Is it worth it for me to get a Voodoo card?

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Reply 120 of 128, by Jasin Natael

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foil_fresh wrote on 2021-09-03, 02:51:

last thought: Would a jump to a 233mmx be a significant boost? I'm using a super socket 7 board, Shuttle HOT-591p.

Not really.

But a K6-2 or even better a k6-3+ would make a big difference.

Last edited by Stiletto on 2021-09-09, 00:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 121 of 128, by Tetrium

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PARKE wrote on 2021-09-07, 16:50:
People have, I believe, been hunting down 1500 MHz Tualatin Celerons for a number of years because two of them were listed on p […]
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Tetrium wrote on 2021-09-07, 15:49:

This is basically why I believe that real world experience is always better than technical datasheets as the paper can still be wrong regardless.

People have, I believe, been hunting down 1500 MHz Tualatin Celerons for a number of years because two of them were listed on page 26 of the Intel®Celeron® Processor Specification Update - aug 2008 (24374853.pdf).
https://www.manualowl.com/m/Intel/SL3VS/Manua … /362392?page=18
Just an/one example...

Kinda the same thing as with the VIA C3 1400 PGA perhaps.
But otoh the Cyrix 5x86 133MHz for example did turn out to be a real chip.

Same thing with the Bitchinfast 3D 2000 (no just kidding but it was an awsome april fools nontheless 😜 )

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Reply 122 of 128, by leileilol

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Cyrix 6x86/MII 533's 👀

long live PCem

Reply 123 of 128, by infiniteclouds

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Gmlb256 wrote on 2021-09-06, 02:57:
infiniteclouds wrote on 2021-09-06, 02:44:

I had some issues with the game even on a Voodoo 1 - Tomb Raider 1 Voodoo Mipmapping

Some of the features on the 3Dfx version Tomb Raider are buggy (mipmap and anti-aliasing) and must be disabled no matter which 3Dfx card is being used.

The only thing that is not normal are these strange brown pixels as mentioned in the second post on the thread you linked. Adding a small heat sink on both FBI and TMU chip (the two large chips with the 3Dfx label) can help to eliminate these artifacts.

Thanks I'll give that a try. However, those artifacts go away when mipmapping is turned off.

Honestly though Tomb Raider 1's best 3D accelerated version is with a compatible ATI card. My ATI Rage Pro Turbo, the fastest card that still supports the ATICIF API, runs the game at 800x600 at a constant 30FPS and it has none of the artifacts or glitching (i.e rolling textures) that the 3dfx version has. It's always the only Windows compatible version of the game. While the Matrox M3D can do 1024x768 I've seen videos and they do not maintain 30FPS at that resolution.

Reply 124 of 128, by Joseph_Joestar

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infiniteclouds wrote on 2021-09-09, 04:43:

Honestly though Tomb Raider 1's best 3D accelerated version is with a compatible ATI card.

I think the Rendition Verite version is the closest to the PlayStation original in terms of visuals. It also has that nice turquoise water that all the later Tomb Raider games use. The ATI version probably has the best performance though.

I'm not certain if any other version of Tomb Raider, other than the 3DFX one, supports anti aliasing. It's not great for performance and can cause the pistol flash glitch on some Voodoo cards, but it sure looks nice.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 125 of 128, by Joakim

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I tried and liked the ATI version but it probably needs a beefier pc than my P2 @400 MHz and a ATI rage at work or what it's called, the FPS was maybe 10-15 from what I remember.

Reply 126 of 128, by infiniteclouds

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Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2021-09-09, 05:09:
infiniteclouds wrote on 2021-09-09, 04:43:

Honestly though Tomb Raider 1's best 3D accelerated version is with a compatible ATI card.

I think the Rendition Verite version is the closest to the PlayStation original in terms of visuals.

Only visuals I'd want from PSX original are the superior cutscenes 😜 ...actually that and the music + better audio is enough to get me to play my PS1 version.

Joakim wrote on 2021-09-09, 05:17:

I tried and liked the ATI version but it probably needs a beefier pc than my P2 @400 MHz and a ATI rage at work or what it's called, the FPS was maybe 10-15 from what I remember.

Hmm, that sounds off. A Pentium 2 400mhz is plenty powerful enough to drive the FPS. Maybe you had an earlier, weaker ATI CIF compatible card.

Reply 127 of 128, by Joakim

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I think it is a very basic ATI rage card. Ati Rage Xpert@Work (agp). That might be the problem. I use it because it came with the system and I want to keep it original.

Reply 128 of 128, by Gmlb256

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infiniteclouds wrote on 2021-09-09, 06:35:

...actually that and the music + better audio is enough to get me to play my PS1 version.

There are ways to play the PC version with the music from the PlayStation version. One way is to download a patch for the DOS version (two of the links except PATCH are dead) of Tomb Raider but it's the 3Dfx version and based on the Voodoo Rush patch so no shadows. It'll require to burn a new CD with the soundtracks for both the PC and PlayStation and game data like the instructions say from the HTML readme file though.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS