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Reply 5720 of 6167, by xcomcmdr

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I begun Touhou Artificial Dream in Academia

It's like a Shin Megami Tensei game (from the SNES era) and Touhou Project had a baby. Played a few minutes, and I'm already in love with the gameplay, music, and pixel art. It's a Windows game (at least on Steam), but while it doesn't work with Proton, it works very well with Wine (v8.0.1, at least), and my Xbox360 controller is recognized.

I was made aware of this game thanks to this video from one of my favorite youtubers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Et4AALT_PM

I usually just watch the video, but when I heard that it was a new game, I had to get it.
(I cannot watch it until I finish the game. I'm going blind. 😀 )
Playing this on Linux Xubuntu with a Windows 95 total conversion theme of Xfce (called Chicago95) on a small Thinkpad T460 laptop with kind of crappy speakers really makes me go back to 1996. 😁


Reply 5721 of 6167, by predator_085

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I have started Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine yesteday for the second time. Unlike my first try on modern hardware the games runs really well on my p3 800mhz voodoo 3 3000 apg machine. There are no freezes this time which made me quit the game on my modern ryzen gaming pc.

The game itself is pretty neat. Despite the fact that game is more slowly and clunky to play than the original Tomb Raider games I still like it much more. Have always been more a Indy Fan than a Lara Croft fan.

The game represents the source material pretty well and the atmosphere is quite convincing .

I also really love the fact that you can save everywhere unlike in the Indy game that come after it ( it is called the Emperor's Tomb I believe)

The graphics are not state of the art for an early 2000 game (even some earlier games like Drakan looked better) but they look nice enough to represent the Source material in a faithful way.

Reply 5722 of 6167, by Cyberdyne

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I have a short attention span. So like really like the arsthetic of that Planet X3. But just can not get in to it. Make a simple game. Action. Arcade. Platformer. Maybe even adventure. Or even some simple mouse controlled RTS. Main problem with new modern DOS games. They are too sophisticated and inteligent or somekind of 70/80s simple nostalgia trip.

I am aroused about any X86 motherboard that has full functional ISA slot. I think i have problem. Not really into that original (Turbo) XT,286,386 and CGA/EGA stuff. So just a DOS nut.
PS. If I upload RAR, it is a 16-bit DOS RAR Version 2.50.

Reply 5723 of 6167, by henryVK

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Cyberdyne wrote on 2024-02-05, 07:46:

I have a short attention span. So like really like the arsthetic of that Planet X3. But just can not get in to it. Make a simple game. Action. Arcade. Platformer. Maybe even adventure. Or even some simple mouse controlled RTS. Main problem with new modern DOS games. They are too sophisticated and inteligent or somekind of 70/80s simple nostalgia trip.

Have you checked out David Murray's other game, Petscii Robots? I haven't played it yet but it looks like an arcade puzzle game: https://www.the8bitguy.com/product/petscii-robots-for-msdos/

Every once in a while I go to itch.io to check out new MS DOS compatible games. If you are looking for something simpley, maybe try Slipspeed: https://voxel.itch.io/slipspeed

I recently found this simple dungeon crawler called Latern Light: https://conradtrout.itch.io/lantern-light

This platformer here looks promising but I haven't played it: https://clovergruff.itch.io/project-clover

The Curse of Rabenstein is a very simple text adventure with nice VGA graphics: https://8bitgames.itch.io/rabenstein

Reply 5724 of 6167, by Cyberdyne

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Rank Oldbie

Lets just say that REMOVED still for now does not have Petsci Robots.

But those other games look nice. Project Clover looks exactly what I am talking about. Simple game. Nice late 90s pre 3D graphics aestetics.

Tnx HenryVK.

Last edited by DosFreak on 2024-02-09, 03:08. Edited 1 time in total.

I am aroused about any X86 motherboard that has full functional ISA slot. I think i have problem. Not really into that original (Turbo) XT,286,386 and CGA/EGA stuff. So just a DOS nut.
PS. If I upload RAR, it is a 16-bit DOS RAR Version 2.50.

