Let's talk about our hated trends

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Reply 20 of 161, by Big Pink

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Oetker wrote on 2020-12-15, 16:25:

For a while blue LEDs were everywhere, because they were a new breakthrough technology and so everyone had to use them for everything.

Blue LEDs aren't intrinsically blinding, it's just that they were made obnoxiously bright in order to draw attention to their breakthrough presence. I remember the blue LED on my PS2 being impressive when I first got it... then it became a static pulsar while we watched our first DVD.

I thought IBM was born with the world

Reply 21 of 161, by dr_st

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Oetker wrote on 2020-12-15, 16:25:

For a while blue LEDs were everywhere, because they were a new breakthrough technology and so everyone had to use them for everything.

Hey, I love my blue LED case fans in the Thermaltake Lanmoto and GigaByte Aurora.

On the other hand, I've seen a few devices (speaker sets and the like) where the blue LED was just too strong to the point of being annoying in the dark.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 22 of 161, by creepingnet

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Things I can't stand....oh boy, rant alert......I'll probably look like a major "luddite" after this.....

- SAAS (Software as a Service) - I'll include productivity software. I don't like that a company makes you pay "rent" on a stupid program that they can strong-arm you into upgrading from if they make a particularly good version. It's even worse if it's something like Microsoft and their stupid "new style UI" portal. Even more worse is when suddenly NVIDIA think's it's a GREAT idea to make enterprise class video drivers that NEED this - what company in their right mind is NOT Going to block the Microsoft Store? Who wants "Candy Crush Saga" on their brand new corporate images!?!?

- Cloud Based/Connected Software - I like having my technology capable of being productive even if the entire internet went down worldwide and had to be reconstructed over the course of 3 decades. I also hate that Cloud companies love to pull bait-n-switch. Hell, I worked at one, they gave us 15GB free storage when they opened their services (they are very well known for shennanigans in the industry so I'm not telling), then suddenly one day they decide to cut ALL of us back to 5GB.....so I had to shuffle my s*@! elsewhere - to a 1TB External hard drive like I would have done normally.

- Paywalls and constant encouragement to DLC - This particularly applies to phone apps, but I get it sometimes elsewhere. It would not be so bad if I did not have to see a pop-up every 5 minutes or every round that say "Buy more blah blah blah for $1.99". One game that comes to mind in this crud would be "Tiny STar Wars" - it was like a pixel art "Sim Tower" clone - and once you got to a certain point, the game was just no longer any fun, because the amount of time required to earn the in-game points needed to continue to build was so high up there I'd rather be forced to play Rhone in Dragon Warrior II for eternity - actually Rhone in Dragon Warrior II takes less grinding than the game does....but "You can buy this now for $199" - forget that! I don't have some bearded elf in Dragon Quest II on my NES pestering me to pay Enix $1.99 so I can forego 3 hours of hitting Silver Baboons with a blackrock sword - so I don't want that in my tower game either....that's one reaosn I uninstalled it. Monster Truck Destruction is another one......I have it on Steam, and on the Phone - Steam, it's awesome, no ads, no B.S., on the phone though "pay 0.99 to disable adds - buy Bigfoot #1 for $1.99" instead of just unlocking things. There's a reason I did not reinstall it on my new phone.

- I too am another one annoyed by the increasing size of cell phones. And what's worse is that it never improves my ability to text without constantly fat-fingering words because not just does the darned thing lack tactile feedback.......but it also has buttons that are just too bloody tiny for my giant pointers to isolate. So I either have to hunt and peck with some kind of stylus which takes longer, or I have to continually backspace and retype crap or double tap to get the spelling corrected - not because I can't spell - but because I have fingers like Keith Richards and I'm trying to type on a "plastic bar of soap".

- I wish that keyboards on phones would come back. I LOVED my Droid Global 2 I had back in 2011. I could scream through text messages on that thing like I'm on a clicky keyboard on one of my vintage PC's.

- USB-C Docking STations - as an I.T. Guy.....bloody hell do I hate these things. The users always break/damage the connectors on the laptops and the docking stations leading to us begging the OEM to replace either the motherboard, dock, or both. When you can barely get these people to reboot for a Windows update, how likely do you think they will heed the words "be careful" when they encounter a plastic stick with a USB-C port on the end to connect their laptop to the 101 USB devices they have at their desk. It's just not right to attach a 5LB laptop to a port designed to handle a <1LB Cell phone.

