[DOSBox-only version] Hq2x / Hardware OpenGL-HQ scaling

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First post, by `Moe`

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Rank Oldbie

Hi guys (and ladies),

I just wanted to let you know that I've uploaded the latest Hq2x/OpenGL-HQ patch today. It now compiles nicely on windows, and I've even added a win32 binary build. That build is totally, utterly, completely unsupported, will blow up your girlfriend and sleep with your house (or was it the other way round?), but I had it lying around and I guess some may want to see how OpenGL-HQ looks like.

Try surface=openglhq and fullfixed=true (using your desktop resolution), then go fullscreen and drool 😉

You need a Geforce 5600/Radeon 9500 class video card, or newer. If your hardware isn't sufficient, you'll automatically get regular opengl output, sorry.

As for configuring trigger values and the like, look for older posts to get an idea what's possible. However, I've tweaked the algorithm with great success, so it will usually pick best settings automatically.

The binary contains all my patches and a really recent CVS, nothing else. I do not plan to make regular binary releases - others do a great job with that. You can find the files in the sourceforge patches section.

Please, any nvidia users tell me if/how it works. It doesn't use any ATI-specific stuff, but you never know, and I have no modern nvidia equipment for testing.

Reply 1 of 145, by gulikoza

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`Moe`...I'm not sure how to tell you this...but your build crashes as soon as I set it to openglhq 😖. Just unpacked, config -writeconf...
dunno it might be my windows (since it's acting somewhat strange lately, but I don't have that many problems). I'll try compiling my own version...

edit: nope, my compile crashes as well 🙁. Also...I can't figure out why applying your patch dosbox now plays videos in Tomb Raider...although the colors are really messed up.

edit2: turned off triple buffering in control panel and it doesn't crash now. I'll do more tests...

Reply 2 of 145, by CraigG

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Got a URL, Moe.
I wouldn't mind playing around with that. 😉

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 3 of 145, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

What good is OpenGL without triple buffering?

Would like to see some screenshots before I get off my ass and check it out for myself 😉

Reply 4 of 145, by Jiri

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Since I have Radeon 9200, I cannot test OpenGL-HQ. But 16-bit VESA, which is part of this patch, should work anyway (at least I think so). But I have messed colors with a greenish look in the games that need 16-bit color mode - I tested Zork Nemesis and "D".

Reply 5 of 145, by `Moe`

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Rank Oldbie

Yeah, triple buffering crashers for me as well. No idea why, or what ATI expects developers to do - the OpenGL API only talks about double buffering, and that's used and works.

HunterZ, just get the EXE and see for yourself. My screenshot was 350k (as png!), so I decided not to attach it.

Jiri, I'll try and see what's wrong, I already have an idea (thanks to wd's observant eyes). Expect another patch soon.

Reply 6 of 145, by CraigG

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Thanks for the URL, Moe.

I guess I'll have to read your mind, next time. 😜

Why is this place full of Fucking assholes.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 7 of 145, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

We're old and bitter, but mostly I blame Snover...

Reply 8 of 145, by `Moe`

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Rank Oldbie

What are you referring to? I still don't get what you mean. Everything's on sourceforge, just as I've written before, and as it has always been.

Reply 9 of 145, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Methinks Craiggey's had a bad day 😀

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 10 of 145, by `Moe`

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Rank Oldbie

Well, just as long as he watches his wording next time - I'd like to see him sitting for hours every day all week long to get that darn thing working on windows. SDL and OpenGL are cool and cross-platform, but I managed to step on every little remaining incompatibility between linux and win 😉

Jiri, I updated the patches to address your problem. There's no updated binary yet.

gulikoza, did it compile for you? I'd like to stop making win32 builds and leave that to you, since I wasn't able to get cross-compiling working.

Lastly, can anyone with a little compiler knowledge please help out with MSVC? There are some casts and pointer arithmetics that MSVC doesn't like, but I don't have the compiler.

Reply 11 of 145, by gulikoza

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Rank Oldbie

16bit mode seems to work now...it's interesting, I didn't know tomb raider plays videos in 16 bit 😁 Haven't had the time to check openglhq yet...

edit: didn't have any problems compiling...so yes, I can do that...though I still have to change my d3d patch so that applies to your changes 😀. I'll see what happens in msvc...

Reply 12 of 145, by CraigG

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Rank Member

Methinks Craiggey's had a bad day

You hit the nail, firmly on the head.

Moe, I appologise. Bad week, would be more fitting.

All I'm asking, Moe, is this. Do you please have a url for a Binary ?
I honestly don't have any links to sourceforge. I formatted, and started again, only this time sticking to SP1.
I forgot to backup all my old Firefox links, so I'm trying to get them all back, including some useful Dosbox ones.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 13 of 145, by Jiri

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`Moe` wrote:

Jiri, I updated the patches to address your problem.

Thanks `Moe`, I will test it and post results.

CraigG: The patches are here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=467234&g … 551&func=browse But, as `Moe` said, there is no binary for last version. So you must compile DOSBox yourself or wait for Moe´s or gulikoza´s ( http://home.amis.net/lkslavi/ ) build.

Reply 14 of 145, by CraigG

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Thanks for the links.

Just as another favour, does anyone have the links to "something (forget) compile" ?
or was it "CVS compile" ?
Just so I can get some of these links back,

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 16 of 145, by CraigG

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Thats the one, thanks. And it looks like they an even newer build than when I last went there, about a week ago.
Marvelous. 😁

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 17 of 145, by `Moe`

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Rank Oldbie

I've finally got my cross-compilation environment working, so expect regular win32 test binaries alongside my source patches:


These will be latest-CVS all-features-enabled all-my-patches-applied no-foreign-patches-applied binaries, so probably nice for daily work unless you like to use other experimental things not written by me.

Today's build is as small as 937k zipped, including all DLLs needed (more than usual, since everything is dynamically linked).

Reply 19 of 145, by kekko

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Rank Oldbie

just tried 16bit patch with screamer rally: green image appears
only when overlay output is selected, no problems with surface
and opengl modes.