ratfink wrote:found this on my desktop, not sure where it's from
You have hint where it is from in bottom right corner of image. It's mine work, but one of earlier versions. Now its more updated with much more cards. Visit http://www.vgamuseum.info/index.php/history-tree and there you find 2 sizes of image (optimized for web, full size for print - over 3m width - http://www.vgamuseum.info/images/stories/misc/wall.jpg ).
It isn't finished yet, just don't have energy to add more uncommon makers mostly from 80's (i'm very lazy person).
Ofc taking any hints about missing cards in existing trees, but hint from leileilol about some mysterious cards is useless to me - need name, year and mem size 😜 . I'd like also adding whole new makers trees, but noone ever had time to post any, just some people corrected few cards.
Coworkers asking me when i do something similar with cpus. I told them that im collecting only graphics, so its on you fellow processors hoarders 😉
I can also imagine similar trees for some companies - like commodore, atari, or history of 8bit computers....
Not only mine graphics cards collection at http://www.vgamuseum.info