). Apparently, it is the right file because when I ran the game installer it said the install was successful and to type sr to start the game, but it didn't run. I got a notice saying: "stub exec failed: dos4gw.exe - no such file or directory."

That was one of the files that I mentioned earlier that were created by the game disks. So I tried moving the files from that folder to the new game folder that the installer had created (I marked all of them so I could remove them again if necessary). The game runs just the same as the other one I made before--only in demo mode.

It seems to me that the installer didn't copy all of the files from all three disks. But I really don't know what's wrong now

Thanks again for the help!

Last edited by Mr. Eeee on 2018-04-14, 07:56. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 4 of 31, by Qbix

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just enter the copy command inside dosbox.

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Reply 5 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

I just tried typing "copy command.com" inside DOSBox and it said "Copy failure - 0 files copied."

I guess I was editing my last post when you posted your reply. I think I did find a copy of the file anyway.

Reply 6 of 31, by Dominus

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Btw, you might want to test out my OS X built of the current development source of DODBox. Download in my sognature. It is signed and should be better in some ways than the old 0.74-1 version. As for trusting me, I also did the version you are using now 😉
(Won't help with your current problem but if I understood correctly it is working now)

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
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Reply 7 of 31, by Dominus

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@ripsaw and qbix: would it be possible to always add a virtual pointer to z:/command.com on every mount c? (If c is mounted as a hard drive AND no real command.com is present in the mounted folder) this would help the few games that have a problem with command.com not in the root of c:\

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 8 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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Well, the COMSPEC environment variable is a kind of pointer, but it's up to DOS programs to do the right thing and use it. 😀

It was a long time ago that I mentioned to Qbix the idea of internally converting C:\COMMAND.COM to Z:\COMMAND.COM, but it didn't go anywhere; it is indeed a kludge.

@Mr. Eeee: after mounting a C: drive, use the command: COPY Z:\COMMAND.COM C:\

Reply 9 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

Dominus . . . I DLed the "snapshot for OSX" I assume that's the right thing. Thanks a lot!
But no, my problem is not really solved. I guess I found the right file, but the install didn't work right even though it said "Install successful." Please see my earlier 3rd post.


Last edited by Mr. Eeee on 2018-04-14, 08:40. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 10 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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The COMMAND.COM you "found somewhere" is not necessarily supported. You should use the one on DOSBox's Z: drive, like I described in my previous post, then re-install the game.

Also, how are you mounting the floppy drive or floppy images?

Reply 11 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

I just typed in exactly what you said and it came back with "illegal path" ???

I pretty uuch followed the manual as for my c: drive path . . . mount c ~/games/

But are you talking about something else? --Cause maybe that's my big problem. I haven't mounted any floppy drives

Last edited by Mr. Eeee on 2018-04-14, 08:46. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 12 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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You are making some fundamental mistake, but we can't see what it is if you're vague about what you're doing.

Please list all commands you are typing in DOSBox, including all MOUNT commands, in order to install the game.

Reply 13 of 31, by Dominus

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DOSBox Moderator

Can you do a screenshot of the DOSBox window of your mounts and when you typed the command? Preview is very handy for taking screenshots.

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 14 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

Okay . . . here is how I'm doing my commands . . .

After starting DOSBox (the new one I just DLed BTW), I type:
mount c `/Games/ (then hit return)
then I type: c:

Reply 15 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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DOSBox Author

And how do you plan to mount the floppy disks? With a real floppy drive? With images of the floppy disks?

BTW, the Z: drive is a virtual drive within DOSBox. It seems like you've been trying to do things outside of DOSBox when you should be doing them inside.

mount c ~/Games/
copy z:\command.com c:\

Reply 16 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

Okay . . . here is how I'm doing my commands . . .

After starting DOSBox (the new one I just DLed BTW), I type:
mount c ~/games/dosgames/ (then hit return)
Then I type: c:
Then I type: cd speed (the folder the game is in)
Then I type: install.exe

And that's pretty much it. Then it starts installing (with various degrees of success so far). 😀

Dominux . . . I took a screenshot of my DOSBox window with my commands but I'm not sure how to attach it. I see no button for that.

Reply 17 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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Are you copying the contents of all floppy disks to a folder on your hard disk and trying to install from that folder? That works in some cases, but not all. Normally you mount the A: drive as a floppy drive and install from A: to C:

Reply 18 of 31, by Mr. Eeee

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Rank Newbie

Okay. so I just typed...
mount c ~/games/dosgames/ and it says Drive C is mounted as local directory
then I typed: copy z:\command.com c:\ and it says "COMMAND.COM - 1 file(s) copied.

so that's good. Now I will try and install again . . . I'll let you know how it goes . . .

Last edited by Mr. Eeee on 2018-04-14, 09:38. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 19 of 31, by ripsaw8080

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Just make sure you don't install to C:\SPEED, because that's where you're installing FROM.