First post, by genocho

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Hi, I´m looking to replace the internal floppy drive of my Schneider Euro PC II, with a "modern" floppy, but when I extract the floppy and look at the data conector see that not is an "standard" drive.

The drive is a SONY MP-F11W-S0, with 26 pin conector and no pins for power supply. I see no jumpers for select drive ds0 or ds1 (a or b), and how is a 720kb floppy drive no jumper for select high or low density.

The ribbon 26 pin cable has 3 connectors, one goes to the pcb, the last is ribbon twisted (pins 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and goes to the internal floppy drive, and in the middle there is a male db-25 for external floppy drive:

26 pin conector ------------- male db 25 --------x----26 pin conector with twisted pins 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

In the manual the pinout look at this:


2. NC
4. NC
7. /STEP
10. /TRACK 0
14. +5 VOLT
15. +5 VOLT
16. +5 VOLT
17. +5 VOLT
19. NC
20. GND
21. GND
22. GND
23. GND
24. GND
25. GND
26. GND

"/" all means active low:


Pin Name Dir Description
2 /REDWC --> Density Select
4 n/c Reserved
6 n/c Reserved
8 /INDEX <-- Index
10 /MOTEA --> Motor Enable A
12 /DRVSB --> Drive Sel B
14 /DRVSA --> Drive Sel A
16 /MOTEB --> Motor Enable B
18 /DIR --> Direction
20 /STEP --> Step
22 /WDATE --> Write Data
24 /WGATE --> Floppy Write Enable
26 /TRK00 <-- Track 0
28 /WPT <-- Write Protect
30 /RDATA <-- Read Data
32 /SIDE1 --> Head Select
34 /DSKCHG --> Disk Change

ALL "/" means active low


Looking the pinout and comparing with IDC 34 PIN standard I see a lot of things differences:
- PIN 18 in euro pc is for connect or desconnect the supply of the external floppy drive, I think not is neccesary for an normal 34 pin floppy drive.
- PINS 14,15,16,17 are +5v, so I think this pinouts not be used, because 34 pin floppy drive has his own power pins.
- 34 pin idc drive have 4 pins that euro pc floppy don´t 10,12,14,16. Euro pc floppy only have 5 and 6 (motor on & direction) but not says if correspond for a or b drive, so I think can plug 5 and 6 with the corresponding 10,12 for A or 14,16 for B, but I´m not sure if this is the correct way to runs.

I think the rest of the pins are the same, and only have to solder looking at the pinouts tables.

Maybe anyone know how can make run an internal or external idc 34 pin drive
in my euro pc.

Looking in internet I see similar problems in people with korg piano´s and tandy computers, that uses 26 pin floppy drives, but the pinout not is the same at mine.

Thanks in advance and any help is welcome, perhaps anyone make something similar to this, in other machines like amiga, atari, etc,

Waiting for help,



Reply 1 of 18, by h-a-l-9000

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DOSBox Author

Your plan sounds good. You might have to look for 12V though.


Reply 2 of 18, by genocho

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Rank Newbie

Well, finally the idea works.

I solder the common pins of both pinouts, and join all the gnd pins.

I don´t connect pin 34 and pin 2 in idc 34 pin conector, and I use drive sel b and motor enable b.

drive sel a and motor enable a not connected, because I asume this drive may be B unit.

12 volts is not neccesary, the drive runs with gnd and 5v. I use an external power supply, perhaps can use a +5v internal pin, but I don´t want to damage the internals of the euro pc.

I turn on the computer, enter the bios and select driva a 720kb and drive b 720kb, and drive intern for boot.

The pc boots with internal drive and can make a dir in a: and if I put a disk on B I can make a dir on B

If I change the drive boot to external, boots with b and the pc asumes that external floppy is A and internal floppy is B.

All perfect, when I have the exact pinout of the cable I edit this thread with it.

Today is a great day for me, I can connect a "normal" floppy drive to my lovely euro pc II, no more problems if the internal propietary floppy (sony) crashes, now I can replace with a standard one.

Regards, and long life to the XT world,


Reply 3 of 18, by goldmundo

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Hello. VERY GOOD WORK! Did you get the complete map of pinout 26 and 34?

You said: "All perfect, when I have the exact pinout of the cable I edit this thread with it. "

I am very interested. I have a T1000 and a T1200 that need a floppy drive. Thank you very much for your response and work. Is helping me a lot.

a greeting


Reply 4 of 18, by genocho

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Sorry for late reply.

The exact pinout is like i posted at the beggining, sorry but i think was wrong, but finally was correct, when i posted that i was on testing period.

So if anyone can try it, please post results.

