USB ISA cards?

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Reply 120 of 168, by pearce_jj

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Should be!

Reply 121 of 168, by 8bitbubsy

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FreddyV wrote on 2022-07-17, 09:11:

The ALI express board ROM Does not work, there A18 and A19 @ lines are not connected.
This board is bugged...

Wouldn't that still work, though limiting you to a 128kB ROM (or so)?

- CPU: 386DX-40 (128kB external L1 cache)
- RAM: 8MB (0 waitstates at 40MHz)
- VGA: Diamond SpeedSTAR VGA (ET4000AX 1MB ISA)
- Audio: SB Pro 2.0 + GUS 1MB
- ISA PS/2 mouse card + ISA USB card
- MS-DOS 6.22 + Win 3.1

Reply 122 of 168, by pearce_jj

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No as it will repeat throughout the 1MB address space.

Reply 123 of 168, by cyberluke

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FreddyV wrote on 2022-07-17, 09:11:
cyberluke wrote on 2022-07-17, 07:43:

For tech support, you can mail this guy directly: mj@wch.cn (or tech@wch.cn). I bought random card USB ISA from AliExpress and it just contains the WCH (CH375) chip, so then you contact the manufacturer of the chip. That's what I did. It does not matter, who made the PCB (Lotek or Ali). By default Ali don't have the BIOS EEPROM included, but you can just buy EEPROM, write it, and put into socket (that's what the jumpers are for).

The ALI express board ROM Does not work, there A18 and A19 @ lines are not connected.
This board is bugged...

So you can just solder wire and connect A18 and A19 lines, would that be correct?

Reply 124 of 168, by FreddyV

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cyberluke wrote on 2022-08-30, 14:18:

So you can just solder wire and connect A18 and A19 lines, would that be correct?

Need to add a logic chip

Reply 125 of 168, by Lynxman

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I tried it on my (486) IBM with a Pentium 83 MHz overdrive. The speeds went from 108 W 109 R to 365 W 375 R (typically). Much appreciated. 😀

The attachment Isa-02.jpg is no longer available

I tried setting the % to 1 and 2 but it just locks up when I try to do anything on the card. I also tried %255 and it corrupted the USB stick and I had to reformat it. 😀

Reply 126 of 168, by FreddyV

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Lynxman wrote on 2022-10-05, 16:12:

I tried it on my (486) IBM with a Pentium 83 MHz overdrive. The speeds went from 108 W 109 R to 365 W 375 R (typically). Much appreciated. 😀

I tried setting the % to 1 and 2 but it just locks up when I try to do anything on the card. I also tried %255 and it corrupted the USB stick and I had to reformat it. 😀

What did you try ?

Reply 127 of 168, by Jinxter

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FreddyV wrote on 2023-01-19, 15:38:

Hi, and thanks again for the USB driver.
What is the latest version? I think the latest i have is 0.22 dated 26 and 30. june 2022. my CH375216.SYS is dated 27. oktober 2022.

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Reply 128 of 168, by FreddyV

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Jinxter wrote on 2023-01-19, 17:04:
FreddyV wrote on 2023-01-19, 15:38:

Hi, and thanks again for the USB driver.
What is the latest version? I think the latest i have is 0.22 dated 26 and 30. june 2022. my CH375216.SYS is dated 27. oktober 2022.

I don't remember 😀
I did not change it since lot of time.

I moved to my Picomem project, and this is much more promissing than the USB boards.
The USB boards are anyway usefull for 386/486.

Reply 129 of 168, by Sphere478

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Look what showed up in my mailbox!

What do I need to know? Never used one before.

Should I get the ROM for it? Load xt-ide on it?

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Reply 130 of 168, by FreddyV

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Sphere478 wrote on 2023-01-27, 03:43:

Should I get the ROM for it? Load xt-ide on it?


You can't use a ROM on it because the address lines are not decoded correctly.
I made an optimized version of the DOs Driver for this board, you can find it in this thread.

Reply 131 of 168, by Sphere478

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FreddyV wrote on 2023-01-27, 13:54:
Hi, […]
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Sphere478 wrote on 2023-01-27, 03:43:

Should I get the ROM for it? Load xt-ide on it?


You can't use a ROM on it because the address lines are not decoded correctly.
I made an optimized version of the DOs Driver for this board, you can find it in this thread.

Is there a way to hardware hack the socket to correct the problem?

Re: USB ISA cards?
This is latest?

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
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Reply 132 of 168, by douglar

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If someone tells me what traces to patch, I'll get out the solder & see what I can do.

Reply 133 of 168, by FreddyV

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douglar wrote on 2023-01-27, 18:10:

If someone tells me what traces to patch, I'll get out the solder & see what I can do.

There are 2 missing address line, so wou need to add an and gate

Reply 136 of 168, by cyberluke

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Yes, I shared it here on page 6: Re: USB ISA cards?

Reply 138 of 168, by cyberluke

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I did not have time to play with it yet, would be interested in some results. I have two cards, but from AliExpress (stripped down). It would be great if someone could make some tutorial how to supply SYS (for example ATAPIIDE.SYS or SCSI.SYS) to this CH375. For example project XT-IDE has some tutorial how to supply ATAPIIDE.SYS for ZIP DRIVE to add ZIP boot functionality. I have a couple of pizza box 486 and 386 with no free slot for drive, so USB + ZIP250MB USB (which in real implements SCSI over USB protocol with SCSI.SYS driver) would be great.

Reply 139 of 168, by Yoghoo

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Want to order one on AliExpress but I see that there are 3 different versions (see picture).

First one is the bugged one. But what about the second and third one? The first 2 are about the same price. The 3rd one is about 50% more expensive.

Anyone got any idea which one is the 'best'?