Cyrix appreciation thread

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First post, by gwb

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I love Cyrix processors, currently have a pr233. Discuss your collection or Cyrix system

Last edited by gwb on 2012-01-26, 00:05. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 1 of 415, by ProfessorProfessorson

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Its against the rules to do sales threads here. There was a extra forum made that can be used for market place activity. Not just that, but this is the system specs section, not even a remotely proper place to advertise your sale anyway on this forum.

Reply 2 of 415, by gwb

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Rank Newbie

Hi Professerson, you must be in the wrong thread. We are discussing Cyrix here!

Last edited by gwb on 2012-01-26, 00:06. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 3 of 415, by ProfessorProfessorson

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"Please stop with all those for sale and for trade topics. "
VOGONS is no marketplace!

I don't think advertising your own ebay sale is somehow exempt from that request, which is why no one else is really doing it. Trust me, you're not going to need to go from forum to forum trying to get extra attention for this thing. If the price is right, it will sell itself on ebay without any extra advertising.

Reply 4 of 415, by gwb

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Rank Newbie

Read my above post!

Last edited by gwb on 2012-01-26, 00:07. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 5 of 415, by feipoa

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Rank l33t++

For some reason, I cannot stop gazing at your Cyrix avatar; It looks so bold and full of confidence. Are you also running a classic Cyrix system?

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 6 of 415, by gwb

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I have an old Cyrix 6x86 system pr133 and 233 that I like to occasionally dabble around with. I've been meaning to post some pictures of it here, but I can't find the time!


edit: Just noticed your avatar *high five*

Reply 7 of 415, by F2bnp

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Hahaha, great to see Cyrix fans high fiving each other! My first retro PC was a Cyrix PR166, but in contrast to your experiences, it pissed the hell out of me xD. Not bad value for money at the time though!

Reply 8 of 415, by nemesis

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My first Cyrix was a DX2 80 (at least that's what we were told, it didn't have any markings on it) that somehow could easily run games that supposedly required a pentium 133. Loved Cyrix ever since then (well the 486-5x86 chips anyway).

Reply 9 of 415, by ProfessorProfessorson

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gwb wrote:

Read my above post!

Umm, no thanks, don't care to double back, editing my own post too. Would just seem like a childish waste of time for me. Good thread conversion though regardless, going from a total violation of rules with your ebay sale for the Quantum3d, to a Cyrix fan thread. 😜 Not that you needed to convert the thread to begin with or anything, but whatever it takes I suppose 🤣. Too bad you couldn't edit without having the edit times posted. That would have really made it look legit. That, or just talked about the Quantum hardware in general even in a edit, maybe running a few bench test and posting results before you sell it off.....

Reply 10 of 415, by feipoa

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Rank l33t++
ProfessorProfessorson wrote:

Umm, no thanks, don't care to double back, editing my own post too. Would just seem like a childish waste of time for me. Good thread conversion though regardless, going from a total violation of rules with your ebay sale for the Quantum3d, to a Cyrix fan thread. :P Not that you needed to convert the thread to begin with or anything, but whatever it takes I suppose lol. Too bad you couldn't edit without having the edit times posted. That would have really made it look legit. That, or just talked about the Quantum hardware in general even in a edit, maybe running a few bench test and posting results before you sell it off.....

This latest post has nothing to do with Cyrix; it sounds like someone is talking smacks on an already changed topic.

I sure would like to get some old Cyrix designers in here to pick their brain a bit -- the man/men/women behind the world's fastest socket 3. We can start our own fan club and design t-shirts. I wonder if we'd need to get permission to do that, given the current state of the defunct company? I wonder if IBM is still allowed to fab their 5x86 chips and what initial investment it would take to kick start it again? We could start a Cyrix re-design savings fund or non-profit organisation to promote Cyrix awareness worldwide.

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 11 of 415, by gwb

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I would be game for a Cyrix fan club. IIRC VIA owns some of Cyrix and National Semiconductor (who bought Cyrix initially iirc) sold a patent to AMD.

Did not know there were still some people who hold Cyrix so fondly in their retro nostalgia, very cool indeed.
feipoa- just read your Ultimate 486 and Cyrix thread- great stuff, I enjoyed the read. Maybe it is about time for me to make a thread for my system

maybe running a few bench test and posting results before you sell it off.....

Don't worry, this is not my only 8232 system. There will be benchies down the road...