I think can works with 5 1/4 floppy drives using a floppy cable connected to this, or wiring in the same way the 5 1/4 floppy (like it was a 3 1/2 floppy and always like B logic unit).

Any info of success is welcome.


Reply 6 of 18, by Jinxter

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I have successfully connected an Gotek with FlashFlopp 0.11 to an EuroPC and booted. Here is a YouTube video: https://youtu.be/ktjXEp0Ztso

I did this by using a 26 pin cable and a 34pin floppy connector to 26pin pin adapter cable for Yamaha SY77, SY99, V50 i was able to connect an Gotek as an Internal drive on Schneider EuroPC.
FlashFloppy version 0.11 and the default ff.cfg.
You also need the power cable show in the video. Standard 4pin female 3,5" floppy power cable.

Check out my YouTube channel: Retro Erik https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroErik
My collection: https://retro.hageseter.com
X: https://x.com/Retro_Erik

Reply 7 of 18, by stefan6973

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The attachment A96C1B23-84B9-4F0F-AF19-EE11DD95BAAE.jpeg is no longer available

here the original Schneider floppy pinout from the schematic

Reply 8 of 18, by genocho

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Rank Newbie
Jinxter wrote on 2018-08-26, 20:00:

Has anybody made this cable?
I want to use it with a Gotek.

Are you kidding me Erik ??? Why you dont read the damn thread before ask such question ???
Who do you think did the cable, posted it here and put in risk fry his own euro pc ???
Of course I did the cable, back in 2008, 100% WORKING, still have the cable, when i pick a gotek i will tell if it works (my cable).
I used also a gender changer, because i tested it as a external floppy.


Last edited by genocho on 2021-03-17, 21:12. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 9 of 18, by Jinxter

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genocho wrote on 2021-03-17, 20:41:
Are you kidding me Erik ??? Why you dont read the damn thread before ask such question ??? Who do you think did the cable, poste […]
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Are you kidding me Erik ??? Why you dont read the damn thread before ask such question ???
Who do you think did the cable, posted it here and put in risk fry his own euro pc ???
Of course I did the cable, back in 2008, 100% WORKING, still have the cable, when i pick a gotek i will tell if it works (my cable).
I used also a gender changer, because i tested it as a external floppy.


Are you mister oculto on YouTube?
I have not deleted your comments, i have no idea why they dont show.
Why do you want credit for your cable in my video? I did not use your cable design. I used a 26 pin cable and a 34pin floppy connector to 26pin pin adapter cable for Yamaha SY77 that i bought on eBay.

Check out my YouTube channel: Retro Erik https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroErik
My collection: https://retro.hageseter.com
X: https://x.com/Retro_Erik

Reply 10 of 18, by genocho

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Jinxter wrote on 2021-03-18, 11:37:
Are you mister oculto on YouTube? I have not deleted your comments, i have no idea why they dont show. Why do you want credit fo […]
Show full quote
genocho wrote on 2021-03-17, 20:41:
Are you kidding me Erik ??? Why you dont read the damn thread before ask such question ??? Who do you think did the cable, poste […]
Show full quote

Are you kidding me Erik ??? Why you dont read the damn thread before ask such question ???
Who do you think did the cable, posted it here and put in risk fry his own euro pc ???
Of course I did the cable, back in 2008, 100% WORKING, still have the cable, when i pick a gotek i will tell if it works (my cable).
I used also a gender changer, because i tested it as a external floppy.


Are you mister oculto on YouTube?
I have not deleted your comments, i have no idea why they dont show.
Why do you want credit for your cable in my video? I did not use your cable design. I used a 26 pin cable and a 34pin floppy connector to 26pin pin adapter cable for Yamaha SY77 that i bought on eBay.

Looks like you dont want to read my thread opened in 2008, because why you asking if "anyone" test the cable in 2018 , for me looks very unrespectfull dont know if at purpose or not, but It´s clear I did the cable and tested it succesfuly, READ it please. Besides that you put here another option to add a gotek on a schneider euro pc, at least give me credits on your video on youtube if I post another way to add a floppy drive there. Dont you think I deserve it ???
Or better you can delete your posts (specially that stupid question if anyone tested it........) here, and open other thread with your "gotek solution", will be much better.


P.D. And yes, besides you say something else, yes, my home made cable works with a real floppy emulator, because is the same pinout of that chinese adapter thing. Just tested it with my lotharek´s HxC floppy emulator.

Reply 11 of 18, by Dominus

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DOSBox Moderator

Enough drama, locking thread now

Edit: After discussing this with the other moderators, we decided the best way forward is to reopen this thread and merge it with the duplicate one. Please keep it civil and if there is drama from off site, please keep it off site.