Reply 5725 of 6167, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie

Fallout New Vegas - nearly complete, just a few steps from final decisions

the game itself is great, lots of variety and lots of NPCs and most of the time the faction perception of you works. I liked that companions had their own quest lines in addition to the many factions quest lines and side quests, it seems at some points that every conversation launches a new quest! There is a huge amount to do.

gameplay is improved over fallout 3 in terms of things you can do, the crafting potential and so on. I think overall I prefer the environment of fallout 3 though still much appreciated new vegas even though it did at times feel less post apocalyptic and more 'new civilisation' which i suppose it does qualify for. I also preferred the story in fallout 3, it seemed more fundamental somehow - to get healthy water; more like a people slowly coming back from apocalypse. The seeming abundance of plants and fresh water in NV seems luxurious by comparison. Overall great and while i see it as very repayable i only do RPGs to enjoy rather than to try every variation, so don't see myself playing as evil or legion supported or whatever

also played the DLCs

Dead Money - difficult, confusing map to begin with and irritating explosive collar mechanic but pretty good story and interesting characters make up for that
Honest Hearts - enjoyed this a lot, liked the companions and enjoyed exploring (and plenty to eat there!) plus the major NPCs added interesting back story and depth
Old World Blues - seemed to be played for laughs, so much so that i couldn't take anything to do with it, or any reference to it, seriously. Hence I didn't care about the plot or NPCs at all, the Sink is overpowered as base but its impressive, at least the toaster is funny...
Lonesome Road - fairly linear but interesting enough locations and so forth, that other courier talks for hours it seems.... good enough to play through though

Reply 5726 of 6167, by Law212

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I started playing Medal of Honor and Hellgate London on my Pentium 4. I have played Hellgate before but never got far. I plan to finish it this time.
I have never played a Medal of Honor game before .

Reply 5727 of 6167, by henryVK

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Cyberdyne wrote on 2024-02-05, 10:03:

Lets just say that REMOVED still for now does not have Petsci Robots.

But those other games look nice. Project Clover looks exactly what I am talking about. Simple game. Nice late 90s pre 3D graphics aestetics.

Tnx HenryVK.

Is money an issue? I'll be happy to donate you the 10$ if you are that hard up.

Reply 5728 of 6167, by RandomStranger

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Rank Oldbie
gerry wrote on 2024-02-07, 16:28:
Fallout New Vegas - nearly complete, just a few steps from final decisions […]
Show full quote

Fallout New Vegas - nearly complete, just a few steps from final decisions

the game itself is great, lots of variety and lots of NPCs and most of the time the faction perception of you works. I liked that companions had their own quest lines in addition to the many factions quest lines and side quests, it seems at some points that every conversation launches a new quest! There is a huge amount to do.

gameplay is improved over fallout 3 in terms of things you can do, the crafting potential and so on. I think overall I prefer the environment of fallout 3 though still much appreciated new vegas even though it did at times feel less post apocalyptic and more 'new civilisation' which i suppose it does qualify for. I also preferred the story in fallout 3, it seemed more fundamental somehow - to get healthy water; more like a people slowly coming back from apocalypse. The seeming abundance of plants and fresh water in NV seems luxurious by comparison. Overall great and while i see it as very repayable i only do RPGs to enjoy rather than to try every variation, so don't see myself playing as evil or legion supported or whatever

also played the DLCs

Dead Money - difficult, confusing map to begin with and irritating explosive collar mechanic but pretty good story and interesting characters make up for that
Honest Hearts - enjoyed this a lot, liked the companions and enjoyed exploring (and plenty to eat there!) plus the major NPCs added interesting back story and depth
Old World Blues - seemed to be played for laughs, so much so that i couldn't take anything to do with it, or any reference to it, seriously. Hence I didn't care about the plot or NPCs at all, the Sink is overpowered as base but its impressive, at least the toaster is funny...
Lonesome Road - fairly linear but interesting enough locations and so forth, that other courier talks for hours it seems.... good enough to play through though

Yeah, it's a great game. My biggest issues that the pacifist ending is garbage.

For it's world, Fallout 3 is the odd one. 200 years after the war and the world is still a burning junk yard. NV's world builds on Fallout 1&2, so it makes sense that there are actually functioning government(s) and something resembling food and water security.

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 5729 of 6167, by Cyberdyne

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henryVK wrote on 2024-02-09, 10:20:
Cyberdyne wrote on 2024-02-05, 10:03:

Lets just say that REMOVED still for now does not have Petsci Robots.

But those other games look nice. Project Clover looks exactly what I am talking about. Simple game. Nice late 90s pre 3D graphics aestetics.

Tnx HenryVK.

Is money an issue? I'll be happy to donate you the 10$ if you are that hard up.

1.Is it kinda easier to order a copy of digital petsci robot and send me the link. If you want to help so so mutch. 😁

2.Problem is not the money, more of an hobby to scavenge REMOVED, REMOVED, REMOVED, REMOVED, REMOVED, REMOVED for interesting stuff.

I am aroused about any X86 motherboard that has full functional ISA slot. I think i have problem. Not really into that original (Turbo) XT,286,386 and CGA/EGA stuff. So just a DOS nut.
PS. If I upload RAR, it is a 16-bit DOS RAR Version 2.50.

Reply 5730 of 6167, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie
RandomStranger wrote on 2024-02-09, 12:30:
gerry wrote on 2024-02-07, 16:28:

Fallout New Vegas ..

