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Glorious PC Master Race - An Endangered Species

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First post, by Yasashii

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You've probably seen people making fun of consoles for their rather puny performance when compared to PCs. In contrast to modern gaming rigs they can't handle 60 fps (or more) at 1080p, XBOX wants you to pay for the ability to play online, you have a limited choice of controllers and so on and so forth. All of that is true.

Because it is true many people make fun of console users. They call them Dirty Console Peasants, and they call themselves the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. They do have a point. I really don't see why anyone should accept gameplay at 30fps in this day and age. You might say that it doesn't make that much of a difference... but it does, really. I've played some games on both PlayStation and Xbox. The fact of the matter is they feel sluggish. Due to the low framerate, one can feel a slight delay in control response. I can tolerate a game looking bad but I can't tolerate it feeling bad to play. It defeats the whole purpose. But I digress.

As you've probably noticed by this point: I am a PC supporter. I don't like consoles. If I was to post all the reasons in detail, this post would become too long. The gist is: FPS, resolution, functionality, choice.

On this occasion, however, I'm going to unearth the truth about the so called Glorious PC Master Race, even if it means shaming myself.

So let's talk about the people themselves first. I joined the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race group on Facebook some time ago. What I saw deeply saddened me. Turns out the community is mostly comprised of immature, middle school and high school kids showing off the expensive gaming rigs their parents bought them. Normally, I would have nothing against showing off your system to the world. However... these people didn't build them, and they (in most cases) didn't even pay for them. It's pathetic and it's disgraceful! How can one be proud of something they didn't put any effort in? I built my own computer, for my own money. At the time it was considered a fairly powerful machine. Yet, I didn't go shouting to the whole world how great it was.

BUT... it's not what grinds my gears the most. What does is the fact that all the glory of the PC Master Race is an illusion kept alive by naive people. Take a look at the technology market. You'd have to be bloody blind not to notice that everything is heading towards mobile devices such as phones and tablets and such. The reason is obvious and undeniable: they are small, you can carry them around everywhere, they have a long battery life, they don't have active cooling and therefore don't make any cooling fan noise, and most importantly: they are efficient.

They are unbelievably efficient! There are games available for smartphones and tablets which look nearly as good as the newest PC titles and they work smoothly on devices which fit into your pocket! Keep in mind that the performance of mobile devices is growing at an incredible rate. I foresee that within the next several years, mobile devices will not only match the performance of top-shelf PC's; they will surpass them. Computers have evolved a lot over the years. Remember the early ones? They were huge machines taking up several rooms. People theorized that there would eventually be a computer that fits in one room. They were right. Then, they said there's going to be a computer that fits onto a desk. They were right. Eventually, someone dreamed up a computer that fits into your pocket. They were right as well. The point is: the desktop PC is a milestone... of the past. Well, laptops and netbooks are still PC's. They are technically mobile devices. But people buy less and less of those in favor of tablets. They are cheaper, smaller, lighter, and they have a much better battery life, after all.

Right now the ONLY people who still actually buy desktop PC's are gamers. Hardware manufacturers will eventually abandon the rapidly dwindling customer base. All we'll be left with are mobile devices (which, by the time this happens, will likely have the performance of PC's but due to their small size will still be too uncomfortable for serious gamers) and... (hopefully) consoles (which, by then, will become their only choice if they don't want to play using touchscreens or tiny attachable keyboards).

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race makes fun of console users, they deface their fellow gamers, while they remain unaware of their soon-to-come demise. It's just wrong. It brings my blood to a boil, because I can't just separate myself from these people. I am technically a PC supporter after all, but I want it known that I feel dirty for being stuck in the same bag as those disillusioned, naive, gloating people. All I can do is sit back and watch their fall, as my favorite hardware becomes obsolete as well.

I know I should feel excited about this. I'm going to be a witness to a birth of a new era. However, all I feel is sadness, because I know I'm going to fall along with the old era. I promised myself years ago I wouldn't become one of those old geezers saying that life was better in the old times but... you can't build your own tablet or phone. You can't install any operating system you want on them. You're stuck with whatever the manufacturer wants you to use. There's barely any room for modifications of the systems. There just isn't room for much creative thinking with it. I know that long after everybody else has put their old PC's into the attic to rot, I will be still rocking the big old noisy cans, desperately looking for rare spare parts online. I just can't let it go, and I never will.