Reply 12 of 415, by maddmaxstar

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I used to have a Cyrix system back in the day., an IBM (Cyrix) 6x86L-PR200+. Funky little chip, decent performance for it's time. I still have the CPU.

My only Cyrix-based Retro system now though is my 486DLC, which uses a Cyrix-made Ti486DLC-40. Offers some quick DOS gaming, and an 8MHz turbo mode works great for older games.

Note: if this is to be a Cyrix fan thread, should this thread be moved to Marvin?

= Phenom II X6 1090T(HD4850) =
= K7-550(V3-3000) =
= K6-2+ 500(V3-2000) =
= Pentium 75 Gold(Voodoo1) =
= Am486DX4-120(3DXpression+) =
= TI486DLC-40(T8900D) =
= i386sx-16+i387(T8900D) =

Reply 14 of 415, by feipoa

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Rank l33t++
Tetrium wrote:

I have a thing for Cyrix. Just benchmarked an MII @ 300Mhz yesterday

How did it compare against an Intel 233MMX, AMD K6-300, AMD K6-2-300, and an Intel PII-300?

Did you try 333 MHz and behond?

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 15 of 415, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
feipoa wrote:
Tetrium wrote:

I have a thing for Cyrix. Just benchmarked an MII @ 300Mhz yesterday

How did it compare against an Intel 233MMX, AMD K6-300, AMD K6-2-300, and an Intel PII-300?

Did you try 333 MHz and behond?

It did better then a benchmarked 233MMX and 233Mhz K6, but was slower then a Celeron 266.
I haven't tried any of those CPU's myself, they were the benchmark results of other people in the SuperPi thread The All-amazing super-de-douper SuperPi thread!

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Reply 16 of 415, by feipoa

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Too bad. I'd only be convinced with tests performed on the same system with similar hardware and results which averaged over a range of different tests.

I was meaning to begin this next socket 7 UBC but keep getting side tracked with seemingly easier projects.

I had a HOT-433 running fine and dandy with 1024 KB of cache, and with the 4 PCI slots loaded (graphics, USB, SCSI, Intel ethernet), then it seems I accidently plugged the CPU in sideways for a few seconds and now the board isn't stable in Win98 anymore. This has been the story of my life with these HOT boards. Other boards are usually okay in such a case if the CPU insertion is short lived. It is quite an oversight in general that the socket 3 ZIF designers can even allowed for CPUs to be inserted incorrectly. The CPU's sliced ceramic corners can look very simliar in size once the heatsink is on.

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 17 of 415, by Tetrium

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feipoa wrote:

Too bad. I'd only be convinced with tests performed on the same system with similar hardware and results which averaged over a range of different tests.

Exactly. I just haven't had the time to do these tests yet.
I'll have little time till the beginning of next week.

Whats missing in your collections?
My retro rigs (old topic)
Interesting Vogons threads (links to Vogonswiki)
Report spammers here!

Reply 18 of 415, by ProfessorProfessorson

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feipoa wrote:
ProfessorProfessorson wrote:

Umm, no thanks, don't care to double back, editing my own post too. Would just seem like a childish waste of time for me. Good thread conversion though regardless, going from a total violation of rules with your ebay sale for the Quantum3d, to a Cyrix fan thread. 😜 Not that you needed to convert the thread to begin with or anything, but whatever it takes I suppose 🤣. Too bad you couldn't edit without having the edit times posted. That would have really made it look legit. That, or just talked about the Quantum hardware in general even in a edit, maybe running a few bench test and posting results before you sell it off.....

This latest post has nothing to do with Cyrix; it sounds like someone is talking smacks on an already changed topic.

Considering the OP wasn't asking me to talk about Cyrix to begin with in his request, I'm not sure what you expected my reply to be exactly??? They made a request, I declined it because I don't care to partake in silly thread editing games.

As far as Cyrix itself is concerned, I jumped back in the thread because of the title change. Thought I'd see what was being talked about,only to find the op telling me to go back and read his edits. Honestly, I couldn't give a crap about having a Cyrix build for personal use, but I like to read about peoples woes with them. All I have ever read about is performance issues, Quake issues, compatibility issues with Awe64, etc. If I was to do anything, it would have been MediaGX based, but honestly, again, performance was too shoddy for my taste. All you guys still rockin the Cyrix, cool, whatever. There is people out there still rockin Celeron Slot-1 also. To each their own.

Reply 19 of 415, by gwb

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Rank Newbie

Regarding MediaGX performance, I would have to ask what exactly your experience was with the procs as I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with them