First post, by grenbeanbastard

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Rank Newbie

Hello everyone, I'm new to 8088 pc clones, so sorry if this seems a bit obvious. I recently acquired an ibm xt clone pc made by American computer and peripheral and have been working on repairing/restoring it. it has an original intel 8088 and i was looking into upgrading it to a V20 for the increased speed and partial 286 compatibility. I don't know much about older cpus as well as cpus in general so i wanted to know if i need to get a specific frequency v20 or if i just need to get one rated at least 4.77mhz (frequency of the 8088 already installed). Right now I'm looking at thishttps://www.ebay.com/itm/294964742897?mkcid=1 … emis&media=COPY ebay listing (a D70108HCZ-10). If i understand correctly, i believe this is a high frequency- low power version rated at 10mhz. Will this work the same as a normal v20 and be compatible with my motherboard? Thanks.

Reply 1 of 4, by Geri

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It will be likely compatible, but it will work only at 4.77 mhz. You will have to play with jumper settings/or replacing the clock signal generator on the motherboard to get it running at ~9 mhz.

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Reply 2 of 4, by grenbeanbastard

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Rank Newbie
Geri wrote on 2022-08-24, 21:03:

It will be likely compatible, but it will work only at 4.77 mhz. You will have to play with jumper settings/or replacing the clock signal generator on the motherboard to get it running at ~9 mhz.

Thats ok, i only need it at about 4.77 mhz anyways, from what i can tell its a more powerful cpu even at the same frequency

Reply 3 of 4, by jakethompson1

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Rank Oldbie

Be aware that your BIOS may be sensitive to CPU speed and require patching; see: Re: How to slow down NEC V20?

Reply 4 of 4, by kdr

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grenbeanbastard wrote on 2022-08-24, 21:17:

Thats ok, i only need it at about 4.77 mhz anyways, from what i can tell its a more powerful cpu even at the same frequency

Don't set your hopes too high, the V20 is only marginally faster when running real-world code. Its main advantage is that it implements all of the extra instructions that the 80286 added to 16-bit real mode, so you'll be able to (very slowly) run almost all DOS applications/drivers that don't use a 32-bit DOS extender.