My point is: if you've ever met a console gamer and thought: "What a gullible peasant!", please rethink your opinion. You will probably become one yourself soon enough.

Reply 2 of 34, by Jorpho

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Yasashii wrote:

It brings my blood to a boil, because I can't just separate myself from these people.

Well, that seems to be your problem rather than a problem with gaming in general, is it not?

Play what you want and stop caring what other people think. The "game industry" sure doesn't care what you think.

Reply 3 of 34, by KT7AGuy

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I always thought the whole "Glorious PC Master Race" thing was a tongue-in-cheek joke. People are actually serious about it?

I'm not on FB though, so I suppose I miss out on much of the worst that the modern 'net has to offer.

(I don't 'tweet', either.)

Reply 4 of 34, by PhilsComputerLab

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Consoles and PC have their strengths. Games such as GTA V, I simply prefer on the big screen on a PS4. Frame rate doesn't worry me much for 3rd person games. FPS games however, I can only play on the PC. Not so much because of graphics, but because of the controls. I don't think I will ever master the console controller compared to using mouse and keyboard. One big plus for the PC is Steam and backwards compatibility with games.

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Reply 5 of 34, by Lo Wang

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Yasashii wrote:

How can one be proud of something they didn't put any effort in?

Even if you did put effort into something, pride is never a good thing. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Best thing to do is to make yourself a console by quitting hardware upgrades altogether, replacing damaged components with like-powered parts and learning how to get the best out of what you've got. Did that like a decade ago with my 3.8ghz P4 rig and never looked back.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" - Romans 10:9

Reply 6 of 34, by Sutekh94

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badmojo wrote:

Lay your burden down my friend - this issue ranks up there with the Kardashians for it's pointlessness.

Agreed. I never really cared much for the "Glorious PC Master Race" thing. However, I'm not surprised that there seem to be type-A personalities in that group. I think the OP is involving himself in an avoidable situation. Just stop following that group. It won't stop you from being a PC supporter.

That one vintage computer enthusiast brony.
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Reply 7 of 34, by badmojo

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Lo Wang wrote:

Even if you did put effort into something, pride is never a good thing. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Hey look at that, there is something more pointless than the PC master race and the Kardashians - half-witted ramblings about god on the internet.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 8 of 34, by SquallStrife

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Yasashii wrote:

It brings my blood to a boil, because I can't just separate myself from these people.


Just do your own thing man. Giveth not a shit what other people sayeth or thinketh.

Be proud of who you are, and what you achieve.

And your jimmies will remain unrustled.

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Reply 9 of 34, by SquallStrife

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badmojo wrote:

Hey look at that, there is something more pointless than the PC master race and the Kardashians - half-witted ramblings about god on the internet.

Don't even dignify *it* with a response dude. Just report the post, add it to your ignore list and walk away.

People like that honestly believe they're doing us a favour, it's not their fault they're so pious, they're just raised that way in fundamentalist+extremist families and communities.

If we let its brand of sanctimonious drivel get under our skins, it will feel it's fulfilling its divine mission. If we ignore it, then it will stop, and it will go away and find somewhere else to preach. It's the nature of the beast, I'm afraid.

It's similar to how our media outlets give airtime to DAISH (a demeaning acronym to refer to Islamic State, while denying them recognition of their sovereignty and legitimacy). As they say, any publicity is good publicity. Every time we discuss those barbarians, we're giving them coverage, and mindshare. That's what they want.

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Reply 10 of 34, by SKARDAVNELNATE

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I prefer PC but also own every console I can get my hands on. The whole PC vs Console thing is silly. I like keyboard and mouse over controller. I like to be able to edit files. But more over, I'm a gamer. If I find a game interesting then I'll play it.

Reply 11 of 34, by leileilol

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"master race"s suck.

I'm beyond silly labels of pointless "allegiance" like that. I've owned a PC for over 25+ years and several consoles within that same timeframe. My last console was a PS3.

Last edited by leileilol on 2015-06-25, 06:06. Edited 2 times in total.

long live PCem

Reply 12 of 34, by Stojke

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Such a discussion is very childish. Its like when kids argue that their uncle works at Nintendo or NASA and than fight which is better.
Mobility and lesser occupied space is what attracts customers. A console is centralized it functions as an media computer and an gaming system. It runs games at an acceptable quality for less money than an personal computer. Consoles are like a home stereo system of the future.

A modular personal computer will always outperform an centralized computer, especially when the function of the centralized computer are based on the missing aspects of an modular computer.

Right out of the box an console computer has all the interface for all the devices you usually use and as well includes required devices to link input and output peripherals such as cables for television, controller (which are mostly wireless now), audio inputs and outputs , device connection ports (USB, etc) and an power supply. With all those devices and features it costs much less than an modular personal computer.

It is just like peoples argument against Windows 8.1 . Windows 8.1 has EVERYTHING you could ever need right after you install it - Media software , office software (email client) , Protection software , High multi tasking capabilities , Excellent browser that doesn't waste resources , extreme modularity.
But just like consoles and computers , people that are used to something and do not want to explore will always lock them self's up and suffer due to their inability to look past childish arguments.

I never owned any other console besides Sega Genesis, but that isn't stopping me to logically realize what a console is and what impact it has.
Analyze, Observe and Think. Don't take information for granted.

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Reply 13 of 34, by Snayperskaya

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Actually, the PC hardware is doing just fine:

http://jonpeddie.com/publications/pc_gaming_h … e_market_report

https://opengamingalliance.org/press/details/ … th-for-pc-games

Even though mobile is growing I doubt it will ever be the definitive platfom. You can't have a complex game running on touchscreen. As powerful as the mobile hardware gets, it's still miles off from the capacities of a nice computer.

Reply 14 of 34, by dexter311

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The whole PC Master Race thing was a joke from the start - as in, an actual joke. The problem now is that too many people on both sides take it seriously, so much so that it's best to ignore it completely nowadays.

Also, there's currently no risk of smartphones and tablets overtaking PC hardware, and there will be no risk for many years to come. Smartphone/tablet games don't come anywhere near the graphical, world-design, gameplay or depth of decent console games, let alone games running on PC gaming rigs. A big reason for this is that smartphone/tablet "gamers" don't spend, and aren't willing to spend, more than $5 for a game - that prices big-budget AAA games out of the ecosystem straight away.

Reply 15 of 34, by shamino

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SquallStrife wrote:
badmojo wrote:
Lo Wang wrote:

Even if you did put effort into something, pride is never a good thing. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Hey look at that, there is something more pointless than the PC master race and the Kardashians - half-witted ramblings about god on the internet.

Don't even dignify *it* with a response dude. Just report the post, add it to your ignore list and walk away.

Report it for what? Posting his opinion about pride? It's amazing how a few of you always freak out whenever somebody says the word 'God' in a post. Ignore them all you want, but if you seriously think a person should be banned for that, then ban me too.

Reply 16 of 34, by tayyare

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WTF is a "PC Gaming Master Race"? Heck, WTF is a "gamer", even? I'm not a gamer, I play video games. People should really not take themselves so seriously, it's a hobby for f**' sake.

I don't own any consoles, smart phones or tablets myself (though, my wife and daughter do) and I'm certainly not against them. They are just not my preferred devices for the requirements and likes that I currently have. I don't label myself as "PC Master blah blah..." or label console players otherwise.

It's funny every given hobby has some stupid arguments like that: Lego vs. Knex, Canon vs. Nikon, PC vs. Mac, SW vs. ST, etc.

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Reply 17 of 34, by Procyon

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Yasashii wrote:


Ehrm, you joined a club called the Glorious PC Master Race and now you are surprised that they're a bunch of snobs?
I wonder if those are the same people who preached PC gaming was dying just a few years ago.
Yahtzee made a career out of this one. 😁

Reply 19 of 34, by VileR

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shamino wrote:

Report it for what? Posting his opinion about pride? It's amazing how a few of you always freak out whenever somebody says the word 'God' in a post. Ignore them all you want, but if you seriously think a person should be banned for that, then ban me too.

One moment someone's called out for proselytizing when he writes about his deceased mother's beliefs. Now making a point about pride (which some ancient scripture happens to agree with) is not only a reportable offense, but comparable to lopping off the heads of infidels, or whatever that comment was supposed to imply. 🤣

Oh well - this thread may turn out to be a blessing in disguise by sucking all the fail away from the rest of the forums. It's doing a bang up job so far!

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