Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 29840 of 53747, by Predator99

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Rank l33t
dionb wrote:
Predator99 wrote:

New parcel from the "screwdriver-man". This time he asked if I am interested before applying the screwdriver - and yes, I was. Increased price this time but 60€ is still OK...


If that V3-3000PCI works, EUR 60 is a steal. But yeah, best bit is that he's learnt he can get more cash if he doesn't ruin the stuff. That can only end well - even if he turns into a "EUR 300 for V3" eBay seller, it's still better than the screwdriver.

Indeed, I would also have been happy if somebody else buys these cards. Most important they dont get destroyed anymore.

dionb wrote:
imi wrote:

I just got a slew of e-mails from my forwarding service that there's like 100kg of packages on the way to me... next week is going to be interesting... not liking the invoice so much though 😵
I think I need to clear some space in the basement.

Ooh, pics plz once they arrive. Sounds like fun! 😜

Yes, also looking forward for your pics 😀

Reply 29841 of 53747, by respect2759

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Rank Newbie

Got this about a week ago, had no time to post it. Needed a bit cleaning, top cover is plastic a bit yellow and scratched but not too bad condition. I like the Windowns NT Windows 98 sticker on the front. It has the original 333MHz Celeron, upgraded onboard Matrox (i think factory upgaded - has the same sticker as one of RAM) I got it with 2x64Mb sticks, i think it came originally with one stick. I put in a third 64Mb one. HDD sound like a Boeing 747 but it works and has Win 98 on it. Had no time, but found also games on it for example Back to the future 😁 It has two USBs. I like that sliding front design.

Soyo 019R1 AM386DX 40MHz, 8Mb ram, 512Kb Trident 9000 Graphics
S26361-D756-X Intel i486DX 33MHz, 4Mb ram, 512Kb - 1Mb graphics on board

Reply 29842 of 53747, by jaZz_KCS

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Rank Oldbie

That PCI-X to ISA+PCI riser is extremely handy and neccesary to get anything out of this system expansion-wise. Take good care of it. Some systems use proprietary risers and don't work with run-off-the-mill ones. Interesting system.

Reply 29843 of 53747, by respect2759

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Rank Newbie

I know, I have a 486 without riser so I cant add a soundcard 😢 That has onboard graphics too. I didnt try but i think this riser wont work if the case is opened - there is a switch on the top which is pushed when the case is closed.
Also got this board from that guy: Its an IBM, the case had no cover, screwholes damaged. Its an super long riser on the side, the riser has power, IDE, floppy front panel, sound and every conector, the board is useless without the card. IBM 350MHz CPU, no ram, no graphics upgrade - Its an S3. It has USB ports too, some leaky caps. I want to repair it and give it to a friend who I found on this page and lives only a few km from me. Sorry for the paint edited photos, I shot them at work, there are documents under the board

Soyo 019R1 AM386DX 40MHz, 8Mb ram, 512Kb Trident 9000 Graphics
S26361-D756-X Intel i486DX 33MHz, 4Mb ram, 512Kb - 1Mb graphics on board

Reply 29845 of 53747, by yawetaG

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Rank Oldbie
wiretap wrote:

Jumper the switch so it thinks it is always closed.

Or just change the appropriate BIOS setting so it won't pay attention to the switch.

Reply 29846 of 53747, by JonathonWyble

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Rank Member
luckybob wrote:

How do the hard drives mount? Mine were removed. Is it just special screws?

Were you referring to what I said? If so, I don't really know how the hard drives in the PC I have are mounted. I never really worked on the inside of my Dell Inspiron 530S, but I do know it has a hard drive in it.

1998 Pentium II build


Reply 29847 of 53747, by wiretap

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Rank Oldbie
yawetaG wrote:
wiretap wrote:

Jumper the switch so it thinks it is always closed.

Or just change the appropriate BIOS setting so it won't pay attention to the switch.

If it has that option..

My Github
Circuit Board Repair Manuals

Reply 29848 of 53747, by sf78

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The attachment cards.jpg is no longer available

Protac Thunderboard
ATI Mach 32 VLB
ATI Mach 64 VLB

Reply 29849 of 53747, by imi

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Rank l33t

oooooh those ATIs <3

this ebay sunday was a bit weak for me... too many collectors with too deep pockets apparently.

