First post, by VileR

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This appears to be a very little-known game, it isn't even on the mobygames archives(!). maybe someone will know what I'm talking about, though.

The problem (running DOSBox v0.61) : In-game, whenever the screen scrolls a little, there is random garbage smeared halfway across the screen.
(notes: 1 - this is a top-down game that scrolls both horizontally and vertically, and the problem seems to happen only with vertical scrolling. 2 - this only happens in VGA mode, CGA works fine).

Also, a question - can anyone get this game to play adlib/SB music? I didn't have a soundcard back in the day, but the game has a command-line option to force pc speaker music, so i'm obviously assuming it supports other sound modes too. Still, I get only pc speaker sound under DOSBox.

Reply 1 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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Will test it when i arrive home (i am at work now) and i will post back.

BTW: Just like most Titus games, i find it quite bad. 😁

Reply 2 of 8, by VileR

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hahah, it's certainly far from being the best game ever, but all I remember is that it was damn addictive when i was a kid. 😉

So... any results ?

Reply 3 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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Rank l33t++

This is what i found so far: Running it using several methods under WinXP

Natively: Kicks me to desktop
VDMSound: Kicks me to desktop
DOSBox 0.58: Black playing screen
DOSBox 0.61: Same as you, nasty display effect when scrolling half down of the screen
DOSBox CVS (2004-03-13): Garbled display. Not playable

P.S: I wasn't unable to get Adlib sound working, so i am not sure if it has any Adlib support or not.

Reply 4 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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This game runs even worse under current CVS release, so you better stick with official 0.61
This game doesn't have any command-line switches. Adlib sound uses an autodetection routine that fails 99,99% of the time. 😠

Reply 5 of 8, by VileR

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About the command-line switches: when you run it by typing "STORM ?", it gives you the following -


*** The ultimate SHOOT'EM UP scrolling on EGA-VGA for BATTLESTORM by E.ZMIRO
Options are : /C for CGA (4 COLORS)
/B for buzzer music

(Kind of goes by too fast to see, but I redirected the output to a txt file)

Please elaborate about the "Adlib detection routine that fails 99,99% of the time" part. I'm not sure whether you are talking about this game, or in general, or about DOSBox itself... 😕


Reply 6 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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What i mean is that there is not Adlib parameter to force Adlib operation (it is automatically detected if present). The main problem is that it seems the autodetection routine doesn't work very well. 😁

Reply 7 of 8, by VileR

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By the way, another problem I've noticed - it doesn't handle the palette changes correctly.
There should be palette changes in the status screen (F10), in the game over screen, and in the high score list... the screen is supposed to get darker, leaving only the text in bright red and yellow, but under DOSBox 0.61 the palette remains the same and the text displays in a dull grey.

Reply 8 of 8, by dr.zeissler

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smooth scrolling does not work on my 286/10/EGA either.
i'll make a video of that later.

Retro-Gamer 😀 ...on different machines