popcalent wrote on 2024-04-13, 09:45:
But pin 38 only enables or disables the parallel port, doesn't it? There are three possible addresses plus disabling the parallel port, so that's a total of four options. How can this be configured with just one pin?
Address decoding is external, if you look at the datasheet of the UMC you'll see an example of how it can be done (but your card doesn't implement it in the same way so disregard the jumpers shown there) 😀
Some of the smaller chips will generate a logical 0 somewhere when the CPU requests I/O on a port corresponding to "LPT1"*, some related logic will do that for "LPT2"*, some further will do that for "LPT3"*, and the jumpers will connect either to pin 38!
Well, on a full reference design that is - the card can implement any selection among the 3 addresses, while unlikely it could have only one or more likely two…
* whatever that means - there's a natural priority for the 3 standard parallel port addresses, but if you only have "the third one" the BIOS will call that LPT1 anyway