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Reply 5580 of 6167, by dr_st

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Law212 wrote on 2023-12-12, 18:00:

I started a playthrough of Doom for the 30th anniversary. I intend to play through Ultimate Doom, then Sigil and Sigil 2 on my pentium 233.

That actually sounds like fun! I've played through Sigil when it came out and have played random Doom levels here and there, but it's been a long while since I've played one of the original episodes in full...

Which difficulty are you playing on, and which source port? (I assume at least for Sigil you need something limit-removing)

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Reply 5581 of 6167, by Law212

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dr_st wrote on 2023-12-12, 22:17:
Law212 wrote on 2023-12-12, 18:00:

I started a playthrough of Doom for the 30th anniversary. I intend to play through Ultimate Doom, then Sigil and Sigil 2 on my pentium 233.

That actually sounds like fun! I've played through Sigil when it came out and have played random Doom levels here and there, but it's been a long while since I've played one of the original episodes in full...

Which difficulty are you playing on, and which source port? (I assume at least for Sigil you need something limit-removing)

I'm just using the Ultimate Doom CD for windows. When you start it up you have an option to load a WAD and I just load up the Sigil WAD.
Previously I was playing GZDoom and just dragged the Sigil wad onto the .exe to start it up, but this time I want to play it on my pentium. I tested Sigil just to see if it works and it does.
Once I finish Doom and both Sigils, I plan to play through Doom 2 (which will be the first time ever) and then on to Final doom and the master levels.

Reply 5582 of 6167, by Law212

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I have noticed a bug in Ultimate Doom. Invisible Pinkys are glowing a pink fuzzy colour and are super easy to see

Reply 5583 of 6167, by xcomcmdr

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I completed recently Ashes: 2603 and Ashes Afterglow

https://www.moddb.com/mods/ashes-2063/downloa … one-version-101

The best post apocalyptic FPS/RPG hybrid I played in a very long time. With a kick ass soundtrack heavily inspired by the music of John Carpenter, lots of side quests and choices, a very intriguing plot, fascinating world building, excellent gun play, competent voice acting, and it's all for FREE.

The prequel and sequel are what's on the table in the next few years, and I'm totally hooked !

There's also a mini intermission campaign called Dead Man Walking which I somehow missed. I'll gladly play it soon.

But not too soon or else I'll have post-game depression again, and that sucks HARD.

Reply 5584 of 6167, by Joseph_Joestar

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Finished the GDI campaign of C&C 2: Tiberian Sun. Some of the later missions dragged on a bit too much, especially the one where an Ion Storm is active and your map doesn't work. Hunting down the last of the cloaked units in such conditions was very tedious. The final mission was kinda interesting with the expanding map, but ultimately, I just built 40+ Titans and steamrolled everything. 😁 The secluded island that couldn't be reached by land required an Ion Cannon blast on the Obelisk, followed by some careful maneuvering of the Carryall to drop in a Mammoth Mk2, and then have it lay waste to everything there.

Some general comments on the gameplay. Harvesters seem to bring in fewer credits per load than in the original C&C. Previously, you could get by with 1-2 Tiberium Refineries. Now, you need 4-5 to maintain a stable economy while churning out dozens of powerful units. Having a blue tiberium field nearby can slightly offset this, but it still feels like the gameplay was deliberately slowed down.

The GDI Disruptor tanks are weird. You either have to use them by themselves, or constantly micromanage unit placement, since they can damage your own troops (except for other Disruptors). Even worse, their beams can light up blue tiberium. Despite their huge damage potential, I almost never used them, and just stuck with the Titans.

Overall, it was nice to replay this, but my perspective from back in the day hasn't changed. Tiberian Sun is still less appealing to me than the original C&C, not to mention RA1. That said, I do want to finish the NOD campaign and the expansion for completeness sake, so I will soldier on.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 5585 of 6167, by zuldan

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Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2023-12-14, 13:15:
Finished the GDI campaign of C&C 2: Tiberian Sun. Some of the later missions dragged on a bit too much, especially the one where […]
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Finished the GDI campaign of C&C 2: Tiberian Sun. Some of the later missions dragged on a bit too much, especially the one where an Ion Storm is active and your map doesn't work. Hunting down the last of the cloaked units in such conditions was very tedious. The final mission was kinda interesting with the expanding map, but ultimately, I just built 40+ Titans and steamrolled everything. 😁 The secluded island that couldn't be reached by land required an Ion Cannon blast on the Obelisk, followed by some careful maneuvering of the Carryall to drop in a Mammoth Mk2, and then have it lay waste to everything there.

