First post, by data9791

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Rank Newbie

I found a destroyed G5 in the dumpster today, salvaged everything I could. It had a 9600 in it and I am wondering if anyone has been successful getting the Mac version of these cards to work with a PC.

Reply 1 of 4, by Doornkaat

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Rank l33t

Yes it is possible. However you won't be able to use the proprietary display connector to supply power to a monitor.
help convert radeon 7500 ddr from MAC to PC
This thread explains how to flash a 7500 to PC. You can use the same steps with your 9600 if you get yourself the 9600 PC BIOS. 😀

Reply 2 of 4, by data9791

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Rank Newbie

NICE. You're a life saver. Mine actually has dual DVI instead of 1 DVI/1 ADC like most do.

Reply 3 of 4, by frudi

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Rank Member

Since Mac versions seem to go for about twice what PC versions sell for, you're probably better off just selling it and getting a regular PC version instead.

But on the other hand the dual DVI setup is nice and you won't find that on regular 9600's. I'd probably keep it for this feature alone.

Reply 4 of 4, by ynari

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Yeah, it's absolutely possible, but you'd be better selling it on ebay and buying a PC version with some of the spare cash.

Mac Radeon cards tend to have a larger BIOS. It was more than a bit of a pain to flash a PC card to work in my G4 Powermac.