- The Ultraslim Craze. No, I'm not saying let's blow laptops up to the thickness of an NEC Versa P/75 or a Twinhead Slim Note 486, but when you can't put a proper docking port on the device because the case is too thin (leading to above), and the user needs to carry a few dongles around they eventually lose, it's' terrible. Enterprise class devices should be designed to be like Duplo lego blocks - big, simple, basic, and fast.

- The Aluminum Case Craze - Great, let's build a frequently dropped/hit device out of a lightweight and easily bendable metal, and let's put a borderless screen on it while you're at it. You know why there are Compaq's, Toshibas, NEC's, and IBM's running around with perfectly good 25+ year old screens? Because they were made of fairly-impact resistant PLASTIC and had a BEZEL. Sure it LOOKS cool, but if I had a nickel for every ASUS Zenbook or Dell Precision, XPS, or Macbook Air I've seen or worked on that would have probably survived a fall without a major screen or other hardware replacement, I'd be able to buy out Microsoft. Also, never before have I been cut by metal so much in my life - and this is for an OUTSIDE cover of a case - god, why don't we just bring back the Tawianese ATX desktop cases with poorly stamped razorblade edges inside while were at it.

- Speaking of the screens, how about that aforementioned Bezel-less craze? GREAT. Let's reduce the amount of material between the glass and the side of the case so that the computer in question is totally prone to having it's screen replaced at cost multiple times. IT provides no benefit whatsoever.

- Curved Screens on Cell Phones.....another engineering mistake where function follows form. I'd rather have a cell phone that lasts five years than impresses for five minutes.

- No Trackballs on Laptops! Honestly, my favorite pointing device as of right now, is the VErsa Track on my all-too-often mentioned NEC Versa 486/Pentium laptops. It's just so much more tactile and comfortable, esp. since I do music and artwork on newer devices. Maybe it's time I take up making MOD files. Trackpads are nice, I enjoy a nice trackpoint once in awhile, but nothing beats the almighty trackball. And now they could make them optical.....so no more cleaning.

- Making pretty cases for cell phones flimsy. It's always the same thing when me and my wife get new phones - I get the rubber, hardcore, heavy duty case, she gets some pretty thing with sparkles and flowers on it and it's pretty obvious off the bat that the case she just got has the protection of a piece of cardboard compared to the mil-spec battering ram I'm using for a phone case. Why can't someone make a phone case aimed at the female market that actually is made to take a beating - esp since my experience is my wife uses her phone a lot more and a lot harder than I do mine. Just because it's pretty or glammy does not mean it has to be made of glass.....

- Oh yeah, GLASS phone cases. What moron at Samsung thought this thing up (Galaxy S8+). So you have this cell phone banging around in your pocket, in it's ruggedized Ocelot case, with your keys, a wallet, badges, hand tools....all this other crapp you carry around, and then the screen is fine...but take off the rear cover and it looks like a windsheild that just hit daddy Deer doing 100mph in a blizzard while shards of glass rain out like sugar. It seems others are doing this as well....who wants to carry around a personal hand-shredder in their pocket?

- The human trend of suggesting a "RetroPie" for every person who retro-games. I've built not one - but TWO RetroPie consoles in my time. ALL of the times I"ve done it it has been a massive hassle. Using NESticle on my 486 laptop is easier. Heck, using Paul Robeson's A26 in DOS on a 486 DX-33 is easier. Sure the basic setup is easy - but good god - the emulators themselves is like tuning your car for a drag race. Install 3 versions of DOSbox, remove the two others that run worse than an IBM XT trying to parse an HTML website. Then install ScummVM, remove the two others that have slowdown issues. Go edit 3-4 text files and rename about six different Mac ROM files to get the Macintosh II emulator working in full color on your 4K TV. Mess with resolutions in NES emulators until latency is gone. Mess with the DSP (or try removing it) from your UHD 4K TV to get rid of latency....then say "fuck it" and plug your old NES from 1985 in and play it on an old CRT TV from 1993.....

- DSP on modern LCD TV's! There's a reason I've learned to fix CRTs in the past few years, and own 4 (2 monitors, 2 TVs). We have 2 4K UHD TVs in our house, and both of them are "Smart" - yet apparently not "Smart" enough to know that...uh....maybe you should not process a real-time composite signal from a NES or Atari 2600 VCS....heck, even an old DOS computer or a modern Rasberry Pi to the point that I can hit left and see the character move 2 seconds after. And the worst offender? An $800 Samsung gifted to us from her parents......ugh! I swear, even Wii on that thing is a trying experience at times.

