Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 25140 of 53747, by blurks

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No, not at all. This card has a standard 15-pin VGA monitor port. It just requires an existing video adapter as it doesn't feature a builtin VGA core.

Reply 25141 of 53747, by vmunix

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^^ very nice piece of hardware

Trailing edge computing.

Reply 25142 of 53747, by wiretap

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Didn't buy anything today, but I came across something interesting and inexpensive if you're in the US and thought I'd share. It could be halfway decent for a retro gaming rig, brand new in box... beige case with motherboard and 235w power supply. ~$67 shipped, 2 available from a well established seller.

Motherboard on the box sticker appears to be a DFI 586ITOX/D.
-- ATX format
-- Supports Intel® Pentium® MMX processor and 586 class processors from AMD, Cyrix, and IDT
-- Intel® 430TX Core Logic chipset
-- Seven Expansion Slots: 1 PCI, 1 Shared PCI/ISA, and 5 ISA
-- Built-in Video Controller
-- Monitors fan speed, temperature, and power supply voltages

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Reply 25143 of 53747, by luckybob

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wiretap wrote:
Didn't buy anything today, but I came across something interesting and inexpensive if you're in the US and thought I'd share. It […]
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Didn't buy anything today, but I came across something interesting and inexpensive if you're in the US and thought I'd share. It could be halfway decent for a retro gaming rig, brand new in box... beige case with motherboard and 235w power supply. ~$67 shipped, 2 available from a well established seller.

Motherboard on the box sticker appears to be a DFI 586ITOX/D.
-- ATX format
-- Supports Intel® Pentium® MMX processor and 586 class processors from AMD, Cyrix, and IDT
-- Intel® 430TX Core Logic chipset
-- Seven Expansion Slots: 1 PCI, 1 Shared PCI/ISA, and 5 ISA
-- Built-in Video Controller
-- Monitors fan speed, temperature, and power supply voltages

+1 I own 2, with slightly different face plates. They are SOLID cases. If you only buy one beige plain atx, you can't go wrong here. That is a damn good deal.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 25144 of 53747, by dionb

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Recently I claimed here I was calming down on the acquisition front and getting more selective. It appears I was just trying to deceive myself. Still just as badly at it 😉

Picked this up today:

The lot included four more cases, but the seller had let his sons bash away at them before he decided to see if anyone wanted to take it. They were in awful shape so I dumped them, also the HDD split in half (HOW??!??), some potentially nice but mangled removable 3.5" HDD brackets and a "MaxPower" PSU that weighed less than half the weight of the lightest of the three I did keep - and had a big red cross on it. Not that all the stuff pictured is in great shape - and something lost a big MOSFET that I found at the bottom of a bag...

- Octek slot 1 boards - one BX, one ApolloProPlus. Never seen newer Octek. Build quality looks solid.
- BabyAT slot 1board from PCPartner with the original ApolloPro chipset. Also a Soundblaster (ISA by the look of it) chip onboard.
- Two So478 SiS645 chipset boards. The AOpen is worth testing, the Gigabyte has tons of bad caps and given my lack of interest in the platform is not worth re-capping.
- Two So478 CPUs (not yet identified) torn out of their socket still attached to their heatsinks 😦
- An Octek TNT2-M64 card. Also an Octek-branded PSU. Not the best of quality I'm afraid.
- A very nice looking Yamaha XG YMF744B PCI audio card.
- Two somewhat abused Intel 740 AGP cards
- Highscreen AT minitower in fairly decent condition

I recall one of the other Vogons living in NL was desperately looking for one of those Highscreen minitowers - but can't find the post now. In any event I don't need it, so PM me and you can probably come and pick it up for a beer or something.

Reply 25145 of 53747, by gdjacobs

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That Yamaha does look good, but what's the other one? Ensoniq AudioPCI?

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 25147 of 53747, by OldCat

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I've bought Toshiba Portege 3020CT yesterday for about 11EUR / 13USD. I already own 3110CT and 3480CT, but each with some quirks. This one is in perfect condition (seriously, I was surprised at how clean and unscratched it was) and has OPL3 soundcard. I intend to use it for DOS games. Photo below:

The attachment 3020ct.jpg is no longer available

System is still operational, plenty of company accounting files in there (luckily I'm not the type to take advantage of such things) and of course I found some porn. In form of pictures, 'cause it's fairly old computer, but still. 😊

Reply 25148 of 53747, by dionb

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gdjacobs wrote:

That Yamaha does look good, but what's the other one? Ensoniq AudioPCI?

