First post, by PlaneVuki

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Hi !

One of my main interests in retro pc is doom benchmark.
Sure this was done a lot, but no reason not to do it more.

I made this minimalistic doom shareware benchmark pack which includes a simple but useful program that shows the result directly as frames per second.
No more multiplying-dividing those gameticks and realticks! Just unzip the folder and run test.bat by typing test in command promt.

Current version is 3. Versions 1 and 2 were never made public.
The fps calculator is limited to maximum 65535 realticks. Lets hope no one wanted to run this at slower than 1.14 fps 😀
I made the config file read-only so bechmarks are done using same settings for all.

Please do the benchmarks using this pack and post your results here!

I am mostly interested in results from a 486 dx2 66 with a fast ISA video card.
But any hardware result is welcome, just don't forget to write you system specs (motherboard, cpu/clock, graphics card model/slot, ram ,etc..)
If you find any bugs please let me know.

Happy benchmarking ! 😀


  • Filename
    File size
    1.95 MiB
    File license
    Public domain