- Smart TV Software in general - My 286 looks like it has better benchmarks than my Samsung 50" UHD TV! I have to wait 5 minutes before it finishes connecting to network. Newest firmware, latest updates, all cache's cleared. Thankfully the cheaper Sharp seems to be "metally" more sharp. You know something is wrong when your Tandy 1000A can boot up Windows 3.0 faster than your Smart TV can connect to the internet over a wired connection.

- This new stupid craze of making the keyboard on everything like the iMac/Macbook Pro keyboard. It's just not comfortable. You know what is - the old ThinkPad Keyboards. I'm gripping onto my T61 for dear life!

- Something that needs to die is the un-re-pariable wireless dongle for wireless keyboards and mice. Logitech has the right idea. Wouldn't it be nice to just buy a new little piece, then re-establish the connection to it, and move on with life. Not toss out perfectly good peripherals because you can't get new transceivers for them! Also nice.....being able to pair multiple devices with said transceiver.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 23 of 161, by Bruninho

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- Games/Apps as a service or subscription services.
- GPUs being rebranded and sold like new

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 24 of 161, by Cobra42898

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Any form of SAAS or subscription software. I think the reasons why are fairly well covered here.

Computer cases in odd, usually bubbly, rounded shapes. I can't stack them, or neatly tuck them in without taking up a ridiculous amount of room. Some are so odd that you can't even temporarily store a disk or cd on top when you're in the middle of things. It's a fad I'm glad is over.

Searching for Epson Actiontower 3000 486 PC.

Reply 25 of 161, by BardBun

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- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers.

- No more Demos of games, everything now is done through "influencer" Let's Players, who of course will only say nice things about the game to continue getting free early access to them.

- Fake pixel graphics. Every "modern" pixel art game is horrible, that's not how pixels work.

- How gaming companies don't care for the rights of the old games they own to release a Windows 10 compatible version but instead fans of the games are left to create "OpenSource" compatible shell programmes to be able to run them on modern hardware. Yet they care enough to instantly shut those projects down.

- How every music composer of older games increasingly goes and Content ID strikes gameplay videos on YouTube of the games they have been paid for to compose the music for, just to make more money out of it, completely oblivious or not at all caring to the fact that the fans of the games, who love the music, suddenly will start hating the composer for their assyness.

- How even up to today, MMORPG hosters are forced to ban IPs from their servers region, to divite EU/NA/etc. players from eachother. Not realizing that this way they basically eliminate a lot of players who won't play on their region server to begin with.

Reply 26 of 161, by creepingnet

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BardBun wrote on 2020-12-16, 15:24:
- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers. […]
Show full quote

- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers.

- No more Demos of games, everything now is done through "influencer" Let's Players, who of course will only say nice things about the game to continue getting free early access to them.

- Fake pixel graphics. Every "modern" pixel art game is horrible, that's not how pixels work.

- How gaming companies don't care for the rights of the old games they own to release a Windows 10 compatible version but instead fans of the games are left to create "OpenSource" compatible shell programmes to be able to run them on modern hardware. Yet they care enough to instantly shut those projects down.

- How every music composer of older games increasingly goes and Content ID strikes gameplay videos on YouTube of the games they have been paid for to compose the music for, just to make more money out of it, completely oblivious or not at all caring to the fact that the fans of the games, who love the music, suddenly will start hating the composer for their assyness.

- How even up to today, MMORPG hosters are forced to ban IPs from their servers region, to divite EU/NA/etc. players from eachother. Not realizing that this way they basically eliminate a lot of players who won't play on their region server to begin with.

Man oh man, that opens a few more 50 gallon drums of barrels of worms for me, I agree with all of those.

- Backwards Compatibility was something I always pined for but I've given up in recent years just because stuff has moved so far forward and now somehow all these vintage machines are becoming FORWARDS compatible (GoTek, XT-IDE, all these new Soundcards.....someone should do a PCMCIA one...). Regarding consoles, that always irritated me.

- I miss Demos myself. All too often I would try the game these Youtubers talk about, and then find I don't like it after I bought it - one infamous example was Five Nights at Freddy's SIster Location - the one I feel Scott Cawthon really jumped the shark on. Just not scary enough and too much variety in gameplay.

