OrangePC Bios help

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First post, by sirfoxx14

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I need some help with a macintosh peripheral I have. It's an OrangePC card, which allows you to emulate a PC within the mac operating system using actual hardware. My particular card has an AM386SX, a super math chips 80387, no sound aside from a beeper, and proprietary video (unless it uses the mac video). I believe the bios is ScatSX.

I am having an issue with the ram. Supposedly the processor can handle up to 16mb, but I dont think anyone has ever gotten past 8mb with these cards and have had them be stable. When I got my card, it came with 2 of the 4 ram slots populated. During boot it said 1mb, so you'd think that the 2 sticks are 512kb, right?

I took those two sticks out, found a matching set of 4, put two of those in and it also posted with 1mb. "Okay, cool. So if I put the other 2 matching sticks in, it should be 2mb, right?"


When I put the other 2 matching sticks in (4 total now) it posted with 3mb ram. Odd...I thought I had a dead ram slot, so I started shuffling the ram around. With 2 matching sticks in slot 1 and 2, it shows 1mb. With the same sticks of ram in slots 3 and 4, it says "ram count does not match CMOS--run SETUP" but never says how to get into setup (which I assume is the bios?). I also have other good known 1mb sticks of ram, all of which show the same error, so the ram isnt the issue.

There are a few articles on these cards discussing how to change the ram amount (one through the orangePC application, another through hitting ctrl-alt-esc), but nothing works . I cannot get the computer to produce a keyboard error either, which I heard will show the setup key sequence, and my application does not have the ram option (i think that was for a later pentium flavor card).

I've never messed with PC's this old (dos era stuff), so any help would be greatly appreciated. Ive tried on both 68kmla and mac rumors, but neither have been fruitful as these cards are hard to come by.

Reply 1 of 6, by sirfoxx14

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Rank Newbie

No help? Anyone?

Reply 2 of 6, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

Appears to be an Orange386 variant. Did you read thru this: http://archive.retro.co.za/mirrors/68000/www. … d.com/O386.html

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 3 of 6, by sirfoxx14

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Rank Newbie
sirfoxx14 wrote on 2020-10-01, 21:57:

There are a few articles on these cards discussing how to change the ram amount (one through the orangePC application, another through hitting ctrl-alt-esc), but nothing works . I cannot get the computer to produce a keyboard error either, which I heard will show the setup key sequence, and my application does not have the ram option (i think that was for a later pentium flavor card).

Horun wrote on 2020-10-03, 15:17:

Appears to be an Orange386 variant. Did you read thru this: http://archive.retro.co.za/mirrors/68000/www. … d.com/O386.html

"The Orange386 does not have a conventional CMOS and BIOS settings are stored in the application preferences file on the Mac system disk. The easiest way to enter the BIOS setup is to hold down any key on startup to generate a keyboard error; then type Ctrl-Alt-Esc to run the BIOS setup program."

Yes. As I said, I cannot get the card to produce a keyboard error. Although I didn't mention it, whenever I hold down keys to try and produce a keyboard error, it just sits there and beeps until the invalid inputs are cleared and it continues to boot. Unless I'm not doing something right, I'm not sure what else to try. I'll try to get a picture of the post screen tonight.

Reply 4 of 6, by sirfoxx14

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Rank Newbie

Does anyone have any sort of list of the different key combinations for getting into setup on computers with scatsx bios?

Is there another forum that may be of better assistance? I had high hopes here due to the high activity on the old hardware sections, but it seems like no one here has any idea : /

Reply 5 of 6, by JidaiGeki

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Rank Oldbie
sirfoxx14 wrote on 2020-10-04, 21:23:

Does anyone have any sort of list of the different key combinations for getting into setup on computers with scatsx bios?

Is there another forum that may be of better assistance? I had high hopes here due to the high activity on the old hardware sections, but it seems like no one here has any idea : /

This is predominantly an x86 forum, but there are of course a lot of Mac fans, and fans of devices like the OrangePC here. However the Nubus OrangePC range is quite rare, and sells for silly money when they do come up on eBay, so there aren't a lot of people around with these cards. From memory, a member known as dr. zeissler posts sometimes about Mac PC compatibility cards, and seems to have an OrangePC (PC-Cards on Macintosh (NUBUS or PDS or PCI) and https://www.flickr.com/photos/94839221@N05/al … 157665671196304), so he may have some knowledge. Personally, I love the OrangePC and other PC compat. cards, but mine are for later models, being PCI and PDS. One other place that might have some knowledgeable people on this card are at Vintage Computer Federation (vcfed.org). Best of luck, would be interesting to see this card up and running.

Reply 6 of 6, by sirfoxx14

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Rank Newbie
JidaiGeki wrote on 2020-10-05, 00:26:

This is predominantly an x86 forum, but there are of course a lot of Mac fans, and fans of devices like the OrangePC here. However the Nubus OrangePC range is quite rare, and sells for silly money when they do come up on eBay, so there aren't a lot of people around with these cards. From memory, a member known as dr. zeissler posts sometimes about Mac PC compatibility cards, and seems to have an OrangePC (PC-Cards on Macintosh (NUBUS or PDS or PCI) and https://www.flickr.com/photos/94839221@N05/al … 157665671196304), so he may have some knowledge. Personally, I love the OrangePC and other PC compat. cards, but mine are for later models, being PCI and PDS. One other place that might have some knowledgeable people on this card are at Vintage Computer Federation (vcfed.org). Best of luck, would be interesting to see this card up and running.

I appreciate the response. I kinda figured since this card uses physical hardware, I thought that coming to a pc oriented forum would net some results. I get that the card requires the use of a macintosh and a special application, but for the most part its fairly independent of the macintosh.