Lastest vídeo of LGR

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Reply 100 of 123, by Hamby

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I watched LGR's video...

At 19:30 he happened to catch on the video a Friden Calculator from the 1960s... about the size of a desktop computer case.

In the early 1960s, we lived in Dallas. It was also one of those periods when my dad was selling calculators. I can vaguely remember Fridens, Merchants and Monroes sitting around the den.

So it's entirely possible that was one of the computers my dad sold.

I *really* want that calculator, to clean up, fix up if possible, and to sit on my desk reminding me of my dad.

But, now I live 200 miles away and won't be able to get down to Dallas until September.

If *anyone* is in contact with the guy who owns that place, could they maybe just mention this to him, and find out what it'd cost me to buy it? Or just let him know I exist and am interested in it for personal reasons? I'd really appreciate that.

Reply 101 of 123, by DracoNihil

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I hope someone had picked up that huge box of unopened Gunmetal box copies, that game is rare enough as it is.

I wish I could of picked up that box myself but I have no means of getting to Texas.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 102 of 123, by gdjacobs

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BloodyCactus wrote:

Clint/LGR already has no space to put crap, why would he bring back pallet loads of stuff just because its a warehouse full of NOS PCjr's. Did you expect him to save everything in the warehouse??

Plus there has already been trouble with people grabbing stuff and trying to unload it for profit. Nobody involved is interested in selling to flippers.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 103 of 123, by canthearu

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Honestly, I say dump it all on the flippers if they aren't going to do it properly themselves.

They will get decent value for it rather than leaving it to rot in a warehouse where nobody can enjoy it. If there is enough crap in there, it will drive down prices.

From my perspective, I have no chance of getting anything from this warehouse unless it gets flipped on ebay. If they ask too much money for it, of course I'll pass anyway. But where and how it is now, it may as well not actually exist at all as far as it helps me (or most anyone else)

Reply 104 of 123, by paulo_becas

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canthearu wrote:

Honestly, I say dump it all on the flippers if they aren't going to do it properly themselves.

They will get decent value for it rather than leaving it to rot in a warehouse where nobody can enjoy it. If there is enough crap in there, it will drive down prices.

I totally agree with you, there's enough stuff to drive down the prices, nowadays it's crazy what people are asking for this kind of things.
And i doubt who ever, if ever, someone sells all that stuff, they will test everything, i guess maybe about 50% is in no working order.

AMD Am486/Am5x86-P75 DX5 133 Mhz-64Mb Ram
S3 Trio 64V2DX 2 Mb
Soundblaster AWE64 Gold+Music Quest+MT-32+MU80
1.44 3,5 Epson Drive+1.2 5,25 Mitsumi drive+Iomega Zip 256Mb
8gb HDD,4Gb CF HDD
HP CDRW 9200

Reply 105 of 123, by kixs

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The video reminded me to better organize things or else have a mess all over the place 🤣

Requests here!

Reply 106 of 123, by chinny22

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Reminded me of the recent PPro Haul here last year. Wonder how many more exist yet to be discovered.
At least the family is open to selling some of it off again.

Not quite the same but a Sydney museum had a similar problem where stuff was going to be destroyed if they couldn't find a home, not sure how much was saved in the end

Reply 107 of 123, by root42

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Some of the rooms in there gave me the chills. I fear there might be an avalanche and I would get buried under tons of retro computing stuff.
But for example all those Model M keyboards... I am still using a crappy plastic Fujitsu keyboard from around the end of the millennium. Wish I had one of those!

YouTube and Bonus
80486DX@33 MHz, 16 MiB RAM, Tseng ET4000 1 MiB, SnarkBarker & GUSar Lite, PC MIDI Card+X2+SC55+MT32, OSSC

Reply 108 of 123, by paulo_becas

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root42 wrote:

Some of the rooms in there gave me the chills. I fear there might be an avalanche and I would get buried under tons of retro computing stuff.
But for example all those Model M keyboards... I am still using a crappy plastic Fujitsu keyboard from around the end of the millennium. Wish I had one of those!

