I very much enjoyed your video, from start to finish. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.
Glad that someone else at least is getting better battery life than I am. Can't help you on the sound, sorry. A couple of things I did pick up along the way:
1) For notepad users, Win95's notepad.exe is pretty rudimentary (no font choice, etc). Notepad++ is very slow, but NewPad is relatively quick to open/use, and has more to offer:
https://web.archive.org/web/19991109051128/ht … are/newpad.html
2) serial-to-wifi does work with oldnet's mtcp driver and the latest version of microweb browses well (white text on black screen is more readable, imo). Over at tindy store, both ISA and RS232 adapters are out of stock, however. I use retro-proxy on the desktop to get to https sites, though the heavier page can crash.
Since I try to use the internal mouse, I do wish there was a way to drag windows. Has anybody found a way?