- For me it's not just gaming companies but Software Companies in general. God, I spent a large chunk of my web surfing between 2000 and 2008 on "dirt digger" systems/drives I'd build to go visit the darker conrers of the web just to replace a corrupted floppy or get my hands on another copy of Windows 3.1. I'm sure it's much the same now with Windows XP and games like Ghost Recon today. It's one reason I've avoided owning any vintage PC beyond 2001, aside from the fact I kind of had a beef with owners when they were new (always telling me I NEEDED an XP based P4 system to do this or that), is because I don't have the time or enough passion to go digging around some pirate-laiden virus swamp for a copy of some old game from the frosted tip bowler shirt era of PCs. Luckily a lot of my faves are had a lot less nefariously and run on Windows 10 or Linux okay enough. I almost think there should be stipulation on software where if it's been off the market 3-5 years already, then it's free game until the company makes a re-release.

- That said, I am not a big fan of most re-releases. Like the Monkey Island Enhanced Editions, I always had my own view of what the game series and lore was - sort of this quasi realistic bizarro world, and I find the new artwork is just not my taste. Honestly, I'd love to add all the Dominic Armato voicework and whatnot to the original SCUMM Engine DOS releases - like Freddy Pharkas and Day of the Tentacle have. That's also what killed FNaF for me - when it went from this simple "get attacked by animatronics from the show stage haunted by souls of the dead" thing that played on my childhood fears of Chuck E. Cheese - and turned it into a Sci-Fi Family game with far fetching technologies like "remnant" and "snetient A (in 1985)".

- On the music thing. I'm a musician myself, and I can't even stand it when major rock acts try to copyright strike videos or restrict it to certain countries because of ASCAP/the DMCA/other crap. For a period of about 15 years I only got comments on a Kenny Loggins cover I did because apparently only people in South America, Africa, and Europe could see it, but it was blocked by ASCAP for US viewers for some weird reason. I've never had a strike on the game stuff but now that makes me a tad scared because I am LPing Dragon Quest I-IV and the last thing I want is Koiichi Sugyama/Square/Enix getting ticked because of a bunch of old 8-bit renditions of songs and possibly me noodling the same on my guitar later on.

Youtube itself to me today is a whole can of worms. I've been a Youtuber since March 2006. I'm thinking about moving to Vimeo on Instagram because that's where most of my hits come from now. Youtube to me, is dying, and turning into anything but YOUtube.....it's more "Commercial-Tube" - and what's with this new fad of making ads like 10db higher than regular videos? I mean, I can get it when it's somone like myself or WillisEasyGuitar who likely is using cheap equipment and not spending a lot of time on video production in favor of content quality, and the commercials get louder - but the last thing I need is to be watching someone with high quality videos like LGR or This Does not Compute! and suddenly "GET ROOT TODAY! SAVE MORE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE!!!" and I have to scramble for the remote and turn it down by a factor of 10 because ad-people are dicks. Then the video I'm watching comes back on and I have to crank it back up to hear what's going on. I'm kind of toying with moving to another platform myself, thinking Instagram video is good. Maybe even re-up my old videos with some remastering/enhancement as a "Throwback Thursday" thing. It used to be with platforms like social media and hosting if a host became crap - like Photobucket, or Myspace, people left in droves and a new platform took it's place in the limelight for awhile. It seems today, people don't do that anymore, and I think it's a damn noncompetitive shame. Competition is what drives innovation and improvement, and keeps bad actors in check.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 27 of 161, by Wanderer

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The crazy pace at which technology and design becomes outdated.

Last edited by Wanderer on 2020-12-16, 18:05. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 28 of 161, by slivercr

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BardBun wrote on 2020-12-16, 15:24:
- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers. […]
Show full quote

- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers.

- No more Demos of games, everything now is done through "influencer" Let's Players, who of course will only say nice things about the game to continue getting free early access to them.

- Fake pixel graphics. Every "modern" pixel art game is horrible, that's not how pixels work.

What are "fake" pixel graphics?

Trends I personally dislike:

  • Companies slapping "gamer" as a qualifier onto any piece of hardware they can
  • The community as a whole buying/recommending "gamer" gear. Sure, high quality gear may be of use to PRO players, but it will make no difference whatsoever for most people besides the hole it burns in their wallet
  • Current "modding" culture where most of the mods are already premade and ready to be installed. For most people now, modding just means buying and installing aftermarket pieces.