That's not nearly as magnificient as the texas one. I loved the amiga stuff though

AMD Am486/Am5x86-P75 DX5 133 Mhz-64Mb Ram
S3 Trio 64V2DX 2 Mb
Soundblaster AWE64 Gold+Music Quest+MT-32+MU80
1.44 3,5 Epson Drive+1.2 5,25 Mitsumi drive+Iomega Zip 256Mb
8gb HDD,4Gb CF HDD
HP CDRW 9200

Reply 109 of 123, by Murugan

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I loved all the IBM stuff. Nah, I pretty much loved it all but I like IBM the most 😀

My retro collection: too much...

Reply 110 of 123, by oeuvre

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IBM #1

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 111 of 123, by JidaiGeki

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chinny22 wrote:
Reminded me of the recent PPro Haul here last year. Wonder how many more exist yet to be discovered. At least the family is open […]
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Reminded me of the recent PPro Haul here last year. Wonder how many more exist yet to be discovered.
At least the family is open to selling some of it off again.

Not quite the same but a Sydney museum had a similar problem where stuff was going to be destroyed if they couldn't find a home, not sure how much was saved in the end

Yeah, the scope of the Sydney-based Australian Computer Museum Society (ACMS) was nothing compared to Computer Reset - probably about 1/10th the size from my guesstimate. I can say that there was a good outcome for the ACMS, it was nearly all saved from demolition, possibly except for some 2000s CRTs. Spent a day helping them take down the empty racks at the end. However, the ACMS is quite disorganised, and so they encouraged people to take stuff for storage (I have about 2 carloads worth of gear) but don't seem to have any plans for the future.

Just watching the LGR video does my head in! Both because I can't make it to Garland, TX, but also because it would be so much easier for them if they got some people in to even sort a few of the front office rooms to get them cleared up. Otherwise it is just like an episode of Hoarders 🙁

Reply 112 of 123, by SpectriaForce

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wiretap wrote:
SpectriaForce wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvM82T3C2Ik […]
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skip the video until 13:45


If I would find a place like that in Europe, then I would rent the biggest van that I can find and rev up my credit card 😊

Aren't the biggest vans in Europe like a Ford Transit? 🤣

Possibly. You can get all large vans with an extended chassis & body (e.g. Mercedes Sprinter with L4 body).

Reply 113 of 123, by creepingnet

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I've been back and forth on going or not for awhile. Thing is it'll cost me the same flying as it would driving.....except the flight would be a weekend round trip......the drive would take at least 3 days.

Flight could be cheaper if there's enough time in advance to book.

But then I might not go for it at all.....but it's so tempting to nab an O.G. DeskPro 386 or a pile of CRTs. But shipping is high too.

Either way, shame there's nothing like that here in Reno. I'm toying with starting a shop myself sometime....if I can get it all together.

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Reply 114 of 123, by zerodiagonal

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They have. Clint says that in the video and even links to their FB group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/627459117730981/

Reply 115 of 123, by gdjacobs

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Why not try contacting them through the Facebook group?

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 116 of 123, by Hamby

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gdjacobs wrote:

Why not try contacting them through the Facebook group?

I did.
No response.

Reply 117 of 123, by dkarguth

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I know the calculator you're talking about, I've seen it laying around. I think it's still there, in fact. If you'd like, I can pick it up for you, you'd just have to arrange shipping.

"And remember, this fix is only temporary, unless it works." -Red Green

Reply 118 of 123, by dkarguth

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also, Justin (the guy that runs CR at the moment) is slammed with messages on FB and email, so give him some time to respond. He has had literally thousands of requests to join the facebook group, and it takes a long time to respond to everyone.

"And remember, this fix is only temporary, unless it works." -Red Green

Reply 119 of 123, by oeuvre

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good ol' Clint

we all like watchin' Clint

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7