Less popular Youtube channels

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First post, by Kekkula

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Rank Newbie

I've noticed that Youtube wants you to watch just handful of channels. No matter what search terms you use you usually get exact same results.
So post here wonderful channels that doesn't get shown in youtube algorithms.


like these.

The reason I want different channels is that I've run out of videos to watch and big league players only publish video a week 😁

Reply 1 of 78, by Gmlb256

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https://www.youtube.com/@PCRetroTech: It is from one of the authors involved in the Area 5150 demo for the IBM PC.
https://www.youtube.com/@CPUGalaxy: Someone who collects a lot of old hardware, especially CPUs.

Both channels aren't updated frequently.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 2 of 78, by Shponglefan

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https://www.youtube.com/@ctrlaltrees - Has a good mix of retro PC and console content, well produced and narrated.
https://www.youtube.com/@KITR-UK - Discovered this channel via their reviews of DOS ISA sound cards. They have some really good sound card and wavetable comparisons videos, among other retro videos.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 3 of 78, by TheMobRules

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Rank Oldbie

https://www.youtube.com/@RetroSpector78 - this channel is great, and I believe RetroSpector himself has posted quite a few times on this forum. However, no new content has been posted in almost a year after a somewhat strange video about a Voodoo 5 scam, it's as if he suddenly vanished.

And also: https://www.youtube.com/@AncientElectronics should have way more viewers, no fancy editing but I really like the deep dives into older machines.

Reply 5 of 78, by AngryByDefault

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Nice thread! Some of my usual channels are kind of wearing laterly...

Necroware and CPUGalaxy are indeed great.

Here's a couple of good ones I've found lately:


The latter is a 'no frills' "listen and make up your own mind" kind of channel... something I find very useful sometimes.

Reply 6 of 78, by HanSolo

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Meanwhile this can probably be regarded as a medium-sized channel:
Victor Bart - RETRO Machines

The first video I've seen on his channel was this one:
"We went to a 90's Lan Party in 2020"

In case you've seen Linus' video on the Quantum3D Voodoo SLI-card you will recognize the guy a 9:08

@Kekkula : I like this idea. How about you include all the suggestions in you initial post to have them together in one complete list?

Reply 7 of 78, by Kekkula

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Rank Newbie

@Kekkula : I like this idea. How about you include all the suggestions in you initial post to have them together in one complete list?

Boy that escalated quickly 😁

Have to try, after I recover from this hangover 😖

Reply 8 of 78, by schmatzler

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Rank Oldbie

Mr. Carlson's Lab - he is doing extreme deep-dives into old technology. You can learn a lot here, if you take the time.
The Post Apocalyptic Inventor - while I don't neccessarily agree with his bleak world views, the repair videos are top-notch.
BitBastelei - nice variety of technology-related content.
Posy and LazyPosy - this man is just doing the content he wants to do and is so full of energy. I love these channels.
databits - also a very nice variety of technology content.
Josh Davidson - he's just absolutely going crazy modding and tinkering with Xbox 360's, swapping chips, tinkering with the firmware...
bitsundbolts - a lot of retro content, I especially like the videos about 3Dfx modding though.
GermanPeter - makes comparison videos of old games, which were often cut in Germany due to age restrictions...in very weird ways.
ChernobylFamily - sowjet retro computers! This channel is an absolute gem and so different from European and US content. And they still do all of this while living in a warzone, kudos to these guys.
CatAndAndrew - he fixes and mods old notebooks with a lot of effort, even rebuilding broken cases.
NCommander - he's a coder and has a lot of knowlege about old architectures and systems. Regularly goes almost insane during livestreams.
DextersTechLab - mostly makes videos about old Quantum HAL system. For some reason, I find these very interesting.

Not really electronics- or retro-related, but worth a mention:
BobbyBroccoli - his documentaries keep me on the edge of my seat for hours!
HandToolRescue - he fixes very old machines and tools (and also rebuilts tools from very old and ridiculous patents)
Aging Wheels, GarbageTime, MasterMilo - entertaining car (and tank) tinkering
A Jolly Wangcore - plays game mods and fails spectacularly in a lot of them.
Dime Store Adventures - a really great storyteller. History, but fun!