Last edited by Dominus on 2021-03-21, 09:42. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 12 of 18, by genocho

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Rank Newbie

Hi from the present (that old post was from 2008),

Wanted to add as a final conclusion that my home made cable also works with floppy emulators, tested it with my Lotharek´s HxC and working like a charm.


Reply 14 of 18, by RetroBard

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Dusting up this thread. The original floppy drive in my Euro PC 1 is acting up. I got one SY77 adapter, but it looks different from Erik’s and apparently functions different too as I can’t get a standard PC floppy to work with it.

I’m looking at Genocho’s pinouts but it appears to be for the external drive. I made a lookup table for the internal one:

EuroPC — 34pin floppy
1 +5V — +5V
2 index — 8 index
3 +5V — +5V
4 motoron_1 — 10 motor 0
5 +5V — +5V
6 drvsel_2 — 12 drive select 1
7 +5V — +5V
8 drvsel_1 — 14 drive select 0
9 key
10 mot0ron_2 — 16 motor 1
11 poweron
12 dir — 18 direction
13 gnd — Gnd
14 step — 20 step
15 gnd — Gnd
16 wrdata — 22 write data
17 gnd — Gnd
18 wrgate — 24 write gate
19 gnd — Gnd
20 track0 — 26 track 0
21 gnd — Gnd
22 wrpro — 28 write protect
23 gnd — Gnd
24 rdata — 30 read data
25 gnd — Gnd
26 side1 — 32 head select

I guess I have to check the continuities in the adapter first to see if I can easily modify it to work.

Reply 15 of 18, by RetroBard

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Did some probing. The biggest issue with the adapter is that pin 7 (+5V) from EuroPC connects to ground which causes a short. Also pin 9 and pin 11 connect to ground. Pin 9 is key and pin 11 is power on. I suspect that pin 11 needs to be grounded but pin 7 and 9 should be removed.

The other thing is that both motor on pins from the EuroPC connect to pin 12 which is drive select 1. Drive select 1 connects to pin 34 which is disk change.

I guess I’ll remove pins 7 and 9 and see how it goes from there.

Reply 16 of 18, by citronalco

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Have a Schneider Tower PC which also uses the 26 pin connector.
The original floppy drive, a Sony MP-F17W-58S (1,44 MBytes), died decades ago. The pinout is the same as with the EuroPC.
Tried to build an adapter but never could a standard floppy working. Motor spins, head seeks, but always shows "drive not ready". Read somewhere that some floppy drives can be configured how to deal with the READY signal. Found the jumper on my drive, changed it, still does not work. Don't know if I made a mistake somewhere.
Hope you get it working!

Reply 17 of 18, by microtronichamburg

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Given the information from the Euro PC User Manual:

The attachment Capture-1.png is no longer available

and knowing the standard 34 PIN floppy pinout:

The attachment fjaznjfh2mym2xn-small.jpg is no longer available

it is indeed straight-forward to make such a cable for a Gotek / HxC, and works out of the box.

Confirmed the OP's observation that pins 2 and 34 on the floppy connector are left NC; Gotek pin headers at the back:

2 4 6 8 ... 32 34
1 3 5 7 ... 31 33

I used this break-out cable; this saves you a lot of work:

The attachment 20230102_212539.jpg is no longer available
The attachment 20230102_212529 (1).jpg is no longer available
The attachment 20230102_210642 (2).jpg is no longer available

You can get the cable here:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2QXL5B8?psc=1&re … product_details

It's nice that the Euro PC can also power the Gotek. No need for yet another power supply.

Reply 18 of 18, by tsx

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OK, first of all, many thanks to the OP (@genocho) for embarking on this journey, many, many years ago!

According to the Service Manual (thank you @Schule04) of Schneider's external 720 floppy drive (Model FD 720), it has a cable with the following pinout:

Desc	25-Pin	34-Pin	4-Pin
Index 1 8
DriveS 3 12
MotorO 5 16
Direct. 6 18
Step 7 20
WrData 8 22
WrGate 9 24
Track0 10 26
WrProt 11 28
ReData 12 30
S1Sel 13 32
+5V 14 1
+5V 15 1
NC 19 2
GRD 20 3
GRD 21 11
GRD 22 23
GRD 23 33
GRD 24 34
GRD 25 2

NC in 25-PIN: 2,4,16,17,18
NC in 34-PIN: 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14,15,17,19,21,25,27,29,31
NC in 4-PIN: 4

@microtronichamburg, can I please ask what pinout you have used to connect to the Gotek that you show on your last photo? (20230102_210642 (2).jpg)
I can observe that it is not exactly as the one above and you are using (with success) just eleven pins on the Gotek's 34-PIN side.
Is it OK to be "skipping" all the GRD ones?