First post, by blougaville

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Rank Newbie

I'm toying with the idea of doing a computer build in an unconventional case and would like to mount an ISA soundcard roughly parallel to the motherboard (a PCB riser won't work because it won't be mounted in a perfect 90 degree angle above an ISA slot). I somehow just assumed since it's so easy to find PCIe and PCI extension ribbons that other slot extenders would exist...at least for hobbyist! After searching for a couple hours I'm afraid I might have been wrong. I did find this AGP extender ribbon, which might come in handy:

The attachment ABMK_131423139798142723BeS7JkLRNc.jpg is no longer available

Link: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?I … =9SIABMK5VM5804

Does anyone know of a similar solution for ISA? According to this thread it seems likely that one could be built (Short on ISA slots? Try this.), but I'm not very confident in my soldering skills yet, plus the parts list would be a little different from the ribbon built in this thread. The ribbon would only have to be 4-5 inches for my purposes.

Reply 1 of 7, by rmay635703

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Rank Oldbie

I would like to find something like this to add 16 bit ISA to an 8 bit 286 Tandy 1000rlx

Reply 3 of 7, by yawetaG

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They have existed in the past, as there were external ISA backplane housings that connected to a motherboard in a similar fashion...

Reply 4 of 7, by blougaville

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Rank Newbie
yawetaG wrote:

They have existed in the past

Yeah, I found some references online to them existing but I sure wish I could track one down! Except instead of connecting to a backplane, I just need it to provide a single floating ISA slot for a sound card!

Reply 6 of 7, by uscleo

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Rank Newbie

If you have the time you should make a few more. I for one would buy this if I saw it on eBay.