Some general comments on the gameplay. Harvesters seem to bring in fewer credits per load than in the original C&C. Previously, you could get by with 1-2 Tiberium Refineries. Now, you need 4-5 to maintain a stable economy while churning out dozens of powerful units. Having a blue tiberium field nearby can slightly offset this, but it still feels like the gameplay was deliberately slowed down.

The GDI Disruptor tanks are weird. You either have to use them by themselves, or constantly micromanage unit placement, since they can damage your own troops (except for other Disruptors). Even worse, their beams can light up blue tiberium. Despite their huge damage potential, I almost never used them, and just stuck with the Titans.

Overall, it was nice to replay this, but my perspective from back in the day hasn't changed. Tiberian Sun is still less appealing to me than the original C&C, not to mention RA1. That said, I do want to finish the NOD campaign and the expansion for completeness sake, so I will soldier on.

So good to see people still playing these awesome games. I have so many fond memories of going to LAN parties (deathmatches) in the 90's. We used to play C&C for hours and hours until our eyes couldn't stay open anymore.

Reply 5586 of 6167, by Joseph_Joestar

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zuldan wrote on 2023-12-15, 02:47:

So good to see people still playing these awesome games. I have so many fond memories of going to LAN parties (deathmatches) in the 90's. We used to play C&C for hours and hours until our eyes couldn't stay open anymore.

Heh, I used to occasionally play the original C&C (and especially Red Alert 1) with my buddies via dial-up modem back in the day. That might be one of the reasons why I still prefer those games to the later entries in the series.

In contrast, Tiberian Sun multiplayer wasn't all that popular among my peers. Around that time, everyone was playing StarCraft, Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 5587 of 6167, by Deano

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Started playing (and streaming) Call Of Cthulhu: Shadow Of The Comet. I had it back in the day (I think the CD version) whilst now I'm playing the floppy version, which means no mouse (surprising very usable) and no voice lines.
I think the 286-12Mhz I'm playing on might be a little slow for it but its an adventure game so the odd pause or the music slowing down transitioning screens isn't really a problem.

Game dev since last century

Reply 5588 of 6167, by CrazyCatman

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Few days ago I picked up Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (2010) which I had started December 2021 but didn't play since, although I was about half way through the base game (2009). Been giving it a couple of hours each day for the last couple of days and it have some good things and some bad things.
I've never been really into the Resident Evil series, I did play a very little on PlayStation, but it never really caught me to be honest. I mainly played RE5 in 2021 during a challenge where we should play a range of hundred games based on a databases rating and could either complete the game or play five hours; I managed the five hours from December 30th-31st just in time for ending the year, and had plans to continue the next year but never got to as I had an already premade list of games that I was going to play and 2022 was a year full of events in my life so my time was very limited.

So many computers, so little time...

Reply 5589 of 6167, by appiah4

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Deano wrote on 2023-12-15, 06:57:

Started playing (and streaming) Call Of Cthulhu: Shadow Of The Comet. I had it back in the day (I think the CD version) whilst now I'm playing the floppy version, which means no mouse (surprising very usable) and no voice lines.
I think the 286-12Mhz I'm playing on might be a little slow for it but its an adventure game so the odd pause or the music slowing down transitioning screens isn't really a problem.

I watched a longplay of this game by Accursed Farms once and it was weird to put it simply.

I think Prisoner of Ice is a much better CoC adventure game than this, try it next if you haven't played it.

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Reply 5590 of 6167, by dr_st

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Started replaying Rayman 2 for the PC to help a friend evaluate the quality of his Russian translation.

Still in the middle of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, playing it leisurely - a level here, and episode there...

