What game are you playing now?

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First post, by badmojo

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I get the sense that people around here are generally more interested in playing with old hardware than playing old games, that's often true for me too; I find myself installing and testing out hardware with a game as apposed to playing anything end-to-end. But lately I've been making an effort to play a game like I mean it - read the manual, learn the controls, and play it to beat it. It's been a really enjoyable experience, and I'm interested to hear what everyone else is playing (retro or otherwise).

I'm busy with work and kids so I don't have the requisite time or brain-power for long, involved RPGs anymore, so I've been keeping it simple. Mortal Kombat, DOOM, etc. Currently I'm playing 4D Sports Boxing:



This is an old favourite which I haven't played in 15 years. I'm playing it on a 386DX40 using a Sound Blaster 2.0 for sound, keyboard for control. The game does include MT-32 support but - like 4D Sports Driving (Stunts) - it was clearly an afterthought and sounds awful. The graphics are excellent, the animation is amazing, but it's the game-play that makes this game shine. You start off weak as a kitten and sloooow - the action appears to be taking place under water - but before every fight in the championship you get to 'train', which is simply putting points into 3 attributes, so you slowly build your fighter up in preparation for taking out 'the champ'. A bout is 13 rounds of 3 mins each and, even at the beginning when the going is slow, there are enough tactics to keep the player engaged. I've played other boxing games but this game - which fits on to 1 3.5" floppy - is the best of 'em. My only complaint is that so far - I'm about half way up the rankings - it's very easy. Most bouts only last 1 or 2 rounds of the possible 13, so I'm hoping for more of a challenge towards the top. I guess it depends on how you play it, but I'm going to KO's every time!

Youtubes clip of the game (not mine):

Last edited by badmojo on 2013-12-25, 22:24. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 6167, by Malik

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Due to the recent topic on One Must Fall 2097 appeared here, I got hooked to playing it all over again. I would love to get immersed in a DOS RPG. It's been quite sometime now.

Ah yes, 4D Sports boxing. I remember using the recorded camera to view the different angles while the opponent is falling down after the knockout blow. I view suing different angles, like watching the climax of a movie while the guy falls down. Wish I could record it again.

5476332566_7480a12517_t.jpgSB Dos Drivers

Reply 2 of 6167, by mr_bigmouth_502

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Lately I've been playing a whole bunch of different games. The main ones are:

- One Must Fall 2097
- Traffic Department 2192
- Perfect Dark (n64)
- Diablo
- Jezzball

And I've also been playing a bit of these as well:

- Carmageddon
- Worms: Armageddon
- Warlords III: Darklords Rising
- Hexen
- Unreal Tournament '99 GOTY
- Quake II
- Phantasy Star Online (Gamecube)
- Timesplitters: Future Perfect (Gamecube)

It's hard for me to just stick to one or two games. 🤣

Reply 3 of 6167, by rgart

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the usual: doom, doom2.

but playing darksun and lands of lore solidly.

almost ready for the long haul in serpent isle...

Reply 4 of 6167, by Gemini000

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Thanks to having my new computer, I've mostly been playing modern stuff that I've already played before just to see how much better they run; games such as Skyrim, Duke Nukem Forever, MechWarrior Online, Minecraft, and a few others. It's also nice that I have time to play stuff again. For a couple weeks or so I was swamped with things to do offline. x_x;

In terms of retro titles, I can't exactly say what I've been playing lest I spoil what games I'm gonna be covering in the next few episodes of my web show! ;)

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 5 of 6167, by d1stortion

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Good thread. I was thinking about making this as well. It's about the games after all 😀

Just some Turok 2 and usual UT/UT3 for me currently. The last game I finished was Deus Ex.

Reply 6 of 6167, by carlostex

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Great topic. With my 386 rig almost finalized i want to embark on some games as well. I wanna play Wolfenstein 3D to the end, on "i am death incarnate" level, play red baron and i've been trying Chuck Yeager's Air Combat which features incredible AI for a game of its time. There are several others i wanna enjoy on the 386.

On my 486 i'm probably gonna deal with Dune 2 patched all over again with all the houses, Warcraft and i really, really wanna play Formula One Grand Prix and do an entire season with 100% distance races. Yeah we europeans and Formula 1... But its a great game!

There are so many classics i wanna be playing all over again, and after playing them a bit just to test on my recent built retro systems it feels a much more full and rich experience than to just fire them up on DOSBOX which i like a lot.

Also i insist that one day my kids can enjoy the same games i did when i was a kid, i can't imagine a world where a kid is denied the chance to experience the story of Wing Commander or some strategy in Dune2.

Reply 7 of 6167, by retrofool

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I'm playing Jedi Knight on my PPro machine... AGAIN, haha! I must have played this game over 10 times by now. After that it'll probably be tombraider 1 or mechwarrior mercenaries again...

can't seem to throw anything out...

Reply 8 of 6167, by F2bnp

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retrofool wrote:

I'm playing Jedi Knight on my PPro machine... AGAIN, haha! I must have played this game over 10 times by now.

I hear ya. Definitely one of my favorites 😀.

Reply 9 of 6167, by jwt27

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Currently playing Epic Pinball and Balls of Steel, trying to beat my own high scores 😀

And I'm halfway into Morrowind again, after I finished that I'll see if Arena and/or Daggerfall is something for me.

Reply 10 of 6167, by JayCeeBee64

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On my retro rig:

Descent & Descent 2 (Glide mode, of course)
Whiplash (Glide mode)
Vinyl Goddess from Mars (Jill clone)

On my newly built Core i5 main rig:

Unreal Gold (227h OldUnreal patch)
Doom 3 + Resurrection of Evil expansion pack (1.31 patch)
Wolfenstein 3D & Spear of Destiny (Wolf4SDL 1.7 source port)

Ooohh, the pain......

Reply 11 of 6167, by Pingaloka

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486 DX2 66mhz:

Playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis with a new adquired Mt-32 + Sb16.
I also have SWOS always installed as the typical game you play everyday.

I try to keep it low, playing 2 games max at the same time. Specially when it comes to Graphic Adventures.

Next games on the list: Noctropolis, Elvira II Jaws of Cerberus...

Reply 12 of 6167, by Aideka

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League Of Legends, Sanitarium, Dead Island: Riptide, and the first 3 Crash Bandicoot games 😁


Reply 14 of 6167, by vmunix

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badmofo wrote:

But lately I’ve been making an effort to play a game like I mean it – read the manual, learn the controls, and play it to beat it. It’s been a really enjoyable experience,

I'm doing exactly that with games I never played, as if I just bought the game, by the way I still have many games still unopened.

Playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis with a new adquired Mt-32 + Sb16.

Wow, I just finished FoA "Team Path" what a game.

At the moment I started Realms of Arkania 3* thinking that perhaps was an "easy point & click" game, I was sooo wrong, anyone have experience in this series ?

*Shadows over Riva is the title in English.

Trailing edge computing.

Reply 15 of 6167, by stbunny

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Playing Goody now. 😎

P55T2P4, Intel Pentium 133MHz, 32Mb EDO, S3 Virge 325, YMF-719s + SC-55, AHA-2940U2W, ST39175LW, UltraPlex40Max, Opti USB PCI, Sony CPD-G400P 19"

Reply 16 of 6167, by SpooferJahk

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These are the games I have been playing recently:

Silent Hill 2 (The almighty PC port, got it as a present for myself since it was my birthday recently)
Darius Gaiden
G Darius
Raiden Fighters (Got the Raiden Legacy pack on GOG.com recently)
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Quake and its mission packs (Trying to beat them on hard, finished normal Quake already)
Doom (Particularly random level sets with the Brutal Doom mod)
Eojjeonji Joheun Il-i Saenggil Geot Gateun Jeonyeok (Obscure, at least in the United Sates where I reside, DOS Beat-Em-Up that is just awesome)

Reply 18 of 6167, by Splinter

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Forsaken and Motorhead on the 'upgraded' PII 266.

Main rig Ryzen 2600X Strix RX580 32GB RAM
Secondary rig FX8350 GTX960 16GB RAM

Reply 19 of 6167, by badmojo

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Rank l33t

Some excellent games - Sanitarium is a classic, particularly in the early stages. And Daggerfall is one that I plan to have a red hot go at one day when I have the time.

I've finished with 4D Sports Boxing for now. It was great fun but has balancing issue - far too easy for the first 3/4, and then way too hard for the last 1/4. My fighter worked his way to #3, but the last 2 NPC fighters are way overpowered. And there's a 40 fight maximum on a fighter before they're retired, so you can't just keeping leveling up to match the maxed out stats of "the champ".

Next up for me is Tomb Raider (the first one). This was inspired by a good review in CGW which I read recently, and vetz' excellent thread on Voodoo2 DOS glide compatibility. I'll be playing on a P166MMX + Creative 3D blaster, so have downloaded the relevant patch and will give it a go shortly.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.