Outrigger: an ongoing adventure with the OR840
QuForce FX 5800: turn your Quadro into a GeForce

Reply 29 of 161, by Bruninho

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slivercr wrote on 2020-12-16, 18:02:
What are "fake" pixel graphics? […]
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BardBun wrote on 2020-12-16, 15:24:
- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers. […]
Show full quote

- The disregard for backwards compatibility for both consoles and computers.

- No more Demos of games, everything now is done through "influencer" Let's Players, who of course will only say nice things about the game to continue getting free early access to them.

- Fake pixel graphics. Every "modern" pixel art game is horrible, that's not how pixels work.

What are "fake" pixel graphics?

Trends I personally dislike:

  • Companies slapping "gamer" as a qualifier onto any piece of hardware they can
  • The community as a whole buying/recommending "gamer" gear. Sure, high quality gear may be of use to PRO players, but it will make no difference whatsoever for most people besides the hole it burns in their wallet
  • Current "modding" culture where most of the mods are already premade and ready to be installed. For most people now, modding just means buying and installing aftermarket pieces.

ALL of the above, especially "backwards compatibility"

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 30 of 161, by vetz

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- All websites are designed primarily towards mobile and not desktop.
- The insane system requirements on normal websites. It's ridiculous that a Pentium 4 should struggle as much as it does on modern websites. "Millennial coders "should be forced to code on a 386 to learn how to optimize code.

3D Accelerated Games List (Proprietary APIs - No 3DFX/Direct3D)
3D Acceleration Comparison Episodes

Reply 31 of 161, by rmay635703

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Cable TV being converted into a hundred random paid streaming channels

$9.99 DSL or $4.99 dialup converted into $45+ cable with no competition

Overpriced or inop phone service

Modern keyboards 2006+

Win10 Solitaire won’t run on a 3ghz single thread p4

Reply 32 of 161, by creepingnet

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vetz wrote on 2020-12-16, 18:54:

- All websites are designed primarily towards mobile and not desktop.
- The insane system requirements on normal websites. It's ridiculous that a Pentium 4 should struggle as much as it does on modern websites. "Millennial coders "should be forced to code on a 386 to learn how to optimize code.

There's another one of mine too. but I think it's more than just crappy website coding......because I think a lot of it is also the bloat modenr browsers have, and it seems almost needless. For some weird reason, starting with Web 2.0 circa 2008, speedy, simple code that does the job just went out the window. I know TLS is not an excuse for it - I have a bunch of sub 1GHz DOS systems with LInks on FreeDOS and they SCREAM on the modern internet.....even my reedy little NEC Versa 40MHz 40EC 486 over 11mbps WiFi on my cell phone data plan via mobile hotspot does! But put ANY of those systems in WIndows and make it use RetroZilla or some other TLS Compliant Win32 browser and it CRAWLS so bad I get flashbacks to using AOL 16-bit on a 486 DX-33 with 8MB of RAM in 2000. Even my low end Pentiums struggle to use any modern website in Windows - but put it in DOS with LInks - I can totally surf the web, download, and even post here on Vogons (in Text mode at least for that last one) without compromise on those ancient systems, but man, evne my Pentium 4 Dell DImension in XP Crawls at some places like a snail on 2GB of RAM with a 128GB SSD.

Actually, to add to the hilarity - my modern Google Sites site even renders on LInks in blazing speed so Google must have gotten SOMETHING right on that host.

I think the whole problem is the internet focuses on the wrong stuff these days. I'm old school, I still believe the internet is, and should be for "free exchange of information" - not a visual pissing contest. I think browsers try to hard to be more than a mere web browser, site coders want to have these fancy schmancy interfaces when things like MinusZeroDegrees or TH99 will suffice for most things. Even my site on Google is pretty darned simple.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 33 of 161, by subhuman@xgtx

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Something about using mass-produced technology as a symbol of social status sounds overly cringy to my ears. eg: showing off a shiny new MBP with 8gb of soldered ram to a high end Dell XPS owner.🤣



Reply 34 of 161, by Errius

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I'm glad YouTube finally got rid of "Recommended for you" videos. People have been complaining about this for years.

Is there anyone, anywhere, who wants to see video recommendations unrelated to the video they are watching?

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 35 of 161, by creepingnet

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rmay635703 wrote on 2020-12-16, 19:54:
Cable TV being converted into a hundred random paid streaming channels […]
Show full quote

Cable TV being converted into a hundred random paid streaming channels

$9.99 DSL or $4.99 dialup converted into $45+ cable with no competition

Overpriced or inop phone service

Modern keyboards 2006+

Win10 Solitaire won’t run on a 3ghz single thread p4

Jeeze, did I just stumble upon a thread of all my anxieties with tech recently? Every time I reply, I find another post I feel the same way about.