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 5591 of 6167, by twiz11

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Law212 wrote on 2023-12-12, 18:00:

I started a playthrough of Doom for the 30th anniversary. I intend to play through Ultimate Doom, then Sigil and Sigil 2 on my pentium 233.

its been so long since doom graced us, im 31 and i feel old as f,

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Reply 5592 of 6167, by leileilol

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What I did for a Doom 30th is to UV through the 32X version.

....why the looks?

long live PCem

Reply 5593 of 6167, by Bruninho

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I started save games of managerial games like F1 Manager “96 and Championship Manager 99/00. This style of game is one of my favorites

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 5594 of 6167, by BitWrangler

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I somehow got temporarily hooked on sports management sims on the Amiga back in the day, forget even how I ended up with one, because it wasn't something I would have thought of buying.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 5595 of 6167, by clueless1

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Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession
I'm getting close to the end, with almost 37 hours of gameplay into it so far. I'm about to head to the Undead Forest, which is apparently the second to last map of the game. Currently finishing up in the Old Church, Lower Level 2, and I came across some coded manuscripts. It took me a minute to remember that I had been given a Scrying Glass a little earlier in the game. I took a week off of playing, and it'd been a couple of weeks since I'd gotten that item, so I didn't remember at first. But once I did, then I had to figure out how to use the scrying glass on the manuscript. You give both items to one party member, put the glass in one hand, and the manuscript in the other, then click on the manuscript to pull up this screen:

The attachment ravenloft3.jpg is no longer available

This was actually really cool. A really nice technological touch from a game that overall is a little behind the curve for a 1994 DOS game. I'm looking forward to completing this game, I hope it doesn't get too hard at the very end, being real-time clickfest combat. So far, it's been very fair, with elegant solutions to difficult enemies. For example, using Turn Undead on Stone Golems to make an otherwise impossible combat easy.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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Reply 5596 of 6167, by xcomcmdr

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leileilol wrote on 2023-12-16, 04:16:

What I did for a Doom 30th is to UV through the 32X version.

....why the looks?

The 32X is honestly the best console port at the time !

Was it the original or the recently modded 32X Doom ROM ?

Reply 5597 of 6167, by Joseph_Joestar

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Started playing the NOD campaign in C&C 2: Tiberian Sun. Kinda sucks that you're fighting NOD opponents during the first couple of missions, but I guess it makes sense plot wise. I think I actually like the NOD cinematics better than the GDI ones. The "Kane lives!" FMV is as amusing as ever. They did cheapen out on the end of mission animations though. I got like five identical ones in a row where those three NOD soldiers are raising a flag.

I'm not too far in yet, but I am starting to feel NOD's lack of powerful units. The Tick Tanks are kinda meh, and I often don't have the patience to deploy them. They do the job in large numbers, it just makes the gameplay even slower. I do like the Cyborgs for cleaning up enemy infantry. They are heavily armored and regenerate health in tiberium fields, which makes them quite durable.

As this is dragging on a bit much, I might leave the Firestorm expansion for a later date. I had my fill of RTS gaming during the GDI missions. If the NOD campaign is just as long, it will be a slug fest. Guess I had more patience for these things as a kid.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 5598 of 6167, by xcomcmdr

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I just begun Final Fantasy IX (Steam version) for the very first time.

I hope it's as good as Lost Odyssey on the good ol' Xbox 360. 😀

Reply 5599 of 6167, by Joseph_Joestar

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xcomcmdr wrote on 2023-12-16, 15:56:

I just begun Final Fantasy IX (Steam version) for the very first time.

It's a great game. Around 5-6 years ago, I replayed it using an original PlayStation connected to a huge 29" Trinitron CRT. It was gorgeous. The gameplay mechanics are superb, and the story is expertly crafted as well. I'm not sure how the Steam port fares though, since I know SQEnix blurred the heck out of the FF7 area backgrounds and censored some stuff in FF8 when they ported those.

I hope it's as good as Lost Odyssey on the good ol' Xbox 360. 😀

I just got Lost Odyssey since I recently bought a (second hand) Xbox 360. From everything I've heard about that game, I'm definitively looking forward to it.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi