Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 29760 of 53747, by Vegge

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Package opening time 😀
Interesting packaging

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Seller even built a woodframe to support it.

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ESD bags, a welcome sight.

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First motherboard, Tyan Thunder 2500. Dual slot 1 with support for 8gb sdram 😳 . It came with dual P3 733 and four sticks of 128mb RAM.

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Second motherboard, Supermicro P3TDE6. Dual socket 370 with Tualatin support.

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Both motherboards have AGP Pro and both 3.3V and 5V PCI-X slots. I need to get some chassis, beefy ATX PSUs and some more ECC REG sdram. 😎
Should be fun playing with.

Reply 29761 of 53747, by luckybob

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Man, what a haul.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 29762 of 53747, by bjwil1991

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Dude, I'm jealous. The seller did a fantastic job protecting the boards and CPUs.

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Reply 29763 of 53747, by imi

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nice packing job and nice boards ^^

I received my first desktop case system today... the seller tried really hard to pack it well, lots of padding all around... unfortunately components in the case weren't screwed down (checked the original pictures, and yup no screws) so stuff got rattled around a bit... A for effort though 🤣
didn't spot any damage at first glance though so all is well.

most packages I get are just parts thrown in a box usually.

Reply 29764 of 53747, by Vynix

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If I'm not mistaken, the Supermicro board has built-in ultra-wide SCSI, more precisely, ULTRA160 SCSI, not too shabby if you like tinkering with SCSI (well just set the IDs and termination correctly and the rest will go buttery smooth, I guess)

Amazingly, Supermicro seems to still have the drivers on their server (should I download them to get them backed up on Vogonsdrivers?) : https://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboa … SL/P3TDE6-G.cfm

Proud owner of a Shuttle HOT-555A 430VX motherboard and two wonderful retro laptops, namely a Compaq Armada 1700 [nonfunctional] and a HP Omnibook XE3-GC [fully working :p]

Reply 29765 of 53747, by oeuvre

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8GB RAM in a dual Pentium III? *drools*

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 29766 of 53747, by Daniël Oosterhuis

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Got a time appropriate waterblock for a planned Athlon XP build. It's a Nexustek H2O-2000, one inlet/two outlet waterblock for Socket A, 478, and 939. It has additional mounting hardware for the latter two, but with Socket A only needs to be screwed on. It does have some crud in the block, but that might be copper oxidation which isn't a huge problem. Either way, I'm going to look into what I can use to flush and clean the block with, then do a leak test on it, letting it run on a closed loop with a pump and reservoir (combo) above some sort of tub.

The block comes with a Y-splitter that you're supposed to put the two tubes coming out of the outlets on, but I plan on doing it a bit different. I want to liquid cool both the chipset and graphics card along with the CPU, so what I'll do is have one outlet run a tube to the chipset block, the other oulet a tube to the graphics card block, then have the two outlets of those meet at a Y-fitting at the reservoir or pump.

The Nexustek block cost me €7,50, so not too terrible if it ends up leaking, then it'll just be a neat showpiece 😵 🤣

Image removed for copyright reasons.

Last edited by Daniël Oosterhuis on 2020-01-23, 21:10. Edited 1 time in total.


Reply 29767 of 53747, by vetz

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jaZz_KCS wrote:
I did it again! (Dumbness strikes again!) […]
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I did it again! (Dumbness strikes again!)

Instead of replying to a post by Tiido, I have accidentially reported it!

This is the third time this happened to me, I really should take more caution.

To the Staff: Please ignore/delete my recent report filing of Tiido's reply. It was a mistake.

No worries, you're not the first to make that mistake. It happens quite regurlarly

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Reply 29768 of 53747, by Intel486dx33

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Vegge wrote:
Package opening time :) Interesting packaging [/attachment] Second motherboard, Supermicro P3TDE6. Dual socket 370 with Tualatin […]
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Package opening time 😀
Interesting packaging
Second motherboard, Supermicro P3TDE6. Dual socket 370 with Tualatin support.