Maybe I really should put up that site of rants I've been working on but unsure about making public for months.

Don't even get me started on Cable internet or especially Cell Phone providers - I'm still worried about finalizing all the pay-off of Verizon because I've been in a month long battle with them that lead to me changing to Cricket Wireless and getting new phones. AT least Cricket is only $90/mo vs. the $450 I was paying for Verizon.....whom I can't say much about because I could legally sue those bastards for the crap they put us through.

And I just saw the social status post too after this one.....I fell prey to that crap once - built an $800 gaming rig to get my geek colleagues off my back about all my "old crap". What's funny is the "old crap" is still around, that $800 gaming rig is long dead, the $350.00 NVIDIA 8800GT died a long time ago. I seriously don't give a crap what other people use, but I really want to find a good place to learn to code so I Can start maybe doing things in FreeDOS to make it a viable alternative O/S - at least that's how I Feel some days. It's so darn close with FlMail and LInks, and the things HX DOS Extender.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 36 of 161, by ultimate386

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Cobra42898 wrote on 2020-12-15, 20:41:

Any form of SAAS or subscription software. I think the reasons why are fairly well covered here.

I wasn't planning to comment in this thread. Recent experience though obligates me to add to what has been said so far about SAAS and cloud based computing.
The optometry (eye doctor) practice that I work for has its entire SAAS EHR system running on a cloud server managed by NetGain. Following a ransomware attack late in November 2020 (Google: NetGain ransomware), our entire system has been offline. As of 12/16/2020, we still have no access to patient records, orders, billing, scheduling, or our charting software. Fortunately, we're a small enough practice that we can muddle along with a makeshift switch over to paper records. Some larger and not so lucky medical practices have been forced to temporarily suspend operations. We have no ETA for restoration of service. I am very concerned as to what the status of our patient records is and will be when service is restored.

I used to joke with the staff about some day writing a 100% offline DOS based EHR system (they know I like to play with old computers). It may not be so much of a joke now.

AMD386/IIT387DX40, 32MB, ATi Mach64, AWE64
Compaq Prolinea 4/33, 32MB, Tseng ET4000, SB16
AMD X5, 64MB, S3 Virge/Voodoo1, AWE64
AMD K62+550, 256MB, Voodoo3, AWE64 Gold
P3 1.2Ghz, 512MB, Radeon 7500/Voodoo2 SLI, SB Live!

Reply 37 of 161, by creepingnet

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ultimate386 wrote on 2020-12-16, 20:41:
I wasn't planning to comment in this thread. Recent experience though obligates me to add to what has been said so far about SA […]
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Cobra42898 wrote on 2020-12-15, 20:41:

Any form of SAAS or subscription software. I think the reasons why are fairly well covered here.

I wasn't planning to comment in this thread. Recent experience though obligates me to add to what has been said so far about SAAS and cloud based computing.
The optometry (eye doctor) practice that I work for has its entire SAAS EHR system running on a cloud server managed by NetGain. Following a ransomware attack late in November 2020 (Google: NetGain ransomware), our entire system has been offline. As of 12/16/2020, we still have no access to patient records, orders, billing, scheduling, or our charting software. Fortunately, we're a small enough practice that we can muddle along with a makeshift switch over to paper records. Some larger and not so lucky medical practices have been forced to temporarily suspend operations. We have no ETA for restoration of service. I am very concerned as to what the status of our patient records is and will be when service is restored.

I used to joke with the staff about some day writing a 100% offline DOS based EHR system (they know I like to play with old computers). It may not be so much of a joke now.

Small world. Same thing happened to our entire medical company in October, biggest attack in US history. They know I like working with vintage hardware as well, heck, I brought in my NEC Versa 40EC to use as a sandbox to find out what virus we had BEFORE the media or possibly even the company knew what actually hit us - it gave me a head-start on remediation.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 38 of 161, by pan069

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Wanderer wrote on 2020-12-16, 17:59:

The crazy pace at which technology and design becomes outdated.

You'd almost start to think it's a feature. But it can't be, right?

Reply 39 of 161, by Errius

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Rank l33t

I do not trust 'the cloud'

Is this too much voodoo?