Yep, another (somewhat mauled) AudioPCI 3000 with Creative-branded ES1370 (despite the PCB and sticker being Ensoniq-branded). Perfectly decent cards, but nothing special - and supply is much greater than demand; I've been trying to sell another one for months now, and even an less than the price of a glass of beer, no-one is interested 😉

arncht wrote:

octec was a lowend brand at the end of the 90s - previously they looked more decent.

I'd heard that too. Still, those two boards have the thickest PCBs I've seen on Slot1 boards. Comparable to an Asus P2B or Tyan Tsunami, almost twice the thickness of that PCPartner board next to them.

Reply 25149 of 53747, by liqmat

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blurks wrote:

ATI 8514 Ultra (ATI Mach8, 1024 kB VRAM)

That really is a beautiful sight. Reminds me of when I finally found a new and sealed Cardinal SNAPplus. Have those disks been archived yet and would you please post them if not?

Reply 25150 of 53747, by Bancho

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Couple of things for today,

Boxed complete Yamaha DB50XG


SST-0688 ESS ISA Sound card


NOS Abit VH6T with blown caps. Look at those lovely teapo craps! Gonna recap this and add it to the collection of Abit boards!


Reply 25151 of 53747, by blurks

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liqmat wrote:

That really is a beautiful sight. Reminds me of when I finally found a new and sealed Cardinal SNAPplus. Have those disks been archived yet and would you please post them if not?

I'd love to but the disks are toast. Fortunately there are some driver files on vogonsdrivers (1 2 3) and on archive.org. Sadly they are missing the Crystal Fonts. Haven't checked the 5,25" disks yet but I don't have a drive to read them either.

Reply 25152 of 53747, by Eleanor1967

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I got this lot in the mail today. For just under 20€ I think I got a good deal here. Highlight are definitely the three ET3000AX cards, though one needs a new crystal, the old one got ripped of, all three working (quick question: Is it important to get a crystal with 44.9 Mhz? Those seem to be more rare and I have seem than on the net with everything between a 25 and 65 MHz crystal). Both chips VGAs are working too, the red one has minor corrosion damage but nothing to bad. The Oak cards is dead and quite rusty, this one will be harvested for parts. Not sure what to do with the other two cards maybe I put them up for sale if I can be bothered.

Reply 25153 of 53747, by brostenen

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Got my keyboard in the mail. Just under 25 euro. Not bad. 😜
And yes. It is a Mitsumi Red Light. Even the Caps lock is red and not green. 😀

The attachment GermanKeyboard.jpg is no longer available

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 25154 of 53747, by gdjacobs

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Bancho wrote:
SST-0688 ESS ISA Sound card […]
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SST-0688 ESS ISA Sound card


Be good to know if the illegal clone on this card is 100% the same.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 25155 of 53747, by Thallanor

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I got a good deal on some CPUs and picked them up this evening.

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286-12 (AMD)
386DX-40 (AMD)

*** 486 class ***
486DX-33 (?) w/heatsink
486DX2-66 (AMD)
486DX4-100 (IBM)
5x86-100 (IBM)
5x86-100 (IBM) w/heatsink
5x86-133 (AMD)
5x86-133 (AMD)
Gainberry CPU maximizer 133 w/heatsink

*** Pentium class ***
Pentium 60 (Socket 4)
Pentium 75
K5-90 (AMD)
Pentium 100
Pentium 166 MMX
Pentium 166 MMX
6x86 P166+ (IBM)
6x86 P166+ (IBM)
K6-233 (AMD)
K62-350 (AMD)

*** Pentium II class ***
Unknown Slot-1
Pentium II 266 w/heatsink & fan (slot 1)
Celeron 400 (socket 370)

Reply 25156 of 53747, by Thallanor

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I also picked up some other hardware this evening.

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Sound Blaster Live PCI (CT4760)
ATI tv tuner/capture card PCI
USB 2.0 4-port PCI
Generic ISA NIC, 10Base2 / 10BaseT, w/disk
Generic ISA NIC, 10Base2 / 10BaseT, w/disk
ATI 3D Rage Pro PCI w/svideo in, composite in, and TV out, and full memory expansion
ATI All-In-Wonder 3D Rage II PCI
Diamond S3 Trio 64 1MB VLB (w/docs and disks)

Reply 25157 of 53747, by derSammler

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ATI 3D Rage Pro PCI w/svideo in, composite in, and TV out, and full memory expansion

Mac version. That one won't work in a PC until re-flashed with a PC-compatible firmware.

The S3 card is nice. 😀

Reply 25158 of 53747, by Batyra

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Yesterday received this boxed "grandpa"... all numers matching, great shape...

Visit my website: http://www.collection.batyra.pl

Reply 25159 of 53747, by liqmat

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Batyra wrote:

Yesterday received this boxed "grandpa"... all numers matching, great shape...

The box art alone is worth the price of admission.