Ever Seen this one?

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First post, by kobaspaladin

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I never knew IT exists. Found in a Pentium 60.

Reply 1 of 15, by dionb

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Rank l33t++

Cirrus Logic GD-5464 - pretty anachronistic in a P60. Bit of an oddball, that memory is RDRAM, the same Rambus stuff so hated when Intel tried to ram it down everyone's throats.

One of Cirrus Logic's last designs (only the AGP + bugfix GD5465 actually was released after it), it's a bit of a testament to how the 3D race killed so many proud graphics chip vendors.

Reply 2 of 15, by The Serpent Rider

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It's also horrible pretty much at everything 2D related. Although you won't feel it on P60.

I must be some kind of standard: the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century.

Reply 3 of 15, by BitWrangler

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Yay, the alpine on steroids meth.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 4 of 15, by liqmat

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kobaspaladin wrote on 2024-04-07, 18:44:

I never knew IT exists. Found in a Pentium 60.

Error.... ... .. .

-=| unidentified foreign object |=-
Enhance.... ... .. .
Give me a hard copy right there.

Last edited by liqmat on 2024-04-08, 23:17. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 5 of 15, by Trashbytes

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liqmat wrote on 2024-04-08, 03:37:
Error.... ... .. . […]
Show full quote
kobaspaladin wrote on 2024-04-07, 18:44:

I never knew IT exists. Found in a Pentium 60.

Error.... ... .. .

-=| unidentified foreign object |=-
Enhance.... ... .. .
Give me a hard copy right there.

Looks like the stem off a flower or perhaps a pepper ...got me beat honestly.

Cant believe I stared at it for a full 60 seconds trying to figure out what it is, paid more attention to it than the GPU.

Reply 6 of 15, by Trashbytes

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dionb wrote on 2024-04-07, 19:11:

Cirrus Logic GD-5464 - pretty anachronistic in a P60. Bit of an oddball, that memory is RDRAM, the same Rambus stuff so hated when Intel tried to ram it down everyone's throats.

One of Cirrus Logic's last designs (only the AGP + bugfix GD5465 actually was released after it), it's a bit of a testament to how the 3D race killed so many proud graphics chip vendors.

Ah yes the Laguna 3D a truly terrible card but interesting to mess around with, I would imagine the later models would be fun to test with.


Reply 7 of 15, by liqmat

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I would keep that card solely for the snazzy colorful stickers.

Reply 8 of 15, by MikeSG

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Cirrus Logic & Trident focused on miniturisation/less components... They have all kinds of power, but ~one year out of top performance v the competitors.

Reply 9 of 15, by wierd_w

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Unless you were trying to run high resolution quake or something, (or had an extremely fine dotpitch CRT that needed better DACs, or some other edge case), the more commodity cards did acceptably well for the majority of uses.

Given how fast things obsoleted back then, (AND HOW MUCH THEY COST), getting something "Good Enough" was quite acceptable, in the vast majority of cases. As I understand it, it's still that way today, just not as extreme. You dont really need the latest and greatest RTX bullshittery unless you are obsessively measuring your FPS, running Bitcoin mining/AI vector processing, or trying to use your GPU like a space heater. You will go bankrupt pretty quick chasing that beer wagon.

As pointed out though-- some commodity "Good enough for majority of uses" chips/cards had notorious things about them, like trident VGA being blurry on tight pitch monitors.

In the case of this "VideoBlaster!" card though, PT Barnum's maxim applies. You had big box names like Reveal and CreativeLabs coasting on name recognition, offering shovelware to people who did not know any better. This is why the stickers are covering the video bios and chipset. 😀 You are supposed to see CREATIVE LABS, not "Slow assed Cirrus Logic chipset."

In the majority of "Nameless TVGA" cards and the like, you were told exactly what it was on the box, and could make an informed choice. In cases like the above, "Not So Much." Your being "Informed" was the last thing they wanted. 😜

Reply 10 of 15, by Anonymous Coward

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reveal was a big name? I always avoided it because the box art implied budget grade crap. It seems I shouldn’t have though, some of it was an awfully good bargain.

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 11 of 15, by dionb

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Rank l33t++
Trashbytes wrote on 2024-04-08, 04:01:
dionb wrote on 2024-04-07, 19:11:

Cirrus Logic GD-5464 - pretty anachronistic in a P60. Bit of an oddball, that memory is RDRAM, the same Rambus stuff so hated when Intel tried to ram it down everyone's throats.

One of Cirrus Logic's last designs (only the AGP + bugfix GD5465 actually was released after it), it's a bit of a testament to how the 3D race killed so many proud graphics chip vendors.

Ah yes the Laguna 3D a truly terrible card but interesting to mess around with, I would imagine the later models would be fun to test with.


I have one with GD5465 I've been intending to stick onto my i820 system for max Rambus - but it's a dual system running Win2k and I don't think there are any Win2k drivers...

Reply 12 of 15, by Trashbytes

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dionb wrote on 2024-04-08, 11:35:
Trashbytes wrote on 2024-04-08, 04:01:
dionb wrote on 2024-04-07, 19:11:

Cirrus Logic GD-5464 - pretty anachronistic in a P60. Bit of an oddball, that memory is RDRAM, the same Rambus stuff so hated when Intel tried to ram it down everyone's throats.

One of Cirrus Logic's last designs (only the AGP + bugfix GD5465 actually was released after it), it's a bit of a testament to how the 3D race killed so many proud graphics chip vendors.

Ah yes the Laguna 3D a truly terrible card but interesting to mess around with, I would imagine the later models would be fun to test with.


I have one with GD5465 I've been intending to stick onto my i820 system for max Rambus - but it's a dual system running Win2k and I don't think there are any Win2k drivers...

I wonder if power strip could overclock one of these Laguna cards .. I doubt the over clock would help much but Im more curious just how far you could push the core with some decent cooling on it.

Reply 13 of 15, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++

rivatuner had a lot of earlier/contemporary cards added to it too.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 14 of 15, by kobaspaladin

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Rank Newbie

Prunus serrulata

Reply 15 of 15, by Trashbytes

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Rank Oldbie
kobaspaladin wrote on 2024-04-09, 08:51:

Prunus serrulata

Wheeeeee I guessed it was from a flower !

Oh wow its a Cherry Tree, really beautiful tree too.

The attachment Cherry.jpg is no longer available

Bet it looks amazing in full bloom.