Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 14060 of 54413, by kithylin

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James-F wrote:
My comment was more general and not specifically for this card or poster. […]
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My comment was more general and not specifically for this card or poster.

Take this post for example: HERE. Finally..... what the hell is that I ask right after his post?
The common knowledge needed to identify this card is far from common.
It'll just be more convenient to actually know what is in the picture for youngsters among us. 😁

As to your earlier post you linked to.. the card did say "COLOR GRAPHICS" right there on the PCB.. and it has a smaller 9-pin plug on the side of the card.. most folks could put 2 and 2 together and realize it was a CGA video card, especially being 8-bit ISA. I never said anything at the time but I had thought that one should of been so easy for anyone to instantly recognize I didn't think it would not of needed any description at all. Some things just should be obvious.. like the gravis ultrasound cards.. almost everyone knows what those are, they're red and even say "ADVANCED GRAVIS" and.. "ULTRASOUND" on them, and as such doesn't need explaining either. Personally if I post something that's obvious from the pictures I wouldn't bother explaining it either. If it was less obvious I might describe it.

Reply 14061 of 54413, by stamasd

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brostenen wrote:

XT systems is something I do not know about. 😉

Those are not XT-class-machine cards. They are 16-bit ISA which means that they are for 286 and higher.

That said, I could use help identifying them.

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Reply 14062 of 54413, by brostenen

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stamasd wrote:
brostenen wrote:

XT systems is something I do not know about. 😉

Those are not XT-class-machine cards. They are 16-bit ISA which means that they are for 286 and higher.

That said, I could use help identifying them.

Did not say that. I was referring to something like 8-Bit ISA cards, and someone else posted pictures of 16-bit cards.
Wich I have never stated was 8 bit cards. 😀

To be absolutely clear.... I was speaking figuratively and not about some specific item.

Last edited by brostenen on 2016-10-07, 20:14. Edited 1 time in total.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 14063 of 54413, by havli

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Radeon X1950 XT 256MB + Accelero S1

HW museum.cz - my collection of PC hardware

Reply 14064 of 54413, by stamasd

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Ahh, the old 8-bit vs 16-bit argument. Well if you need to know, I'm more of a Z80 guy rather than a 286 guy. 😁

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Reply 14065 of 54413, by stamasd

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havli wrote:

Radeon X1950 XT 256MB + Accelero S1

I had a 8800GT with that massive passive cooler. And, despite using the clip-on fans with it all the time, it died a fiery death within 2 years or so. 😀

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Reply 14066 of 54413, by brostenen

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stamasd wrote:

Ahh, the old 8-bit vs 16-bit argument. Well if you need to know, I'm more of a Z80 guy rather than a 286 guy. 😁

Going back that long... I was a mix between C64 and 286 kind of guy, back in the mid-80's.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
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Reply 14067 of 54413, by stamasd

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brostenen wrote:


ZX Spectrum rules. 😁

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Reply 14068 of 54413, by brostenen

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stamasd wrote:
brostenen wrote:


ZX Spectrum rules. 😁

Never had one, and never used one. 🙁

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 14069 of 54413, by stamasd

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brostenen wrote:
stamasd wrote:
brostenen wrote:


ZX Spectrum rules. 😁

Never had one, and never used one. 🙁

Well good news, someone has implemented one in a FPGA as fully accurate simulated hardware, so you don't have to track down a real one if you want to enjoy this retro computer. It's not emulation, but reproduction in a modern chip of the actual hardware. I actually have built one of those. Is that retrocomputing or not? 😁

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Reply 14070 of 54413, by brostenen

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4gb Transcend Ultra CF-Card (industrial grade). Second hand. 5 US Dollars including shipping.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

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Reply 14071 of 54413, by joe6pack

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I was helping clean out the 'IT dungeon' today at work. It was mostly junk and uninteresting Pentium 4 era stuff, but I did find a Voodoo3-2000 and a 3DLabs card, which is (I think) an Oxygen GVX1. I know very little about 3DLabs stuff and am not messing about with AGP cards at the moment, but I thought it was neat.

The attachment IMG_20161007_171659.jpg is no longer available

Reply 14072 of 54413, by Matth79

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stamasd wrote:
Did you just say you wanted to help people identify rare ISA memory cards? I have good news my sweet prince. I can fulfill that […]
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Did you just say you wanted to help people identify rare ISA memory cards? I have good news my sweet prince. I can fulfill that fantasy. Here are 2 exhibits that have puzzled me for the past 2 years.

Exhibit 1:


It came in a box marked "Kouwell" but apart from that I have no information about it. Note that the card itself says "Kouwei"

Found it!
http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/manuals/Kouwe … rs%20Manual.pdf

Reply 14073 of 54413, by rein_ein

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Juhu,remember week ago i posted pics of some weird controller that i traded after few days owning?

So time has come to post what i traded it for:

Asus TXP4-X


I wanted to hold pics because ordered cool stuff for it and now its arrived:

An Cyrix Mii-333GP with cooler. (Lucky because it was just 8$)



Enjoy few pics.
I'm planning build with it and make thread about it,most important parts i already got so only to choose some misc.

btw seems mobo flashed into TX97-XE



Reply 14075 of 54413, by oeuvre

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mmmm Socket 7

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 14076 of 54413, by stamasd

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Matth79 wrote:

Yes, it appears so. Thanks! I'm sure that I looked at that page some time ago and it wasn't there. Must be a new addition.

Looks like it won't really be useful for any of the 286 machines I have, because they're all late 286s, with 1MB main memory and expansion slots for SIMMs. Now if it could use that RAM as EMM, it would have been more interesting.

I still have no idea though what the second card is. If anyone has a clue, it would be much appreciated.

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Reply 14077 of 54413, by gdjacobs

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James-F wrote:
PhilsComputerLab wrote:

I agree, I was just poking James for his "Single cycle DMA" is common knowledge comment in another thread 😀

By my sword or wit, it WILL be common knowledge. 🤣


Where's Sancho when you need him?

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 14078 of 54413, by carlostex

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That particular ASUS TXP4-X can be slowed down extensively to match or be close in speed to an XT system. Provided that one doesn't mind to do a small hardware mod on it.

Reply 14079 of 54413, by mmx_91

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Today I bought a Cirrus Logic 5446 PCI graphics card (1€ at flea market). I suspect it's a piece of crap and I doubt I'll use it for anything, but I liked the sticker on the back, dated 1997 (when we bought our first pc 😀 ) and its price when new: 6400pts (Spain's old currency), about 40 today's €: so cheap!! That's mainly why I suspect how bad it is 🤣



PD: A PCI Voodoo3 2000 is on its way to my home, the seller from Wallapop didn´t know what it was and asked only 5€ for it. I'm starting a 'love/hate' relationship with this hobby since I discovered this wonderful forum, the amount of old hardware I don't need for anything is growing dy by day hahaha 😲 😲. Now searching for a 430TX AT motherboard!