What retro activity did you get up to today?

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Reply 14340 of 27994, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++
PTherapist wrote on 2020-02-26, 18:03:
brostenen wrote on 2020-02-26, 11:32:
As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that. I […]
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As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that.
It should give me boot-menu, arcade game launcher (or what it is called) and some other neat stuff.
Basically. It is a bunch of installer scripts and software, that will transform the Amiga into an advanced WHD-Loader machine.

Once up and running, I will report back about it. If anyone are interested in what help I can provide.

That sounds interesting.

I haven't had my Amiga long and I hadn't heard of that package.

The author of the software, have released a couple of recordings of the beta version.
It is not beta anymore, and the video's are aprox a year old or something like that.

Amibian on RaspberryPI setup.

Then this....

The installer it self on it's own.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 14341 of 27994, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie

Just organized my files around (mac, OneDrive, iPhone, iPad) and DOSBox instances between the three machines to be equal. Then I configured DOSPad on my iOS devices in a way it would be faster and it indeed was faster:

core auto, cputype auto, cycles auto 7800 70% limit 26800 and bang it was fast like the wind again. Then I proceed to make both devices and mac DOSBox versions run the same windows, games and files versions. Job done. Now a pit stop for a lunch and then I will be back for Windows 2000 to tidy up some things.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 14342 of 27994, by MrSmiley381

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Rank Member
brostenen wrote on 2020-02-26, 11:32:
As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that. I […]
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As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that.
It should give me boot-menu, arcade game launcher (or what it is called) and some other neat stuff.
Basically. It is a bunch of installer scripts and software, that will transform the Amiga into an advanced WHD-Loader machine.

Once up and running, I will report back about it. If anyone are interested in what help I can provide.

Your repeat posts on the Amiga certainly have caught my interest. The Amiga 1200 is one of the machines I have on my radar and I'd appreciate recommendations on selecting the right parts for the most flexible WHDLoad machine for the highest compatibility with OCS/ECS/AGA games at appropriate speeds, with demos and less-exclusive ports of games being a secondary objective. The more I research the Amiga the more options I realize are available and I find it generally overwhelming.

I spend my days fighting with clunky software so I can afford to spend my evenings fighting with clunky hardware.

Reply 14343 of 27994, by Horun

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Rank l33t++
Horun wrote on 2020-02-24, 06:18:

Started working on two 386 motherboards in my archives a few days ago, neither been booted up since 2003 from the docs that came with. The Symlabs 386SC rev A2 is a beautiful full AT 386 board.

Got this board working last night. Turns out the 386 SC Rev A2 is an FIC 386-25/33/40SC (REV.A2) with 40Mhz XTAL so added a AMD DX40. Has 256k cache !! Had to wire in an external battery due to the DS1287 being dead. As soon as the new coin cell holders come in will solder one on the board. Works great so far !
Predator99 saved the bios of same board here:
Re: 80386 BIOS image collection

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 14344 of 27994, by PTherapist

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Rank Oldbie
MrSmiley381 wrote on 2020-02-27, 13:28:
brostenen wrote on 2020-02-26, 11:32:
As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that. I […]
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As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that.
It should give me boot-menu, arcade game launcher (or what it is called) and some other neat stuff.
Basically. It is a bunch of installer scripts and software, that will transform the Amiga into an advanced WHD-Loader machine.

Once up and running, I will report back about it. If anyone are interested in what help I can provide.

Your repeat posts on the Amiga certainly have caught my interest. The Amiga 1200 is one of the machines I have on my radar and I'd appreciate recommendations on selecting the right parts for the most flexible WHDLoad machine for the highest compatibility with OCS/ECS/AGA games at appropriate speeds, with demos and less-exclusive ports of games being a secondary objective. The more I research the Amiga the more options I realize are available and I find it generally overwhelming.

Having only recently gotten an Amiga 1200 myself, I certainly understand what you're saying with regards to the options seeming overwhelming. I had briefly used an Amiga in the past, but had long since forgotten practically everything I knew.

It took me hours reading several guides about how to set up a 16GB CF Card, with each guide having a slightly different method and leaving out crucial details that more seasoned Amiga users would take for granted but would confuse us newbies. I eventually settled for a ClassicWB install and downloaded Tiny Launcher to use as a Game Launcher. But from the looks of things, this HstWB installer looks much more interesting. I like the look of the boot menu & game launcher etc.

Reply 14345 of 27994, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++
MrSmiley381 wrote on 2020-02-27, 13:28:
brostenen wrote on 2020-02-26, 11:32:
As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that. I […]
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As for me, I have begun looking into the HST-WB installer package for Amiga. Using AmigaOS 3.1.4 as the package supports that.
It should give me boot-menu, arcade game launcher (or what it is called) and some other neat stuff.
Basically. It is a bunch of installer scripts and software, that will transform the Amiga into an advanced WHD-Loader machine.

Once up and running, I will report back about it. If anyone are interested in what help I can provide.

Your repeat posts on the Amiga certainly have caught my interest. The Amiga 1200 is one of the machines I have on my radar and I'd appreciate recommendations on selecting the right parts for the most flexible WHDLoad machine for the highest compatibility with OCS/ECS/AGA games at appropriate speeds, with demos and less-exclusive ports of games being a secondary objective. The more I research the Amiga the more options I realize are available and I find it generally overwhelming.