Yeah, it's a great game. My biggest issues that the pacifist ending is garbage.

For it's world, Fallout 3 is the odd one. 200 years after the war and the world is still a burning junk yard. NV's world builds on Fallout 1&2, so it makes sense that there are actually functioning government(s) and something resembling food and water security.

which is the pacifist ending?

true about fallout 3, i really like the setting but it does seem like it ought to be nearer the apocalypse in time. places like rivet city, megaton and the capital areas with the wreckage do have a really good apocalyptic feel while the towns in nv are in some way more realistic

Reply 5731 of 6167, by RandomStranger

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Rank Oldbie
gerry wrote on 2024-02-12, 08:51:
RandomStranger wrote on 2024-02-09, 12:30:
gerry wrote on 2024-02-07, 16:28:

Fallout New Vegas ..

Yeah, it's a great game. My biggest issues that the pacifist ending is garbage.

For it's world, Fallout 3 is the odd one. 200 years after the war and the world is still a burning junk yard. NV's world builds on Fallout 1&2, so it makes sense that there are actually functioning government(s) and something resembling food and water security.

which is the pacifist ending?

It's when you talk the last boss into retreat rather then fighting him. There is no other requirements than to have a speech skill of 100 (or close enough so you can boost it with consumables and wearables).

In comparison for example in Fallout 1 you needed to find a specific piece of data, take it to someone to analyze it and have the findings on your person when you confront the last boss all this on top of having high enough stats (intelligence and speech).

In the original Fallout the diplomatic/pacifist ending is something you have to prepare for. In NV something you can choose in the last second (because likely all your skills will be nearly maxed out by the end anyway).

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 5732 of 6167, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie
RandomStranger wrote on 2024-02-12, 09:59:

It's when you talk the last boss into retreat rather then fighting him. There is no other requirements than to have a speech skill of 100 (or close enough so you can boost it with consumables and wearables).

ah yes, read a skill magazine and world peace follows! if only real life was that simple. such outcomes should indeed only follow significant build ups. nv is prone to 'speech solves everything', whether by special, skills, affiliation or specifically the speech skill. its a nice emulation of how knowledge and influence sways things but at times its just a bit too powerful

Reply 5733 of 6167, by RandomStranger

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Rank Oldbie
gerry wrote on 2024-02-12, 14:22:
RandomStranger wrote on 2024-02-12, 09:59:

It's when you talk the last boss into retreat rather then fighting him. There is no other requirements than to have a speech skill of 100 (or close enough so you can boost it with consumables and wearables).

ah yes, read a skill magazine and world peace follows!

Only if it was that nonsensical. Imagine walking up to the Legate as the representative of the NCR, the organization he already think is dekadent... under the influence of drugs wearing lingerie 😁

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 5734 of 6167, by StriderTR

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Just got done re-playing Serious Sam 4, again, with mods. 😀

Love the entire Serious series!

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Reply 5735 of 6167, by Demetrio

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After ~2 months, resumed my Unreal campaign again 😅

Playing it on P2 400MHz + 3Dfx Voodoo2.

Reply 5736 of 6167, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie
Demetrio wrote on 2024-02-14, 11:14:

After ~2 months, resumed my Unreal campaign again 😅

Playing it on P2 400MHz + 3Dfx Voodoo2.

it does look good on that monitor... i dont have any crts now and mostly dont miss them, but there's a little nostalgia rush seeing that

Reply 5737 of 6167, by dr_st

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Rank l33t
gerry wrote on 2024-02-14, 11:34:

it does look good on that monitor... i dont have any crts now and mostly dont miss them, but there's a little nostalgia rush seeing that

Indeed. Looks almost like looking through a window to the outside. Nice photo angle. 😀

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 5738 of 6167, by Demetrio

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gerry wrote on 2024-02-14, 11:34:
Demetrio wrote on 2024-02-14, 11:14:

After ~2 months, resumed my Unreal campaign again 😅

Playing it on P2 400MHz + 3Dfx Voodoo2.

it does look good on that monitor... i dont have any crts now and mostly dont miss them, but there's a little nostalgia rush seeing that

Yeah, I always use CRTs for '90s build, as I find that games with lower resolutions look better on them 😀
Moreover, by using CRTs I maintain period accuracy 😁

Reply 5739 of 6167, by Law212

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Hi all, I'm playing Max Payne 1 on my pentium 3. I hope to finish the game for the first time ever. I had installed this a hwile back and had this issue with blurry text previously and i managed to fix it before, but I dont remember what I did. I'm having the same issue now and its very annoying. Anyone know what the issue is?
I'm playing on a voodoo 3 2000
