First post, by zuldan

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Just wondering if this happens to anyone else? When exiting a DOS game (EG Doom2 or Quake 1) played in Windows 98 the Start Menu goes all weird and sometimes the system tray. It happens with vanilla Windows 98 SE and with Windows 98 SE SP3. I've also tried various drivers with different graphic cards but it still randomly happens.

It happens on all 4 of my machines with the following video cards;

3dfx Voodoo 3 3000
Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra
Nvidia Geforce MX400
Nvidia Geforce 2 GTS Ti

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Reply 1 of 4, by midicollector

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That was pretty common back in the day.

Reply 2 of 4, by zuldan

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midicollector wrote on 2024-02-24, 00:32:

That was pretty common back in the day.

I spent too many hours to count at LAN parties on Windows 98 back in the day. I don't remember this happening. My memory must be going! 🤣

Reply 3 of 4, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

Yes that can be an issue with certain DOS games from Winderz. Best to make a simple boot menu for choice of WIn9x or DOS...is what I used to do....err still do

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 4 of 4, by progman.exe

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zuldan wrote on 2024-02-24, 00:34:

I spent too many hours to count at LAN parties on Windows 98 back in the day. I don't remember this happening. My memory must be going! 🤣

At a LAN, if you're not the person having to do a reinstall of Windows, then any non-fatal glitch is not remembered. I assume, because I remember my PC always being perfect[1], but someone was always having a disastrous time, where a reinstall ends up being the "fix".

[1] First LAN, the OC'd Celeron was getting very hot because of all the PCs, nerds, and summer outside. Side off, desk fan blasting in, perfect again 😀

Edit: OR not multiplaying at a ping up to 300ms is so staggering, any detail that could faze the awesome is disregarded.