Thanks. Yup. There are a lot of nice stuff going on around that platform. Sure I love a good x86 platform. There are just something different about the Amiga in general. Amiga500/600/1200 or 386/486's... They are all equally awesomme.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 14346 of 27994, by Nitroraptor53

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Rank Member

Trying to get DOS into Extended Memory on a 486 Overdrive DX4/75.

Reply 14347 of 27994, by bjwil1991

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Rank l33t

Greased my newly acquired PS2's DVD drive with white lithium grease on the rails, gear, gear teeth, and tracks. Ejects fully, but it makes a bit of noise when ejecting. Not bad for $12.

Discord: https://discord.gg/U5dJw7x
Systems from the Compaq Portable 1 to Ryzen 9 5950X
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/retropcuser

Reply 14348 of 27994, by Deczor

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Rank Newbie

Bought a NOS CDRW for the 486, but then realised the IDE cable needs and extension and I don't have any. Going to install it anyway.

Finally found something useful in the dumpster at work. Had to go back after hours, but I scored some TEAC CD drives and TEAC floppy drives that came out of some old hardware in one of our ancient datacenters. Also rescued a perfectly functional 24" Elitedisplay monitor.

New CD drive:


Seeing which looks better, the new one or the one I rescued:


Turns out the TEAC (bottom bay) wins. BTC going back in the box.


Time to tidy my damn red room and make everything useable. Decided that the socket7 case is just too big there. And I didn't ever use the extra 24" monitor on my desk anyway. So DOS 15" on one arm, Win10 27" on the other arm.



You can really cram a lot into a 4sqm room if you have to.


Now I need to build a pentium.

Reply 14349 of 27994, by derSammler

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Rank l33t

Started putting all my retro stuff into boxes, since I move later this year. Good opportunity to see if everything is (still) working and to sort things out that I don't really need or ever use. 😀

Reply 14350 of 27994, by pewpewpew

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Rank Oldbie

Why settle for one white elephant when you can have two?

Matching 19" PF790. Together that's about 120 lbs, and they want attention. But right now I'm just pleased everything came up without blowing a cap.

Reply 14351 of 27994, by bjwil1991

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Rank l33t

Soft modded my PS2 and installed a 200GB HDD for my games and stuff. Also removed some corrosion on the fixer upper 486 motherboard, but the jumpers and headers need to be replaced and I need a diagram for connecting a CR2032 battery holder to the board as I need a diode and where to solder the diode to.

Board pictures: http://imgur.com/a/6x76EzF

Discord: https://discord.gg/U5dJw7x
Systems from the Compaq Portable 1 to Ryzen 9 5950X
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/retropcuser

Reply 14352 of 27994, by Turbo ->

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Rank Member
Deczor wrote on 2020-02-28, 23:54:

Finally found something useful in the dumpster at work. Had to go back after hours, but I scored some TEAC CD drives and TEAC floppy drives that came out of some old hardware in one of our ancient datacenters. Also rescued a perfectly functional 24" Elitedisplay monitor.

You can really cram a lot into a 4sqm room if you have to.

Congrats on the saved components Deczor. Also like the room setup. What is that red shiny thing in the midde of the upper shelf?

Reply 14353 of 27994, by EvieSigma

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Rank Oldbie

Upgraded my Micron Pentium II box from 266MHz and 64MB of RAM to 333MHz and 512MB, though I didn't originally plan to put that much in. Couldn't find a second 128MB stick so I went overkill.

Reply 14354 of 27994, by Deczor

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Rank Newbie
Turbo -> wrote on 2020-02-29, 20:00:

Congrats on the saved components Deczor. Also like the room setup. What is that red shiny thing in the midde of the upper shelf?

That's my main PC. Better to have it out of the way up there.

Reply 14355 of 27994, by Horun

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Rank l33t++
bjwil1991 wrote on 2020-02-29, 15:31:

Soft modded my PS2 and installed a 200GB HDD for my games and stuff. Also removed some corrosion on the fixer upper 486 motherboard, but the jumpers and headers need to be replaced and I need a diagram for connecting a CR2032 battery holder to the board as I need a diode and where to solder the diode to.

Board pictures: http://imgur.com/a/6x76EzF

Interesting as I just removed a barrel battery off a 386, a 3.6v NiCad and am going to put a cr2032 in it's place but want to block the charge current. The board has a fairly long/wide + trace from the old battery that am thinking of cutting and soldering a diode across the cut.Then just solder a coin holder in the old battery spot. What do you think ?

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 14356 of 27994, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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Rank l33t

Made an adapter cable for the custom fan header on the AP550 - plan is to test a few 92mm fans to find the best noise / airflow ratio for the front inlet.

The attachment AP550 Fan Cable.JPG is no longer available

Reply 14357 of 27994, by Jed118

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Rank Oldbie

I armed my old 386 army with CDROMs


Youtube channel- The Kombinator
What's for sale? my eBay!

Reply 14358 of 27994, by canthearu

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Rank Oldbie
Jed118 wrote on 2020-03-01, 07:15:

I armed my old 386 army with CDROMs

I salute you and your hinged desktop case. Would so love to have another one, used to have a couple back in the day

Reply 14359 of 27994, by Jed118

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Rank Oldbie
canthearu wrote on 2020-03-01, 12:13:
Jed118 wrote on 2020-03-01, 07:15:

I armed my old 386 army with CDROMs

I salute you and your hinged desktop case. Would so love to have another one, used to have a couple back in the day

This is a German import. There are no less than 50 screws on it, and I think if I were to throw it from the 16th floor balcony, it would survive. And perhaps take a life/cause pavement damage.

Youtube channel- The Kombinator
What's for sale? my eBay!