Both motherboards have AGP Pro and both 3.3V and 5V PCI-X slots. I need to get some chassis, beefy ATX PSUs and some more ECC REG sdram. 😎
Should be fun playing with.

That thing is a beast. Ultimate P3 motherboard for sure.

Reply 29769 of 53747, by jaZz_KCS

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Intel486dx33 wrote:
Vegge wrote:
Package opening time :) Interesting packaging [/attachment] Second motherboard, Supermicro P3TDE6. Dual socket 370 with Tualatin […]
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Package opening time 😀
Interesting packaging
Second motherboard, Supermicro P3TDE6. Dual socket 370 with Tualatin support.


Both motherboards have AGP Pro and both 3.3V and 5V PCI-X slots. I need to get some chassis, beefy ATX PSUs and some more ECC REG sdram. 😎
Should be fun playing with.

That thing is a beast. Ultimate P3 motherboard for sure.

I can see a valid usage scenario for one of these. Think audio production. Even back then, a few VSTs here and there filled up what otherwise would have been standard for a casual user (1-2GB) easily.

Reply 29770 of 53747, by MKT_Gundam

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I got this Asus MEW-AM
Stil very dirty
Sadly this mobo dont support Tualatin or 1ghz P3 coppermines.
The MEW (non AM) has isa slot

Retro rig 1: Asus CUV4X, VIA c3 800, Voodoo Banshee (Diamond fusion) and SB32 ct3670.
Retro rig 2: Intel DX2 66, SB16 Ct1740 and Cirrus Logic VLB.

Reply 29771 of 53747, by JonathonWyble

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Vegge wrote:
Package opening time :) Interesting packaging […]
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Package opening time 😀
Interesting packaging

Both motherboards have AGP Pro and both 3.3V and 5V PCI-X slots. I need to get some chassis, beefy ATX PSUs and some more ECC REG sdram. 😎
Should be fun playing with.

Man, that's a lot of miscellaneous stuff you got there! The seller of that stuff did a pretty great job with keeping those supplies protected in their boxes.
Well, I'm sure most sellers protect the stuff they sell quite fairly as well, but sometimes they might not know what they're doing when they package the things they want to sell 😐

1998 Pentium II build


Reply 29772 of 53747, by creepingnet

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OldCat wrote:
creepingnet wrote:
Just bought this last week and a new motherboard for it yesterday. PSU jack on 3 layer motherboard was having issues, and need […]
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Just bought this last week and a new motherboard for it yesterday. PSU jack on 3 layer motherboard was having issues, and needs a hinge fix......epoxy time.

1994 NEC Versa 40EC
- i486 DX-2/40
- 8MB of RAM (4 onboard, 4 on exp. card)

- WD 512k SVGA on 7.5" color LCD ( working)

Nice! I love these old(ish) DOS laptops, have a bunch meself, including slightly newer NEC Versa 4050C.

What is the LCD on yours, though? Is it TFT or DSTN?

Thx. Getting back in the game myself on these. I specifically picked the NEC versa model because back when I was looking for my first laptops back in 2003 these were everywhere and cost quite a bit (meaning plentiful parts and better longevity without the IBM Thinkpad prices we have these days). I'd always see these going back then for $40.00-80.00 on eBay in good working condition back then and there were always 5 new auctions.

The plan is for it to be my portable DOS/win31 system. I've got eyes on a monochrome NVR branded 33MHz version atm as well.

The screen was another reason I picked it, it appears to be Active Matrix TFT.like my AT&T Safari 3151 was....one of the crispest color 640x480 LCDs I ever saw. I think that old Safari was made by NCR and had an NEC LCD in it like the Versa 40EC, and NEC also made a Safari model as well for NCR it seems (the NCR 3180 33sl looks just like the Versa 40/50/P series but with a slightly different top cover, bright gray and surf green accents, and a monochrome removable screen...and no trackball).

