First post, by arteq

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Hi vogons

Do you know where I can find any info about this card ?


google search is not helping much 🙁

Thank you in advance

Some items for sale 😀
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YNG8R … dit?usp=sharing

Reply 3 of 3, by darry

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Rank l33t++
arteq wrote on 2021-10-31, 18:38:
darry wrote on 2021-10-31, 18:28:

It is likely related/similar to this : http://amiga.resource.cx/search.pl?product=G-lock

but it is for PC , regular ISA 16 VGA card

An ISA slot form factor does not necessarily mean a card is meant for use in a PC compatible .

a) It's by Green Valley Products, which specialized in Amiga hardware
b) It has G-Lock in it's name, which suggests it is genlock capable (see also http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/video-capture … vhs-vhs-ld.html )
c) Some Amiga machine, such as the 2000, had ISA slots (meant for use with a bridgeboard, optionally in conjunction with other ISA devices)

That being said, that card may well work as a standard ISA VGA card in a PC .

EDIT : This suggests that card could be used in a PC https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.anime/c/buuCOYCg8lU .
EDIT2 : See also http://nt2099.com/OSA/PUBLICATIONS/nt2099/NT2099C.WRI?