First post, by BillyH666

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Rank Newbie

Just swapped the K6-2 450 (heatsink is stuck on but good so i'm not sure if it's AFX, AGX, or AHX.) this had in it out with a K6-2 550AGR. To my surprise it's, still reading as a k6-2 450. Not sure why this is, anybody want to lend a helping hand?

System Specs are:
OS: Windows 98 SE
Board: VOS 9GM91104181 Ver A03 ATX Aladdin V (not sure what the actual brand name is 😜)
CPU: AMD K6-2 450MHz 32MB RAM
RAM: 288 MB
Video Card: Voodoo 3 2000 AGP

Reply 1 of 14, by frudi

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Rank Member

Does the board actually support the 5.5 multiplier and K6-2 550 model? Did you configure the jumpers properly?

If you can find a newer BIOS, it might help flashing it. Also, try setting the multiplier to 1.5x or 2x, that sometimes works on boards that don't support high enough multipliers.

Reply 2 of 14, by BillyH666

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Rank Newbie

I'll try that out, i'm rather new to this, how do I set the multipliers?

Reply 3 of 14, by Deksor

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Rank l33t


Or if I want to be less rude, check which motherboard you have and find its manual online 😀
Anything before late slot 1/athlon need to be configured via jumpers on the motherboard to run properly. On some cases it can lead to really bad overvolt that can end up into a burned CPU (don't worry, K6-2s use the same range of volts. Worst case scenario, you're overvolting it by 0.2V, this is nothing.)

Take care of this when working on anything from 486 to socket 7 😉

Trying to identify old hardware ? Visit The retro web - Project's thread The Retro Web project - a stason.org/TH99 alternative

Reply 4 of 14, by BillyH666

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Rank Newbie

understood, thanks for the advice, now if only I knew what the hell this thing was, it's quite generic 😜. TO THE GOOGLE!

Reply 5 of 14, by dr.sbaitso

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Rank Newbie

If you can post a picture of the board, someone might be able to help in the identification.

Reply 7 of 14, by BillyH666

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Rank Newbie

Here it is, any guesses?

The attachment mobopic.jpg is no longer available

Reply 9 of 14, by BillyH666

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And here's the Post script

The attachment postscript.jpg is no longer available

Reply 10 of 14, by BillyH666

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Rank Newbie
PC Hoarder Patrol wrote:

That looks about right based on other reference images, unfortunately, based on the info it seems to only be able to go up to 450mhz. No biggie, thanks for the help!

Reply 12 of 14, by BillyH666

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Rank Newbie
PC Hoarder Patrol wrote:

Check this for jumper settings http://www.bcmcom.com/tech/VP1543/VP1543jumpers.htm - you'll want 5.5 x 100MHz at 2.3V

followed the instructions to the letter. Happy to say that, after completely removing the "off" jumpers like an idiot, causing a very long beep, and instead simply moving them to the "off" position, the mobo now reads the 550 as it should be. Thank you all very much for your help, I'm now a little wiser in how to setup a computer.

Reply 13 of 14, by kixs

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Rank l33t

You can also try 2X multi to actually get a 6X out. This way BIOS will show you have AMD K6-2/600 🤣

For BIOS display (and actual speed) it's only important what jumpers you set on the motherboard and not what it's written on the CPU.

Requests here!

Reply 14 of 14, by rmay635703

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Rank Oldbie

Past experience says the 5.5x multiplier is faster than the 6x one, not sure why, maybe AMD bungled 6x, no idea.