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Reply 29773 of 53747, by Vegge

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Yeah about that Tyan Thunder board, apparently I maneged to aim a little off when taking the picture. The board also has an ISA slot.
I might have 1GB ECC REG sticks incoming. Then I just need a case for the beasts.

Reply 29774 of 53747, by tabm0de

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keropi wrote:
Tiido wrote:

And all of those links have shipping cost that lingers around 30usd+, and once they arrive here I'll have to pay 20...30usd in import taxes, so it makes them completely uneconomical, to a point it is much cheaper for me to make my own. I imagine shipping won't be much different for other EU countries and import taxes probably are similar if not worse also...

We have the same problem here as well - shipping+tax just make it not worth. Tiido's solution is a most welcome one for EU people.

Where is he selling his stuff at? 😀

naa, nothing yet...

Reply 29775 of 53747, by cyclone3d

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Tiido wrote:

And all of those links have shipping cost that lingers around 30usd+, and once they arrive here I'll have to pay 20...30usd in import taxes, so it makes them completely uneconomical, to a point it is much cheaper for me to make my own. I imagine shipping won't be much different for other EU countries and import taxes probably are similar if not worse also...

Interesting. What shipping service are they using?

The cheapest would be USPS first class for something like that which is a flat rate of $24 for international shipping up to 2lb. All other carriers we have available charge 2-3x as much.

So yeah, it does raise the price quite a bit.

Import taxes are really that much? That really sucks. Glad we don't have import taxes at all in the USA.

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Reply 29776 of 53747, by dionb

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cyclone3d wrote:
Interesting. What shipping service are they using? […]
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Tiido wrote:

And all of those links have shipping cost that lingers around 30usd+, and once they arrive here I'll have to pay 20...30usd in import taxes, so it makes them completely uneconomical, to a point it is much cheaper for me to make my own. I imagine shipping won't be much different for other EU countries and import taxes probably are similar if not worse also...

Interesting. What shipping service are they using?

The cheapest would be USPS first class for something like that which is a flat rate of $24 for international shipping up to 2lb. All other carriers we have available charge 2-3x as much.

So yeah, it does raise the price quite a bit.

Import taxes are really that much? That really sucks. Glad we don't have import taxes at all in the USA.

Half the problem isn't even the taxes themselves, but the handling costs. Not sure if the cost structure is the same in Tiido's EE, but here in NL, there are no tariffs under shipped value of EUR 22, but as soon as you hit that EUR 22 figure (but under EUR 150), you pay a flat rate EUR 13 in costs, plus 21% VAT. So if you order something worth EUR 23, you pay EUR 13 + (EUR 23*0.21) 4.83 = EUR 16.83. That sort of makes buying anything valuable outside of the EU unattractive, although how unattractive depends on the price - that EUR 13 is the killer on this sort of stuff.

That said, I bought 4x 4MB 30p SIMMs in the US not too long ago for EUR 19 and EUR 13 shipping. As it's under EUR 22 that was all I paid, EUR 32. That wasn't too bad, and I doubt if I could build such SIMMs cheaper.

Last edited by dionb on 2019-08-15, 08:54. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 29777 of 53747, by GigAHerZ

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@dionb, yes, here in EE, the 22 and 150 eur limits are the same. (The flat tax of 13 eur must be NL specific) But that 22 eur is including shipping and the vat tax goes onto the full price, not on the item price. After 150 eur, the tariff tax goes onto the item price only.

(These rules should be the same in all EU countries. Only difference is the VAT tax percentage itself. Even tariffs are same, i believe)

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - And i intend to get every last bit out of it even after loading every damn driver!

Reply 29778 of 53747, by andreja6

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A few days ago I got a 486 PC from the local flea market for a whole 3 dollars. Didn't have time to post it until now

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After 3 or 4 hours of cleaning with 96% alcohol and using fingers to get the gunk out, this is what it looks like now

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This is the CPU (it has a heatsink)

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If you want more information let me know

Reply 29779 of 53747, by HanJammer

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This shuttle motherboard...

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