Last edited by schmatzler on 2023-05-29, 12:43. Edited 1 time in total.

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 9 of 78, by andre_6

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I'm sure RMC Cave is already pretty popular with everyone: https://www.youtube.com/@RMCRetro

It's my absolute favorite channel since the early days with the trash to treasure episodes being the top ones for me, the DIY episodes for the latest cave were also such a pleasure to watch. There's also a podcast that has much less subscribers for some reason that features Neil from RMC Cave which is a weekly pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWeekinRetro

And the mill in which the Cave is based in has expanded its retro museum offer with a new Arcade, channel here, there's an incredible video about a collection that features some truly ultra rare Sega stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@TheArcadeArchive

This channel is becoming one of my favorites too, adequately paced diagnostics and repair of retro PCs, very well edited and you don't even notice time going by, I think it will grow considerably: https://www.youtube.com/@miketech1024

The most insane collection of retro I've ever seen in a video: https://www.youtube.com/@RETROHardware

I enjoyed the Sharp x68000 videos from this channel, he's not very natural on camera but I enjoyed it: https://www.youtube.com/@retrobitstv

Also: https://www.youtube.com/@thesmokingcap

Not retro electronics dedicated, but it's a channel of B-Roll from news stations that contains ample footage from different decades in the most mundane settings, lots of computer stores of the time, electronics isles, etc., it's basically the closest thing to a time machine: https://www.youtube.com/@vampirerobot

TheMobRules wrote on 2023-05-27, 18:26:

https://www.youtube.com/@RetroSpector78 - this channel is great, and I believe RetroSpector himself has posted quite a few times on this forum. However, no new content has been posted in almost a year after a somewhat strange video about a Voodoo 5 scam, it's as if he suddenly vanished.

And also: https://www.youtube.com/@AncientElectronics should have way more viewers, no fancy editing but I really like the deep dives into older machines.

Such a shame about RetroSpector78, the last video was really strange indeed. I enjoyed his videos a lot. I'd say TechTangents is the most complete that I've seen, either in terms of knowledge and in terms of the huge scope of things he tries to do, he's very creative and practical in his solutions too

Last edited by andre_6 on 2023-05-28, 16:56. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 10 of 78, by kitten.may.cry

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99% of them are Vogons regulars, funny to see such posts.

Reply 11 of 78, by andre_6

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kitten.may.cry wrote on 2023-05-28, 16:43:

99% of them are Vogons regulars, funny to see such posts.

It would be a cunning method to make a thread like this to gather some new subscribers all around! 🤣

Reply 12 of 78, by Gmlb256

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Rank l33t
kitten.may.cry wrote on 2023-05-28, 16:43:

99% of them are Vogons regulars, funny to see such posts.

Many of them aren't posting on this forum regularly. 🤣

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 13 of 78, by HanSolo

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Many videos about soundcards

Retro hardware, games, repairs

RETRO Hardware
Retro PC hardware

DOS Nostalgia
DOS games

Retro Tech
Old technologies, CRT monitors, classic video games, vintage computers, arcade machines

The Oldskool PC
PC history, software collecting, vintage gaming. By Trixter/Hornet, one of the guys who did the the 8088 Mph and the Area 5150-Demos

Ancient Electronics
Retro computing and video games

Old hardware and several very nice coding videos about old skool demo effects

REALLY old hardware, like the Apollo Guidance Computer. I can recommend the 10 part repair-thriller HP 9825T Repair

Reply 14 of 78, by Nexxen

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Rank Oldbie

Good, I'm subbed to most of them.
Makes me proud 😀

PC#1 Pentium 233 MMX - 98SE
PC#2 PIII-1Ghz - 98SE/W2K

Reply 18 of 78, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie

such great links all 😀

andre_6 wrote on 2023-05-28, 16:34:

This channel is becoming one of my favorites too, adequately paced diagnostics and repair of retro PCs, very well edited and you don't even notice time going by, I think it will grow considerably: https://www.youtube.com/@miketech1024

ah yes I've been watching this channel too, very meticulous and complete - everything that can be rescued is rescued, a little bit like necroware in terms of technical depth