Reply 29850 of 53747, by SpectriaForce

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Rank Oldbie
respect2759 wrote:

Got this about a week ago, had no time to post it. Needed a bit cleaning, top cover is plastic a bit yellow and scratched but not too bad condition. I like the Windowns NT Windows 98 sticker on the front. It has the original 333MHz Celeron, upgraded onboard Matrox (i think factory upgaded - has the same sticker as one of RAM) I got it with 2x64Mb sticks, i think it came originally with one stick. I put in a third 64Mb one. HDD sound like a Boeing 747 but it works and has Win 98 on it. Had no time, but found also games on it for example Back to the future 😁 It has two USBs. I like that sliding front design.

I have owned one like that with a PII 266. The motherboard is bullet proof but the top of the enclosure is very plasticy and I'm not a fan of the useless card reader slot on the front. I would still like to own a 486 Scenic, because those represent the pinnacle of Siemens Nixdorf in my opinion.

Reply 29852 of 53747, by BetaC

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Rank Oldbie

I found this ISA Sound Card, and googling it has led me to being confused, because it seems to be a variant of a Labway card. That sticker is also confusing as all hell.





Reply 29853 of 53747, by Robin4

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Rank l33t
imi wrote:

I'm using a forwarding service from germany, hence why I usually pay exorbitant amounts of shipping 🙁 but so far this has been the best source of anything for me.

Whats the name of that service.. And does it work for al europe countrys

~ At least it can do black and white~

Reply 29854 of 53747, by imi

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Rank l33t
imi wrote:

LogoiX, I think they only do Austria though.


Reply 29855 of 53747, by respect2759

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Rank Newbie
SpectriaForce wrote:
respect2759 wrote:

Got this about a week ago, had no time to post it. Needed a bit cleaning, top cover is plastic a bit yellow and scratched but not too bad condition. I like the Windowns NT Windows 98 sticker on the front. It has the original 333MHz Celeron, upgraded onboard Matrox (i think factory upgaded - has the same sticker as one of RAM) I got it with 2x64Mb sticks, i think it came originally with one stick. I put in a third 64Mb one. HDD sound like a Boeing 747 but it works and has Win 98 on it. Had no time, but found also games on it for example Back to the future 😁 It has two USBs. I like that sliding front design.

I have owned one like that with a PII 266. The motherboard is bullet proof but the top of the enclosure is very plasticy and I'm not a fan of the useless card reader slot on the front. I would still like to own a 486 Scenic, because those represent the pinnacle of Siemens Nixdorf in my opinion.

My has no card reader, under the plastic there is nothing - only a bit of metal cover, you have to break it out to make place for the reader. I like 486 Siemens too, but unreachable goal for me right now, cant find for good price or good condition. Also this board has no AGP 🙁

Soyo 019R1 AM386DX 40MHz, 8Mb ram, 512Kb Trident 9000 Graphics
S26361-D756-X Intel i486DX 33MHz, 4Mb ram, 512Kb - 1Mb graphics on board

Reply 29857 of 53747, by jaZz_KCS

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Rank Oldbie
BetaC wrote:

I found this ISA Sound Card, and googling it has led me to being confused, because it seems to be a variant of a Labway card. That sticker is also confusing as all hell.

This is the very last Yamaha YMF71x model that uses the ISA bus. It is derived (I think) from the 715, which added 3D audio capabilities. Basically a standalone card version of the Yamaha DS-1 chipset which was integrated into many Socket 7 motherboards back then.
The computers that came with these on the motherboard or as standalone cards normally advertized the sound card of the computer as "Yamaha 3D Sound Engine" or similar.

Here is an example:

Last edited by jaZz_KCS on 2019-08-19, 11:06. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 29858 of 53747, by Grzyb

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Rank Oldbie

There are sound cards especially for girls??? 😁

Nie tylko, jak widzicie, w tym trudność, że nie zdołacie wejść na moją górę, lecz i w tym, że ja do was cały zejść nie mogę, gdyż schodząc, gubię po drodze to, co miałem donieść.

Reply 29859 of 53747, by Bancho

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Rank Oldbie

After a load of waiting from hermes to deliver this case, i'm really happy to finally have found this case in good condition. This case was what house my very first PC so i'm very happy 😀
